"If it was the crime scene, I shouldn't have come, or the police came in person." He Yijun continues to deceive her.

Only when she is quiet can she continue to work, otherwise she will be surprised. She doesn't know when the work will be completed.

"It's not the crime scene," Luo Huanhuan suddenly lowered his voice and looked at him sharply. "Do you want to make this a crime scene? Do you want to kill people here?"

He Yijun looked at her serious and dignified face. As soon as he was about to make a noise, Luo Huanhuan laughed: "I'm scared!"

Even if he Yijun wants to turn this place into a crime scene, who can he do it to? There will be no one here except the two of them. It can't be to do it to her?

"Be good. If you're hungry, there's food in your bag. When I finish measuring this set of data, we'll go back."

He didn't laugh when joking. Luo Huanhuan suddenly felt very boring, so he had to turn around to his bag and squat down to open his bag. The next second, he screamed and ran to he Yijun.

"What's the matter?" He Yijun was also startled. He quickly hugged Luo Huanhuan and stared at his bag.

"There's a snake! There's a snake!" Luo Huanhuan was frightened to cry and grabbed his clothes tightly. She would be bitten by a snake that suddenly appeared in he Yijun's bag later.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." He Yijun patted her on the back and crept towards his bag.

"Be careful!" Luo Huanhuan whispered a warning behind him. He Yijun raised his hand and motioned her not to speak.

Luo Huanhuan immediately silenced and watched he Yijun walk to his bag with his breath.

He Yijun picked up a branch on the ground and gently picked up the belt of his backpack with the branch when he approached his bag.

With this movement, something inside began to wriggle.

He Yijun was absorbed. He lifted the bag with a branch again. Finally, he saw a snake with a thick wrist in his bag, stealing their food.

It turned out that he came in by smelling the smell of food. When he came in, he didn't notice it at all.

The snake vomited the letter and raised its head. It seemed to find that he Yijun was in danger. Its eyes narrowed, as if it was ready to attack at any time.

Luo Huanhuan left far away and bit her hand hard. She wanted to remind he Yijun to be careful, but she didn't dare to make a sound. She could only watch in horror, and her legs kept getting soft.

It's the first time for her to see such a big snake. There are no other people here, let alone the tools to catch snakes. Can he Yijun handle it?

Before he Yijun could move again, the snake suddenly raised its body and attacked he Yijun.

He Yijun was also frightened. He had no experience of survival in the wild. He didn't come here and saw some relevant coping strategies, which was just on paper.

He Yijun dodged quickly and was not bitten by the snake. When the snake attacked again, he Yijun threw away the branch in his hand and seized the snake's head with both hands.

"Ah -" Luo Huanhuan screamed with fear and saw he Yijun struggling with the snake.

The strength of adult men is beyond the resistance of many adult women, especially he Yijun, who often exercises.

However, he Yijun was particularly laborious when fighting against the snake. Not only that, the snake seemed to be irritated and began to entangle him.

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