Du Hengsheng's eyes were burning, and there was a clear sense of worry flowing from the bottom of his eyes.

"I said, so it is? I'm ok. I just put the phone on and charged it, so I didn't care. I'm afraid you're still here. "

'I'm sorry,' said Tang.

Because she is going to be hospitalized, she explained the situation to Yu Yue before charging her mobile phone, and asked her to come to the hospital directly to find her

But I didn't expect that Du Hengsheng would meet Yu Yue when he went to Tang's to find her, so that he knew her situation.

"If it's ok..."

Du Hengsheng was relieved when he heard the words.

Then he noticed that there were others in the room

"Why are you here, Mr. Fu?"

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"

I have been here for a long time

Are you blind?

Master Du!

"This is Jin SE's father and mother, right? Hello, uncle and aunt. I'm Du Hengsheng, general manager of Hengsheng international. Thank you for the soup. It's really delicious! "

Before Fu Jinyan could speak, Du Hengsheng's attention was attracted by Lin Wan and Tang Zhengqin who were also ignored by him

Opening up is boasting. The sweetness of the mouth is beyond Tang Jinshe's reach as a daughter.

"By the way, there are a lot of my friends in this hospital, and one of my uncles is also working as the vice president here. If there is any place where I can help you, just tell me, don't be polite to me..."

It's rare to have a chance to show up in front of Tang Jinshe's parents. Naturally, Du Hengsheng has made every effort to talk with them!

The handsome face, which is full of smiles, is obviously much more pleasant compared with the cold handsome face of Fu Jinyan

As the saying goes, you can't reach out to smile.

Besides, Du Heng came to see Tang Jinshe sincerely today, so Lin Wan and Tang Zhengqin, who are parents, naturally have to thank Du Hengsheng for a few words!

Like what you have in mind

You're bothered

Anyway, it's to deal with it in such a polite way.


Half an hour later, the hospital opened the water room.

Lin Wan is filling hot water with a thermos cup, while Fu Jinyan, who is behind her and is specifically called out by her under an excuse, is carrying a hot water bottle filled with heavy hot water

The red water bottle and the blue water bottle have a touch of black in the middle. How funny they are!

"Auntie, the boiled water room of this hospital is generally open all day. If you need it, you can come to fetch water at any time. You don't need to prepare so many at one time. After all, its heat preservation time is limited."

Feeling the weight of his hand, Fu Jinyan rarely spoke such a long sentence.

"Why are you so sincere, you child? Do you think it's true that my aunt handed you over so that you could help me with hot water? "

After pouring water, Lin Wan immediately turned around and said.

Fu Jin Yan frowns. I really don't know why Lin Wanzhi called others here

"Jin Yan, I know you are very attentive to Jinse, and your aunt has already regarded you as her son, but there are some things and some people that need you to be careful!"

Lin Wan said, and took Fu Jinyan and sat down on the corridor bench beside him to temporarily relieve the burden in Fu Jinyan's hands.

"You and Jin se are still young, so you should meet more often in ordinary times, so as to enhance each other's feelings, so as not to be cheated by others one day, which is not worth the loss."

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