It's just like paying off the debt.

Although Tang Jinshe knew that if she really cared about it, she had too much debt of affection in Fu Jinyan, which was not clear at the moment

But even so, it was her heart.

She once got too much at Fu Jin Yan's, but now she has to return one by one. Maybe in the end, the two of them can still keep a relationship that they don't owe each other or hate each other.

"Brother Jin Yan, my hand is cold. Put it in your pocket and cover it?"

"The heating at home is broken. Shall I go to your house tonight to rub it?"

"I want to eat hot pot, you make it for me..."

"It's so warm."

"Keke, brother Jin Yan, tomorrow is the exam. Can you give me the key point?"

"The best brother Jin Yan in the world, the most handsome brother Jin Yan in the world and the most charming brother Jin Yan in the world. In a word, the unique brother Jin Yan in the world is only brother Jin Yan who belongs to Tang Jinshe alone. Please help me and make a point for me..."

"My God, brother Jin Yan, you are so powerful. Do you know? All the points you have planned have been passed the examination. What can I do? I'm so excited. Am I going to go against the attack? "

"Hum, I'm the best, isn't it? Brother Jin Yan is the best. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have scored well in the exam, hahaha."

"No matter, let me laugh for three hours."


Memories are sweet, reality is bitter, Tang Jin se pursed lips, always feel the tip of the tongue slightly astringent.

Looking at the little woman standing in front of her, her eyes slightly drooping, and looking at each other, Fu Jin Yan stopped smoking in the middle of the air, and then went on.

A handsome face, still look indifferent, but the bottom of my heart, but has already turned over the waves!

Don't smoke

Don't blow cold

Give him the following

This woman is concerned about him, worried?

Fu Jin Yan suddenly reaches out and clasps Tang Jin SE's small hand, then pulls the woman into the bedroom and throws her on the soft big bed.

Realize what may happen, the whole person is stiff and numb, Tang Jinshe's eyes are closed tightly, his eyelashes are slightly quivering

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"

This is the real appearance of Tang Jinshe.

As soon as I get close to her and touch her, she will straighten up.

Fear yourself.


Treat yourself as a monster.

There is no care and love. There are fears.

What cares about him is that he is being amorous!



Then he will show her what is the real frightening existence!

"Don chin se, when can you stop pretending?"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe saw a man with a hook on his lips and an undisguised mockery at the bottom of his eyes.


Won't he continue?

Tang Jinshe doesn't know how to make fu Jinyan angry.

Clearly do not struggle, fully cooperate.

It's just that you can't control the shaking of your body.

It was instinctive fear of the Fu Jin Yan deep in body.

Tang Jinshe bit his lips and his tongue trembled. He didn't know what to say. The face of a man was cold and his eyes were dazzling. Tang Jinshe didn't know how to open his mouth.

At the sight of Fu Jin Yan, Tang Jin se trembled with fear, like a child who did something wrong.

The moon is fading, and the sky outside is black without a trace of light.

Just like Tang Jinshe, who is helpless at the moment, can't find a foothold of his own.

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