"I miss home..."

"Now that you are homesick, why didn't you say homesick when you went abroad these three years? Don't try to fool me with such an excuse, I don't believe it! "

Tang Jinshe tried to make a fool of the words to say, was standing on one side of the elite son like Lin Wan to mercilessly exposed.

One sentence goes abroad three years, did not go home once, directly blocked this road of Tang Jinshe.

In desperation, Tang Jinshe had to use the alternative emergency plan: "I'm ok now. The company is so busy. I'm not going to go any more. I don't know how much business will be delayed..."

Tang Jinshe said, watching Lin Wan's face in secret.

With the deepening of the topic, the expression on the small face is more and more moving!

"Besides, brother Jin Yan has been with me for such a long time. There are many things waiting for him to deal with in his company. I can't just think about myself and ignore the pressure on him, can I?"

Tang Jinse sighed, as if he was worried about Fu Jinyan.

Lin wanwen, who was stubborn and refused to let go of his anger, showed signs of disintegration

Seeing this, Tang Jinshe's eyes slightly drooped and flashed a quick cunning.

Then he raised his eyes again, blinked his sincere and incomparable water eyes and said: "so in the morning, when he received a phone call saying that the company had something very important to deal with, I asked him to go back. After all, he was too cold in the high place. Brother Jin Yan sat in the position of president of Shengshi, and I don't know how many eyes looked at him?"

"If you take a wrong step, it will cause brother Jin Yan's burden. I don't want to Become his burden. "


Lin Wan didn't plan to really compare her strength with her daughter. Now, hearing Tang Jinshe's saying, especially the sentence "I don't want to be his burden", her heart immediately softened.

Indeed, Kinser is right!

Jin Yan sits at the top of Shengshi group at such a young age, which means that he will be envied by many people and few people. The pressure on him can be imagined

Thinking of this, Lin Wan's face obviously warmed up for the most part: "OK, it's the water thrown out by the married daughter. Can you think about Jin Yan like this, and can mom stop you? If you can do well, your father and I will be at ease! "

"Mom, I know you're the best. Look at me now. I'm in great shape. There's nothing wrong. Don't worry about it."

Tang Jinshe breathed a big sigh of relief in her heart.

Then holding his stomach, a coquettish looking Chao Lin Wan said, "it's just a hungry coo. I want to know what you've made for me tonight."

"There are so many delicious ones, such as braised crucian carp, stewed chicken with mushrooms, fried tomato with eggs, sweet and sour pork chops..."


A storm, into the invisible.

The night darkened, black as ink.

After supper, Tang Jinshe took a bath early and got into his room.

In the bedroom with only one bedside lamp left, the light is dim, which makes the atmosphere in the room more quiet

She is pressing her face with a Facial Massager while holding the mobile phone in her hand. Her eyebrows are tight. It seems that she is worried about it.

The editor's text messages are deleted, written and written, but they can't find a proper wording.

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