When it comes to the most important point, Du Hengsheng's face is more cooperative and raises a touch of joy. As he said, at the moment, he is as happy as he is on the top of the cloud.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

How is pregnancy again?

Did Du Hengsheng ask if she was pregnant before

Is it because of this misunderstanding?

Think she's pregnant now?

Tang Jinshe swallows his saliva. He feels that he has received too much information. His brain capacity is starting to be insufficient!


"Kinsey, I have decided that I will formally pursue you. I will not give up you no matter what happens before you agree to be my girlfriend."

In the end, Du Hengsheng has not forgotten to add such a naked and bold confession, as if as long as Tang Jinshe doesn't let go, he can pursue it until the end of time.

"Wait, wait..."

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe reached out for a stop position at the first time, and then felt the pain of brain benevolence in the long and narrow Phoenix eyes full of expectation.

"President Du, I have a big mystery in my heart now. I need you to help me solve it first..."

Tang Jinshe said, gradually frowning, and then moved his body forward, a good strange way: "you in the end, how do you think I am pregnant?"

The answer to this question is beyond her imagination!

"Well, that's because I often see you wear flat shoes, never high heels, even on important occasions, so I thought you were pregnant."

Du Hengsheng said that he scratched his head with embarrassment. Obviously, he thought his misunderstanding was too deep and almost put himself in.

"I thought you were trying to protect the baby in your belly, so you always wear flat shoes."

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Because she has been wearing flat shoes, so was misunderstood as pregnant unmarried mother?

It's not because of Fu Jin Yan He's not allowed!



The closed door was suddenly violently pushed open.

A dark and handsome face appeared in front of the two people in the room without any omen, which scared Tang Jinshe, who was just thinking about things.

"President Fu, have you sent all your uncles and aunts away?" Du Hengsheng's eyebrows were slightly raised and his face was as usual.

Compared with the panic on Tang jinsher's face, he was in a good mood. It was obvious that the waves under the ice face of the person who did not come were heavy.


Fu Jin Yan responded coldly, but his narrow vision fell on Tang Jin SE's face.

"Mr. Du, I'm very grateful. Just now you can tell me so much, but I don't think we are suitable, so you don't need to pursue me at all!"

Suddenly, said Tang.

The face on a small face is slightly white, showing a little tension, and even Yu Guang dare not glance at some handsome and cold man

She almost forgot. She promised Fu Jin that she would keep a distance from Du Hengsheng!

But just now

Du Hengsheng also told her to pursue her?

Think of here, Tang Jin se can't help but pucker tight lip angle, under the heart incomparable chagrin.

It's really continuous cutting and disordered management

I knew that she shouldn't have heard so much from Du Hengsheng. It's good to pretend to sleep directly. After all, she is a real patient now!

More sleep and more rest, that's a matter of course

In this way, she doesn't have to do any work here now.

"If you accept me or not, it's your business. If I pursue you or not, I have the right to choose! Besides, we haven't really been together. How do you know we're not suitable? "

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