Tang Jinshe said with a smile, but without a pause at his feet, he went straight to the gate.

She was supposed to go home directly, but she was really worried about the order of Xinglong construction, so she changed her way to the company

As soon as I entered the office, I presented the information prepared in advance to Tang Jinshe.

"Manager Tang, these three factories are selected urgently by the project department, and our company has sent personnel for preliminary field survey. The specific results are marked on this report!"

Taking advantage of Tang Jinshe's effort of looking down at the materials, I also explained the general situation from the side.

"One of them is in the urban area. The factory's qualification equipment is very good. The biggest advantage is that the distance is short and it's convenient to go to and from our factory. Therefore, the price of this factory is the highest."

I analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of several factories one by one.

Although Tang Jinshe didn't immediately raise her eyes to respond, she was also divided into some minds and listened to Yu Yue's report attentively.

The sky outside the window is more and more dim, and the few residual lights, with the passage of time, are quietly hiding in the thick clouds.

"The other two factories are located in the suburbs. They do not have the advantage of distance, and the qualification equipment is acceptable. But one is an old factory which has just been in operation for less than a year, and the other is an old factory which has been in operation for many years. The quotation of the old factory is relatively higher, but it is a part lower than that of the factory in the city..."

The report for the rest of the month continues.

Tang Jinshe nodded silently and reached for the last page of the data.

"Manager Tang, due to the limited time, we can only find these three comprehensive outsourcing factories. The goods of Xinglong construction can't be delayed any more, or it's really too late to rush to work!"

"Well, I know."

Listening to Yu Yue's urgent tone, Tang Jinshe finally raised his eyelids and said aloud.

It's true that the goods of Xinglong construction will be delayed. If they can't be delivered, they must be delivered late

Overdue is also a breach of contract.


"The price of that factory in the center of the city is too high to consider!"

After a careful consideration, Tang Jinshe had a general judgment in mind.

"Which one should we choose?" Asked Yu Yue.

In her opinion, it's easy to exclude the over quoted price in the downtown area, but it's not easy to choose one of the remaining two factories, which are in the same suburb with similar qualification quotations.

"Tomorrow you'll call uncle Shanghui. I'll go to the suburbs with you. I'll meet the heads of those two factories myself!"

Tang Jinshe closed the data in his hand and his eyes were burning.

Nothing is more reliable than seeing!

After all, it involves the interests of both sides, so it's better to be cautious in everything.


As Tang Jinse said, she didn't stay in the company too long after learning about the outsourcing factory. Before five o'clock, she went home with her bag in one hand.

"What do you say about your child, that he will be discharged from the hospital, and that he didn't tell me clearly on the phone. Why did he leave the hospital suddenly? What about Jin Yan? Didn't he send you back? "

Stepping into the hall, Lin Wan hurried out of the kitchen

At the same time, the questions like firecrackers came one after another.

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