Out of the window, under the dark night, the chill is heavy.

Fu Jinyan waited until Tang Jinshe came out, and with a big wave of his hand, he easily trapped the woman in his arms.

Tang Jinshe: "..."


The next day, when Tang Jinse opened his eyes with his tired body, there was no sign of a man around him.

Through the gap of the curtain, the morning light reflects on the brown floor, becoming the only light in the room

Keep a distance from Du Hengsheng

This is Tang Jinshe's most lucid consciousness yesterday.

After a little calming, Tang Jinshe sat up from the bed, but her eyes did not intend to sweep away from the clock hanging on the wall, but her pupils suddenly shook.

It's getting late.

To be exact, and last night It's been 12 hours.

Then straight from the bedroom to the living room, from the bag again to find the contraceptive to his mouth stuffed with two!

Although it's written in the manual that even if she eats for more than 12 hours, she can achieve 90% contraceptive effect, but she is still afraid of any accident

In any case, she can't be pregnant!


Forty minutes later, Tang Group.

As soon as Tang chin se sat down with a white face, the door of the office was knocked.

"Manager Tang, I'm here to report the good news to you!"

Compared with the void of Qi and blood on Tang Jinshe's face, Yu Yue's face is full of undisguised joy, ruddy and full of vitality.

"Manager Tang, I just received a lot of invitation letters from customers in my email, and I also received calls from several companies just now, hoping to cooperate with our Tang Group..."

Yu Yue said, in a sudden tone, and then continued: "by the way, the customers who used to buy materials here also sent information to ask for additional orders!"

Then she spread out some of her collected materials on Tang Jinshe's desk.

At a glance, it was placed on the list page of new customers on the home page, full of detailed company name and quantity of goods demanded

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe's eyes are slightly slow, and her eyes are relieved.

Fortunately, it's all worth it!

If parents know, they will be happy.

And brother

If my brother knew that the situation at home was getting better, he might be happy.

But now where are the Tang owls, Tang Jinshe doesn't know.

Before the company's accident, it was really a big blow to brother.

Think of here, Tang Jin se eyebrows between some light dim.

If it wasn't for Tang's accident, maybe there would be no intersection between himself and Fu Jinyan in this life.

Maybe I'm still studying abroad. I never thought of going back to China.


"Manager Tang, it seems that yesterday's visit to the dinner party of Shengshi group was very effective, but it was only one night later, and our sales volume soared a lot, and the number of customers increased a lot..."

There was silence in the office, only the crisp and joyful sound of the rest of the month reverberated in the room.

I witnessed how hard Tang Jinshe worked.

Every list, every negotiation, every cooperation, including every meeting with employees.

Manager Tang did it all by himself. It was so touching.

Yu Yue's words make Tang Jinshe's subtle lips, which have some dimples.

"Well, it's true that it works. In this way, you'll go to the finance department and tell them that all the employees of the company will be rewarded this month!"

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