There was a knock on the door. There was no response for a moment. Bedu had to say, "is there anyone in there?"

He knocked loudly, as if to tear down the whole door.

At this time, Ou Yuxuan, who was crawling on Luo Huasheng and was planning to go further, was impatient with the sound of knocking on the door: "who? I don't know if anyone is resting inside? Knock what, knock, get out of here!"

People outside not only didn't roll, but beat the door more and more loudly: "open the door, I have something to fall inside. If I don't open the door again, I'll call the police."

Such a rest room is a place for the guests in the club to rest. Anyone can come in and rest. It's normal for someone to leave their things here.

Ou Yuxuan saw that she was about to be presented, but she was disturbed by the muddleheaded outside. She got up angrily and wanted the muddleheaded outside to take something and leave quickly. Don't disturb her.

The door was suddenly opened. Ou Yuxuan looked at the tall and handsome man standing at the door. Unfortunately, compared with Luo Huasheng, it was a little less convincing.

"What have you lost?" Ou Yuxuan didn't mean to let the other party in.

Bedu saw that the other party was a strange woman with a gentle smile on her face, but her eyes floated into the room: "I..."

"What are you looking at? Now this is my room. Look around again and be careful I'll dig your eyes out." Ou Yuxuan fiercely blocked bedu's sight, "what did you leave here? I'll help you find it."

"No, you don't necessarily know where I put it. I'll go in and find it myself." Bedu subconsciously stretched out his hand and pushed the door, but Ou Yuxuan stopped in front of him, "I said that now this is my private territory and you are not allowed to come in. Also, what have you lost? If it's not very important, please come back tomorrow."

"Why should I come here tomorrow?" After all, bedu is a man and taller than Ou Yuxuan. Although Ou Yuxuan deliberately blocked it, bedu saw Luo Huasheng lying on the ground.

For a moment, bedu was in a trance. He even thought selfishly, if Luo Huasheng had an accident here and betrayed Zhao bingyue, would bingyue leave him sadly?

He touched his hand on the door and wanted to take it back for a moment. He pretended that nothing had happened and turned away. At this time, the two women behind him suddenly rushed over.

"Ou Yuxuan, you let Luo Huasheng out!"

Ouyuxuan didn't expect Zhao bingyue to appear here, and there were other people around her. A trace of irritability flashed on her face. When she wanted to close the door, she found the man standing at the door with his feet against the door.

"Are you a team?" Ou Yuxuan reacted after she knew it, and the anger in her eyes burned.

"Miss ou, I let you down." Bedu sneered and pushed the door open with the advantage of man's natural strength.

Ou Yuxuan couldn't stop them. She stepped back and saw that Zhao bingyue had entered the room and rushed to Luo Huasheng.

"Watson... Luo Watson, wake up!" Zhao bingyue looked at Luo Huasheng lying unconscious on the ground. Fortunately, his clothes were neat. They arrived in time and didn't let Ou Yuxuan do anything to him.

Zhao bingyue shook Luo Huasheng several times. The man frowned in pain and gently called her name, but he still didn't wake up.

"Bingyue... Wife..."

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