"Aren't you angry?" He Yijun bent his head and looked at her. His heart was full of helplessness.

But what can he do? Since he has chosen her, he should tolerate any small temper of her. Who makes him like her?

"Didn't you bring me to eat?" Luo Huanhuan turned to the beginning, didn't want to discuss this issue with him, and directly changed the topic.

He Yijun pointed to the kitchen: "all the food is over there. Go and make it."

"What do you want me to do?" Huanhuan thought she had heard wrong. She had never been in the kitchen since she was a child. "I won't."

She is not Zhu Xiaoli. In addition to being a girlfriend, she is also willing to degenerate into his maid and serve him.

"I tell you, I'm different from Zhu Xiaoli. Don't call me her."

He Yijun put her bag on the table and took her to the kitchen: "how dare I call you, but are you sure you don't do anything?"

Luo Huanhuan was pushed to the kitchen by him. The kitchen was clean, but it was too small. It was smaller than her bathroom.

"Don't you feel oppressed living in such a place? You really have no money on you? Otherwise I'll rent you a better place."

Let him live in such a place, Luo Huanhuan can't stand it, not to mention how soon they will get married, Luo Huanhuan doesn't want to live here with him.

"Is my rich woman going to keep me?" He Yijun put his arms around her waist and smiled at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. "Otherwise, I'll live in your Luo family in the future. When your Luo family's door-to-door son-in-law, you don't have to rent me a house."

Luo Huanhuan snorted, "I still have a brother in my family. I want to be a son-in-law in my next life."

He Yijun sighed a long sigh: "so, I don't have a chance to eat soft food in my life? That's a pity. I thought I didn't need to struggle for the second half of my life after marrying the eldest lady of the Luo family."

Luo Huanhuan recognized the irony in his words and gave him a hard elbow: "with your appearance, what kind of rich woman you want to find and what kind of soft rice you can't find? Why do you bother me?"

Luo Huanhuan thought of what those people said on the Internet. For a moment, he didn't know why Yijun felt sad or whether he should be angry with those people for talking nonsense.

"I am such a person. I not only like soft food, but also like beautiful women. The rich women you said are very rich and generous, but who is as beautiful as you? Who do you say I don't choose you?"

He Yijun hugged her behind him and put the next on her shoulder.

These words were spoken by Zhu Xiaoli himself. When he Yijun first heard them, he felt very harsh.

But now, he can accept all this.

No matter what people outside think, he can't stop him.

And he clearly knows what kind of person he is and what kind of person he wants to live with in the future, which is enough.

He can't leave Luo Huanhuan. If the slander and misunderstanding of the outside world can make him stay with Luo Huanhuan for a lifetime, he won't care about it or resent it.

"Don't be glib. Zhu Xiaoli is also beautiful. It doesn't mean you have much nostalgia for her."

A man is as cruel as a hundred women, especially to the people around him.

Just like Beidu, two how Yijun, they are the same people, and she knows they are such people, and she is still trapped in them.

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