Tang Jinshe thought so, but suddenly thought.

In the gaze, there are also some doubts

However, at the dinner party today, she didn't seem to see Fu Jinyan's father coming. Only Yu Zhenni, as the chief parent of Fu's family, attended the important occasion alone.

"Get out of here!"


"How far is it to take your suitcase, how far is it to roll, and you will never come back if you have the ability..."


Before, she remembered that when she went to Fu's house to find Fu Jinyan, she could often hear the quarrel from the second floor.

At that time, she didn't think there was anything. She thought it was normal that there were some quarrels between husband and wife. After all, her parents often quarreled for little things.

But she later understood that it was an accident, a normal phenomenon

If you can hear the quarrel of two people every time you go, isn't it beyond the standard line of quarrel that normal couples should have?

"Brother Jin Yan, why did Uncle and aunt quarrel again?"


"Why do they quarrel?"

"Because I don't like it."


"Put on your headphones and you won't hear anything."


Then, her ears were plugged into the headphones, leaving only a piece of melodious songs, no more than half of the quarrels from upstairs.

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe takes back some thoughts floating far away, and her eyes move.

Is it because of this that Fu Jinyan smoked outside to relieve his depression?

The relationship between the two parents has been at loggerheads for a long time. His father is often absent from his life. Even if the annual meeting is only held once a year, his father still fails to attend, and his whereabouts are uncertain

No wonder Fu Jinyan is disappointed and sad.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Stop stop


What is she thinking about?

Disappointed and sad?

Fu Jinyan is disappointed and sad What does it have to do with her?

Do you need her to worry about these things!

All of a sudden, Tang chin se frowned and shook his head abruptly. He was very disgusted with his worrying appearance.

At the beginning, she didn't take care of this. Now, she is not qualified to be involved in this kind of thing

Who is Fu Jinyan? He is the president of the grand age group. These things can't cause any trouble to him!


But Tang Jinshe didn't know, at that time, she was attracted by the unknown, and she wanted to approach and pry, for what reason. This answer can only be found one day in the future.

Those thoughts that had been implanted in her mind, the more she wanted to abandon them, the more difficult it was to get rid of them.

Looking at the man standing alone on the balcony, Tang Jinshe tightened the belt of his nightgown, then raised his eyes slightly, hesitated a little, and finally approached the man's direction.

"Stop smoking. It's bad for the lungs."

Accompanied by the cold feeling of flowing in from the window, Tang Jinshe's slightly restrained voice also sounded.

Fu Jin Yan was stunned when he heard the words, so did his smoking.

"And now it's getting cold. Don't blow too much cold. It's easy to catch a cold."

Seeing the cold feeling on the balcony, which is obviously different from the warmth in the house, Tang Jinshe can't help shrinking her neck.

In the past, Fu Jinyan always used to warm his baby with hot milk and hot water bags in winter, which was delicious and delicious, and very warm to support his behavior

After all, she pulled out a smile at the corner of her lips, and then she whispered: "besides, I saw that you didn't eat at night, just drank wine Would you mind if I go to the kitchen and serve you some noodles? So the stomach won't be so upset... "

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