Talking, Lin Wan talked about the topic of soup again.

Now, Tang Jinshe is going to be hospitalized. It's natural that someone should take charge of three meals that day

Although the food in the hospital is nutritious and healthy, it tastes But I dare not compliment!

So Lin Wan decides that Tang Jinshe has been in hospital for two days, and she has all the food work.

By the way, it can also be attached to Fu Jin's speech.

Tang Jinshe: "..."


Mom, no!

Tang Jinshe hears the words and wails in his heart.

The topic of soup making should be taboo between her and Fu Jin Yan, right?

After all, last time, because she went to Shengshi group to send soup, the relationship between the two was pushed to the freezing point completely

Besides, she has no appetite for soup at all.

Just ask, if a person is separated by three or five, he will hold a pot of soup that is enough for three people to drink. In the street light of the night, he will finish a big pot of soup alone until his belly is about to burst!

Doesn't she want to experience this kind of soup?


"Then I'll trouble my aunt." Fu Jin Yan did not refuse.

Even the attitude is rare and soft, as if really looking forward to Lin Wan's soup.

Such a straightforward answer, in Tang Jinshe's eyes, was a little unexpected!

She thought that Fu Jin Yan would directly decline her mother's kindness

"No trouble, no trouble. I have nothing to do with my aunt."

Lin Wan is very happy!

But when she held hands and said the usual Fu Jin Yan, the picture of Tang Jinshe putting the pot of soup into Du Hengsheng's arms last time at the door of Tang family came to mind

In addition, Du Hengsheng later called him to show off the words "son in law to be".

A gleam of light flashed from the bottom of Fu's eyes.



If you want to be the son-in-law of the Tang family, you have to surpass him, the first person to drink soup, OK?


"Jin se, how are you? Why didn't you answer the phone I just called?"

Speak of Cao Cao, and he will arrive.

The word Du Hengsheng just flashed in Fu Jinyan's mind. At the door of the ward, there came something different from Fu Jinyan's cold Warm voice!

"President Du?"

"Why are you here?"


Tang Jinshe looks at the man who suddenly appears in the ward. Even if he is wearing a khaki coat, he can also wear it to a high-end show. His lips are torn and his face is undoubtedly surprised.

She remembered that she had not told Du Hengsheng that she had been hospitalized?

"I listened to your secretary!"

Du Hengsheng said, and put the fruit basket and flowers on the table beside him.

"I had something I wanted to talk to you about this afternoon, so I just drove to your company. When I got there, the front desk said you were not in the company..."

In the gap of speaking, Du Hengsheng has just bought a handful of sky stars and put them into the empty vase, which adds some color to the white based room.

But these self familiar behaviors, fall in the eyes of Fu Jin Yan, but appear particularly dazzling!

The eyes that turn into cold quenched ice blades shoot relentlessly at Du Hengsheng

But Du Hengsheng, who pays attention to Tang Jinshe, is completely immune to these! Even after planting the flowers, he went directly to the opposite side of the hospital bed of Tang Jinshe.

"Later, it was your secretary who came out and told me that you were not feeling well. Now you are in the hospital, so I came here immediately!"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

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