Du Hengsheng shrugged, his face did not show a trace of sadness after being rejected, but looked very relaxed.

Obviously, he didn't pay attention to what Tang Jinse said to him at all.

Influenced by western culture, Du Hengsheng's views on love are very diverse!

In his opinion, love can come from childhood, or from the hormone of sexual attraction

Of course, he, like many people, expects to meet a soul mate who is physically and mentally integrated.

So even though Tang Jinshe rejected him at the moment, in his opinion, no chance at the moment does not mean no chance in the future. People are fickle and love is the same.

Tang Jinshe: "..."

She refused. Is there any need for persistence?

Can't you cooperate with her happily so that she can have a comfortable life in Fu Jinyan?

"In my opinion, no one is more suitable to be my girlfriend than you!"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"


It was a clear day outside, but the atmosphere in the ward was inexplicably cold.

Except for Du Hengsheng, who was immersed in the joy of recovery, the faces of the rest two people were complicated and ugly.

For Du Hengsheng's confession, Fu Jin kept silent all the time, as if he were a passer-by who was watching, and had no intention to be involved

But Tang Jinshe understood that it was a silent warning to her!

If she doesn't break it off with Du Hengsheng here today, she will not be sure how many crimes she will suffer in front of Fu Jinyan.

And it will involve Tang Group

Thinking of this, Tang Jinshe frowned, hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "I have loved people for a long time!"

This time, she's going out of her way.

"I didn't mean to say it at first, but Mr. Du, I don't want you to misunderstand me that I'm single now because I don't have someone I like in my heart."

Tang Jin SE's eyes are firm and true.

But in fact, because of lying and modesty, her palms are soaked in sweat at the moment

Just in order not to let Du Hengsheng see that these are all her fakes, she pretends to be calm on the face!

"In fact, I like a person for a long time. Before I knew you, even before you came back to K city from abroad and took over Hang Seng international, my heart had been occupied by that person."

Tang Jinshe said it on her own, fully integrated into her role at the moment, telling her admiration for a fictional character.

But she didn't know what kind of turbulence would happen if these words fell into Fu's ear!

Like a person

A long time?

Fu Jinyan's face was taut, his heart tightened suddenly, and his chest beat accelerated with "bang bang"!

But soon, when his eyes were cold and raging, he was very tired, until his normal beating frequency was restored

What she said is Gu chuyang.

"Do you have someone you like? Who is he? "

When Du Hengsheng heard this, he naturally wondered about this unseen rival.

"I don't want to say who he is, but my relationship with him is no less than that between childhood and childhood, so We really don't fit Mr. Du! I hope you will respect my opinion and stop expecting nothing. "

Tang Jinshe replied, reiterating her refusal again and again. In that tone, you should be more resolute, for fear of leaving any space for Du Hengsheng's reverie.

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