In that case, her heart will feel better and get along with him more naturally.

Zhao bingyue didn't understand what he meant, but she couldn't face it. She took a sip of the water on the table and looked up the stairs absentmindedly.

Bedu noticed her discomfort and said bitterly, "you don't have to worry too much. After I leave, no one will disturb you."

She doesn't have to worry about him anymore.

"Actually... No more." Zhao bingyue thought for a moment and couldn't help asking him, "do you really want to leave here? You'll settle outside and never come back?"

Beidu nodded and looked at Zhao bingyue with a trace of hope: "do you want me to stay here or abroad?"

"It doesn't matter whether I hope or not, but I'm sure someone will want you to stay." When Luo Huanhuan followed her, she hoped Zhao bingyue would not mention herself to bedu.

If this is Bedou's last return, it means that after Bedou leaves tomorrow, they may never see him again in their life.

This is why Luo Huanhuan couldn't help but want to see Zhao bingyue here for the last time after Beidu broke his heart last time.

But even so, Luo Huanhuan did not dare to appear directly in front of him, but in this way to see him again for the last time.

Although Zhao bingyue and Luo Huanhuan have always been in opposite positions, since Luo Huanhuan begged her, she also felt Luo Huanhuan's strong love and love for bedu. Therefore, she suddenly had an impulse to connect them.

Bedu smiled bitterly: "how can anyone expect me to stay in such a big city?"

Zhao bingyue doesn't like him. Luo Huasheng wants him to roll as far as possible. Who else would want him to stay?

Zhao bingyue couldn't say Luo Huanhuan's name directly, so she had to say definitely and truly: "yes, of course."

"Will that be you?" Bedou suddenly asked sincerely.

Zhao bingyue was asked by him and shook her head helplessly: "there will be others who want you to stay."

"I knew it." Bedou was depressed again. "But what's the point if that person isn't you?"

"How can it be meaningless?" Zhao bingyue really wants to reason with him, "anyone's existence should be worthy of love. You can't always stare at those goals you can't get. If you are willing to turn around, you will find someone standing in place waiting for you..."

Bedu's face cooled slightly. He turned his head away: "I know who you want to say, but I made it clear three years ago. If I'm destined not to get you in my life, I'd rather be single all my life than like anyone."

What's more, he still owes to Luo Huanhuan. If he doesn't love and owe together, it must be equal to no fate and no share.

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Zhao bingyue didn't know how to go on for a while.

Also, if bedu was not so stubborn, he would not miss a childhood relationship, even if Zhao bingyue had forgotten all that relationship.

Zhao bingyue only rejoices in her heart. Fortunately, Luo Huanhuan can't hear their conversation, otherwise she doesn't know how sad it will be.

Unexpectedly, stubborn as Bedou, one day he will be deeply loved by another stubborn person.

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