In this room, almost all memories are related to this man!

All of them made her feel bad and shameless, but she could not escape.


When Fu Jinyan's body just crossed Tang Jinshe's face, Tang Jinshe was suddenly brought into the sofa by a long arm before he could relax!

Breathing in the moment of stagnation, hanging in the side of the fist tight and tight, leaving no space.

The color of blood on a small face has faded for the most part.

However, Fu Jin Yan, who was taking off Tang Jinshe's coat with his hand, did not see these movements


Three minutes later.

After confirming that there was no obvious injury to Tang Jinshe, Fu Jin Yan's cold face was a little relaxed.

A stream of turbid Qi was also excreted from his chest

No injuries.

After seeing this woman go to the drugstore, Fu Jin Yan was very upset.

Tang Jinse is a stubborn man.

Usually small illness small disaster, never willing to say to people easily.

Many of her discomfort, or after careful observation of their own know.

For example, when she was in high school, she had a stomachache. She never said it to her parents or to Tang Xiao.

Or I've been watching women wring their eyebrows and covering their stomachs before I realized that I would not be sent to the hospital for medical treatment.

Then it was diagnosed as chronic gastritis.

It turns out that in order to save money to go to the concert, a woman can insist on not eating breakfast for more than a month.

Knowing this, I was very angry with Fu Jin Yan.

Later, Fu Jinyan would stare at Tang Jinshe's breakfast every morning to make sure that the woman ate it before giving up.

As for the concert Tang wanted to see, Fu Jinyan bought the best seats.

Just to satisfy women's desire to pursue stars.

Just to satisfy women's little willfulness.

Therefore, Fu Jin Yan has a deep eye on Tang Jinshe's going to the drugstore.

It's necessary to make sure that the woman doesn't seem to have any trauma. Only after the internal injury, can she let go a little.


Fu Jinyan's eyes narrowed after a meal.

This woman has a faint taste of bergamot, which he is very familiar with!

because this is the perfume that duo often wears when the cuckold is fighting for it.

The satchel, it smells bad.

Taste vulgar!

Thinking of this, Fu Jinyan twisted his eyebrows and said, "go to the bathroom and wash."

"Don't leave any trace Smell! "



How can oneself have peculiar smell?

It smells good

Tang Jin se does not love to apply perfume to his body intentionally.

Occasionally it's the smell of body wash and shampoo.

Tang Jinshe was stunned at first, then opened his eyes and let go of his mouth: "I'll go right away."

Words fall, she then gets up quickly to break away from the shackles of man's arm, escape also seems to run to the direction of toilet.

Let her wash everything

Just don't let her stay here again!

To be able to hide for a while is at least to prepare her.

In the bathroom with the door closed, there was a sound of water rushing

On the sofa in the living room, Fu Jinyan looked at his left hand, which had been pushed hard just now. His face, which was thin and cold, was a little more irritated at the moment.

He runs faster than a rabbit. Is someone chasing him or does Fu Jin Yan look like he can eat people?

Dare to push him?

Does he make her want to stay away from her and touch her!

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