"I had a whim this evening. After checking his itinerary, I found that he had bought a flight to foreign countries. I know he will call you before he leaves, and only you care about him in China. So can you take me to see him? I mean, please replace me and send him."

Luo Huanhuan's honesty made Zhao bingyue unable to adapt for a time. You know, their relationship was doomed to be hostile from the beginning. Luo Huanhuan never gave her a good face, but she didn't expect that she would beg her for bedu.

Zhao bingyue was silent. She didn't promise, but she didn't immediately refuse. After she stopped talking, she said, "why don't you go to see him yourself? Since he may not come back in the future, I believe if you send him, he should not refuse."

Luo Huanhuan shook his head: "my relationship with him has completely broken. It's just my wishful thinking to break ties with him. I don't want him to look down on him anymore, but I can't control my feelings for him."

Luo Huanhuan looked up at Zhao bingyue: "sister-in-law, even if you do me a favor, will you?"

Zhao bingyue finally answered Luo Huanhuan's request and took Luo Huanhuan out of the door.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant agreed by bedu. Luo Huanhuan separated from Zhao bingyue. She said she couldn't appear in front of bedu and didn't want to be hated and despised by bedu.

Zhao bingyue can no longer feel her humble feelings, perhaps because she has not allowed herself to be humble between her and Luo Huasheng from the beginning.

Even if you feel bad enough to die, you'd rather cover yourself in the soil until you rot silently.

Thinking of Luo Huasheng, Zhao bingyue glanced at her mobile phone when she stepped into the door of the restaurant. There was no news in her mobile phone. She didn't know where Luo Huasheng went or who he met.

I always feel uneasy. Fortunately, now she is not alone in bed. She has other things to do, otherwise she doesn't know what will go crazy.

In the restaurant, Zhao bingyue soon saw bedu in the hall and walked towards him.

"I thought you wouldn't keep the appointment." Bedou had asked the waiter to prepare a drink for her and opened her seat himself.

Zhao bingyue glanced at Luo Huanhuan on the second floor. At that position, Luo Huanhuan should be able to better see what happened below them.

Zhao bingyue always kept a proper distance from Gen Beidu and asked him why he suddenly thought of returning abroad.

"Didn't you say you would move your work here? Isn't it going well?"

Bedu shook his head. "I just don't think I can concentrate on my work here." Beidu stared at Zhao bingyue's face and felt full of regret.

When he came back from abroad, he thought that as long as he stayed with Zhao bingyue, even if he could never get her again, as long as he could keep her and watch her happy, it was enough.

But in fact, it is not the case. He found that staying closer to Zhao bingyue will only make him more painful. Instead of watching her live happily by another man, he might as well go away to a place without her and slowly forget her and live again.

Zhao bingyue avoids Beidu's eyes. She doesn't know why she can always see the feeling of hot desire from Beidu's eyes.

She doesn't like this feeling. If she can, she hopes bedu just regards her as an ordinary friend.

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