Fear and pain, wrapped her in it, desperate to see no hope!

There is only endless pain left.

Pain from the depths of the body.

And men's torture of their own verbal and spiritual complaints.

It's cruel.


In the bedroom, the light is dim.

Looking at the white ceiling, Tang Jinshe's hand slightly twitches from the side of his body. It seems that only in this way can the pain from the palm be relieved!

Maybe she was too nervous, too hard, and accidentally pinched her hand with her fingernails.

So when her nerves relax now, she will feel the pain in the palm

"Stay away from Du Hengsheng in the future."

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Why do you mention Du Hengsheng?

The man's voice came from one side, wrapped in a familiar smell of tobacco. Tang Jinshe's eyes were sluggish, but he could not bear the feeling of nausea that was about to burst out from his chest without making a sound.

She doesn't smoke and doesn't get used to the smell.

In normal social activities, we also pay great attention to standing and sitting, try to stagger with the direction of the smoke ring, avoid breathing too much second-hand smoke, thus causing five senses and physical discomfort

So just now on the balcony, when she swallowed the small half of the cigarette ring, her heart would give out such a strong sense of resistance.

Tumbling stomach, choking throat

It was like wandering around on the edge of suffocation. Every time she recalled it, she felt that her chest was blocked and out of breath!

The point is, he didn't smoke


"Now that you are my lover, you must keep it in mind and abide by it."

A cigarette is exhausted, Fu Jinyan, leaning on the head of the bed, said again.

He stretched out his hand and wrung out the residual smoke in the transparent ashtray on the bedside table. His black eyes narrowed slightly, inexplicably showing a bit of gnashing teeth.

But these, looking straight ahead of Tang Jinshe did not notice.

In my heart, I was thinking, what kind of demon is this man doing?

As everyone knows, she and Du Hengsheng are now in a cooperative relationship, and there are many places for them to communicate in the future. Moreover, she wants to take advantage of the Dongfeng of Hengsheng international to make Tang's rise to a higher level, so

How can she stay away from Du Hengsheng?


Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe sipped some dry lips and tried to say something, but the words rushed to her throat, but she swallowed them all.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that she would provoke the man to anger again after saying these words carelessly.

She really didn't want to experience the drowning feeling of being tossed like a dead fish, constantly turning over and breaking her body.

"Because I don't like women who smell like other men. It's your duty!"

Finally, Fu added coldly.

It's like explaining something, or hiding something

Fu Jin's serious appearance, cold and tense expression, seems not to accept any complaints and rebuttals.

Men are born with dignity and decisiveness, which makes people think that men seem to be superior and powerful.

Tang Jinshe was shocked when he heard the words, and his distracted eyes gradually became the focus. Some unbearable memories overlapped with the present situation again.

It turns out that in the living room, after Fu Jinyan took off her coat, she suddenly stopped, and then asked her to go to the bathroom to wash it, and told her not to leave a trace of peculiar smell

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