He Yijun didn't tell her that this was the place where Luo Huasheng's parents died in a car accident.

He Yijun didn't know what he was recording. Luo Huanhuan ran to his computer and looked at it. He couldn't understand anything.

After he finished recording, he Yijun began to take out various rulers from his backpack and began to measure around.

"Can I help you?" Luo Huanhuan politely ran to him, but was rejected by the man: "no, you can stay there and have a rest."

Luo Huanhuan rolled his mouth. He was still too busy. Pointing to the beautiful yellow flowers on the roadside, he asked him, "can I pick this flower?"

He Yijun looked up and said, "yes."

From beginning to end, Luo Huanhuan, who has nothing to do and always talks a lot, has no impatience.

Luo Huanhuan also took out his mobile phone, picked a few small flowers and put them next to his face, and began to play selfie.

After he Yijun finished measuring a set of data, he looked up and saw Luo Huanhuan sitting on the roadside grass, putting up his skirt and taking photos again.

"Selfie is OK. Don't put these photos on the social platform for the time being." He Yijun told her.

"Why?" Luo Huanhuan didn't understand. She followed him all the way out of the door and didn't go to places with beautiful scenery to eat delicious food. She can't send a few photos to the Internet. Can she not be so overbearing!

He Yijun said expressionless, "I said I'm here to work. How many places can lawyers work?"

Luo Huanhuan thought silently, suddenly screamed, jumped up, and quickly ran to he Yijun: "you mean, this may be the scene of the crime?"

Her face suddenly turned white, and her mind echoed the words of the girls in the elevator, as well as the newlyweds who were red with blood all over her body.

Luo Huanhuan buried his head in he Yijun's arms and trembled with fear.

He Yijun thought she had great courage. She didn't expect to be so scared.

"Don't scare yourself." He Yijun patted her on the back to let her relax.

"What do you mean, what the hell is this place? I'm going back. I don't want to stay here." Luo Huan burst into tears.

From last night until now, she has been frightened by the mess and lost interest in the place.

He Yijun didn't want to tell her the truth. On the one hand, he was worried that she would be afraid.

"Huanhuan, stop it."

"Who made trouble with you? Who asked you to bring me to the crime scene!"

If she had known this, she shouldn't have come with he Yijun.

He Yijun was a little embarrassed. In order not to let her affect his work, he had to lie and said, "I told you not to scare yourself. Do you see if this place looks like the crime scene?"

Luo Huanhuan looked around and nodded heavily.

Why not? She watched a lot of murders on TV in such inaccessible places.

He Yijun suddenly had nothing to say, so he had to open his eyes and tell her that this was not the scene of the crime, so as to save her blind fear.

"It's not the crime scene. What are you looking for here? You're not a geological surveyor!"

When a lawyer comes to such a deserted place to survey and investigate, what else can he do except that this place was once the crime scene and he came to look for evidence?

He Yijun doesn't know whether to praise her for being smart or clever sometimes. She is always smart when she shouldn't be smart, but she is confused when she should be smart.

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