That's why?

Because she was smelled by other men, she was kept away from Du Hengsheng?

This man 's lust for cleanliness and possession is not a general exaggeration.

It's really to the point of finger pointing.

However, Tang did not dare to say or ask.

After all, in K City, Fu Jinyan is heaven.



Tang Jinshe pulled the bitter corners of his lips, then took a deep breath, turned his head and said in a stiff voice, "OK, I will pay attention to it later, and keep a distance from President Du."

"It must be It will not make fu feel unhappy. "

The man's side face is as cold as ice, and as far away as Meidai, far away.

And just to her ruthless extrusion, wanton ravage

In stark contrast.

Think of here, Tang Jin se Mou color one dark, again open mouth way: "I go to toilet to take a bath."

She has more important things to do than the discomfort from her sticky body!


Fu Jin Yan didn't speak. He didn't know what shen Mou was thinking.

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe knew that Fu Jinyan had acquiesced to her behavior, so he quickly got up and walked out

Even when she walked out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom next door, she still took the bedroom door with her.

In the room, Fu Jin Yan listened to the movement at the door, frowning, but didn't say much.

This woman, always can easily arouse their own concerns, so that their attention can not help but focus on her.

Fu Jin Yan's eyes are as bright as the sea. He waits for Tang Jinshe to enter the bathhouse for a long time before he slowly takes back his sight, purses his lips and looks cold and cool.


In the toilet.

After opening the shower and draining the water, Tang Jinshe took out a box of contraceptives from the bag she had just taken in the living room, shook her hands and swallowed them dry!

Well, the time limit should be just right now.

Tang Jinshe is really afraid of any big accidents in the children's problems.


After eating, Tang Jinshe put the medicine back into the bag, then ran to the flowers and drenched himself with water

It seems that only in this way can we relieve all the pain that gushed from a certain crack in the bottom of her heart.

She is Fu Jinyan's lover

No light, no future!

In order to prevent accidents, she can only take the contraceptive every time to block the possibility of having a baby after the combination of the two

Hot water transpiration.

As if crystal fell from the corner of Tang Jinshe's eyes, she gradually crouched down, her hands around her knees, letting the fine water flow wrap her in it.

In the abdomen, there was a faint pain, and in the stomach, it rolled violently.

Tears, more ferocious from the eyes, accompanied by warm water, fishy and astringent!

In the bathroom, there was a sound that only Tang Jinshe could hear.


In half an hour.

When Tang Jinshe came back to the bedroom with still some red eyes after taking a bath, he was stunned when he opened the bedroom door.

Why hasn't he come back?

Looking at the man who is still leaning on the head of the bed, holding his eyes and playing with his mobile phone, Tang Jinshe hesitated for a long time at the door before climbing back to the bed

Then curled up on the innermost side of the bed.

She could not open her mouth to drive others or leave the man running alone, so she could only choose a relatively compromised way to return to the silent state of non-interference before she went to the bathroom to take a bath.

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