He Yijun took Luo Huanhuan out of the elevator and came to the place where he lived.

Luo Huanhuan looked at the environment: "even if you give up your house to her, there's no need to wrong yourself to live in such a place. Won't you rent a better place?"

Luo Huanhuan felt that he Yijun was really kind to Zhu Xiaoli. They clearly didn't get a license, didn't get married and weren't legal husband and wife.

However, he Yijun gave up his house to her according to the standard of divorce. I really don't know whether to say that he is generous or that Zhu Xiaoli has a very important position in his heart.

"I also want to rent a better place. At least when you come, you won't dislike it so much." He Yijun opened the door and led her into the house. "But Xiao Li has been with me for so many years and has no job. Even if I hire a nanny for my family, I have to pay her tens of thousands of wages every month. So in addition to the house, I gave her half of my property."

This time, Luo Huanhuan settled down and looked at him in disbelief.

She was just thinking that he Yijun and Zhu Xiaoli should separate their hands, which is more important than the divorce of husband and wife. Now when she heard what he said, Luo Huanhuan felt more strongly.

He couldn't help questioning him: "are you sure you and Zhu Xiaoli are just boyfriend and girlfriend and didn't go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate?"

Her relationship with he Yijun is not blessed by others. Even her mother feels ashamed. If she marries he Yijun in the future, she can only come out and live with him.

Now he Yijun gives Zhu Xiaoli his house and her savings. He lives in such a dilapidated place.

Luo Huanhuan wouldn't mind if she didn't have a child, but she still has a child in her stomach. In ten months, the child will be born, and they must get married before the child is born.

Can he Yijun provide a warm and safe living place for their mother and son according to his current economic ability?

After the birth of children, who will rely on so much spending?

Luo Huanhuan's thoughts suddenly floated far away. He thought a lot and was very complicated. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

He Yijun has considered so much for Zhu Xiaoli and is thinking about her in almost all aspects, but has he done anything for himself?

He Yijun also remembered what she meant, Explained to her: "Anyway, I wasted so much of her youth, and she also paid and sacrificed so much for me. In fact, if she didn't come here with me at the beginning, she would have a good job and make so much money and house with her own efforts. I just want to give her back what I owe her, so that my conscience will be better in the future. I don't Don't think too much if you think so much. "

Luo Huanhuan was still a little blocked. She was silent for a few seconds, and finally took a long breath: "forget it, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, you have reason to do whatever you want."

If giving Zhu Xiaoli the house and her savings can make her shut up and stop appearing in front of he Yijun in the future, let them spend money to eliminate the disaster.

Luo Huanhuan can tolerate that he Yijun makes appropriate compensation to Zhu Xiaoli because of guilt, sympathy and debt. But if he Yijun still has feelings for Zhu Xiaoli and can't bear to see her wandering, she will not accept it!

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