Zhao bingyue entered the club and went straight to the rest area. Before she went in, she saw Luo Huanhuan.

"Take me to them." Zhao bingyue's eyes are red. She can't imagine what will happen next.

"It's useless." Luo Huanhuan shook his head. "I just went to see it. The people inside locked the door. We can't go in alone."

Especially Zhao bingyue is still a pregnant woman.

"We must get help."

Zhao bingyue felt deeply powerless. She looked around and said, "no one has a key?"

Luo Huanhuan shook his head: "I just grabbed the waiters passing by. They don't have keys at all. The keys are in the hands of the supervisor, but I can't find the supervisor."

If the other party does it deliberately, it is impossible for them to get the key easily.

"I'll call the police now." Zhao bingyue took out her mobile phone and trembled to call the police. She was stopped by Luo Huanhuan again.

"Sister-in-law, if you don't say that such an occasion is not suitable for the police, even if the police really come, I'm afraid they won't catch up. What's more, if this matter comes out and makes a big noise, how will you get along with your cousin in the future?"

At that time, Locke's reputation is bound to be affected. How can they be rumored outside?

Zhao bingyue doesn't really care about these, but Luo Huanhuan is right. If the police come, I'm afraid the raw rice will be cooked.

She swallowed and tried not to be too nervous. Her eyes scanned the name of bedu on the phone. Zhao bingyue subconsciously stretched out her hand and clicked, and directly dialed bedu's phone.

After the phone rang, Zhao bingyue looked up at Luo Huanhuan: "sorry, no one can help us except him now. If you are afraid to see him, you can now..."

"It doesn't matter." Luo Huanhuan has already seen Beidu's phone number in Zhao bingyue's mobile phone. In fact, she also has such an idea, but she doesn't dare.

"You call him, I don't care." Luo Huanhuan stared at her mobile phone. At this moment, she didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe she wanted to call bedu through Zhao bingyue. She naturally stood with bedu and stood side by side with him for the last time.

Zhao bingyue had no time to hesitate. The phone had been connected.

"Ice moon?"

"Can you come to the rest area to help me? Luo Huasheng was taken into the room. I don't know what will happen next. Please, I can only ask you to help me."

This is the first time that Beidu heard Zhao bingyue praying for him. She heard that she was very worried.

Locke was taken to the room?

Although Zhao bingyue didn't make it clear, bedu seemed to realize something.

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and agreed: "I'll come right away."

If he is destined to leave and Zhao bingyue is destined to be with Luo Huasheng, he will never allow Luo Huasheng to fail her.

Whatever the reason.

Bedu stayed in the club all the time. After receiving a call from Zhao bingyue, he soon appeared in front of them. Seeing Luo Huanhuan standing beside Zhao bingyue, Beidu was surprised, but he didn't think much.

"Where is he?" Beidu looks at Zhao bingyue.

When Beidu came over, Luo Huanhuan had told Zhao bingyue what he saw.

"Come with me." Zhao bingyue took him to the door of a room, "this is it."

"Don't worry, I'll see the situation first." Beidu said and asked Zhao bingyue and Luo Huanhuan to wait for him, while he raised his hand and knocked at the door.

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