"Mrs. Luo?" Ou Yuxuan blinked innocent eyes and betrayed her with a smile. "Has Mrs. Luo come here too? Sorry, Mr. Luo, I didn't see her. Otherwise, I'll tell people outside to pay attention to where Mrs. Luo is and I'll tell you when I have news?"

When ou Yuxuan couldn't move Watson, she simply didn't move. She sat down next to Luo Huasheng and took off her clothes one by one.

"I don't know why. After seeing Mr. Luo, I feel that the temperature of the whole room has increased. I'm so hot. I don't know if Mr. Luo has such a feeling?"

"Ou Yuxuan!" Luo Huasheng stared at her. Unexpectedly, she was so bold, "how dare you drugged me!"

Ou Yuxuan opened her mouth in surprise and said innocently, "Mr. Luo, I haven't done such a thing. I've been staying in this room all the time. How can I give you medicine? Mr. Luo, you don't know. I've been deeply infatuated with you since I saw you. I haven't thought about food and tea these days. I forget to eat and sleep. My mind is full of you..."

Ou Yuxuan's breath is getting closer and closer, and her eyes are getting more and more blurred.

Perhaps it was the effect of drugs. Luo Huasheng felt his heart beat so much that he almost jumped out of his throat and eyes.

"Stay away from me!" He pressed his voice and tried to restrain himself, "Ou Yuxuan, what do you dare to do to me? Do you believe I will uproot your whole European family!"

"I'm so scared." While speaking soft words, Ou Yuxuan cried, "but what should I do? I still like you very much, Mr. Luo. Give me a chance. I promise no one will know what happened between us after tonight. I will help you keep a secret and won't let Mrs. Luo know, okay?"

As Ou Yuxuan said, her red lips were getting closer and closer: "people really like you..."


Zhao bingyue didn't expect that after she broke away from Luo Huasheng, Luo Huasheng really didn't catch up.

She had left the club and stood on the dark road. There were few people around. Compared with the noisy and lively club, she looked much calmer outside, which also calmed her down.

After her anger, she felt unbearable powerlessness and sadness.

Luo Huasheng... Why did she do this? Why did she do this to her?

They finally got to this point. Is it a lie?

The phone rang again. Zhao bingyue thought it was Luo Huasheng. When she looked at the caller ID and hesitated to answer, she found that the caller ID was not Luo Huasheng, but Luo Huanhuan.

Zhao bingyue wiped away the cold tears on her face, tried to calm herself down and answered the phone.

"Sister-in-law, where are you? Come to the rest room. It seems that my cousin has been Yin!" Luo Huanhuan's anxious voice came from the phone.

Zhao bingyue looked back at the neon club. Her voice trembled slightly: "what are you talking about?"

Luo Huasheng was cheated. Was it really someone else's prank or someone else's trickery that she saw just now? Isn't it true?

But who would be so boring? And the lipstick printed on Luo Huasheng's shirt during the day. Are these all pranks?

"Send me the location." Zhao bingyue didn't know how to keep calm. Before two security guards at the door of the club stopped her, Zhao bingyue rushed in unprepared.

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