"That's a bad word. Let's not mention that Chairman Han has been saved in today's news. In addition, his son is also very capable. I think if we deepen our cooperation at this time, the other party will appreciate us and our cooperation will be more solid."

Luo listened to their discussions, put the newspaper aside and asked the bald head just now, "didn't it mean that Han group would send a representative to attend today's meeting? Just because Han Fengsheng lived in the hospital, no one from Han group came?"

Baohe, who was just arguing, sent you to look at me and you. They all lowered their heads and stopped talking.

Just then, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and a group of people came in from outside behind the sail.

Liang Qiurong, who also appeared in the news with him this morning, also stood beside him at this time.

Another senior executive of the group quickly nodded and bowed over: "Hello, Mr. Luo. I'm sorry that there was an accident this morning and I'm late."

Luo YUNZHUO looks at Han fan. Their eyes meet in the air. Han Fan's eyes first show a little smile, and then sits down on the conference table.

"Mr. Luo, most of the online news is exaggerated. Don't take it to heart. I believe that if you continue to cooperate with Han group, both sides will achieve win-win results." Sitting next to Han fan, Liang Qiurong opened his mouth first and looked like an elite woman.

Luo YUNZHUO picked up the information at hand: "but in our evaluation of your group, you don't seem to have the operation means that brighten my eyes. In that case, why should I choose you? The market is so large that some people break their heads and want to cooperate with us."

Han Fan frowned and said unhappily, "what does president Luo mean? Are you going to give up our rare cooperation opportunity because of some online news? It's a little childish!"

"If Han group doesn't have enough ability to cooperate with me, I have to choose you. This is the real children's play!" Luo YUNZHUO is unmoved. He is not a philanthropist. Businessmen are profit seeking. If they have no interests, they may suffer losses. Fools will continue to cooperate.

"Mr. Luo means to give up the cooperation between our two companies?" Liang Qiurong's voice could not help but improve a lot.

Luo YUNZHUO frowned and showed a trace of disdain in her eyes: "isn't it a child's play for Miss Liang to speak on behalf of the Han group before she joined the Han family?"

"You..." Liang Qiurong was blocked by him and turned pale.

Since she was engaged to Han fan, she basically regarded herself as Mrs. Han.

I didn't expect that the first time I accompanied Han fan to attend such an important meeting, she would be told in person that she was not qualified to sit at this table and negotiate with him.

Liang Qiurong felt a little ashamed for a moment, and felt that the man surnamed Luo was too unkind!

"Qiurong is my fiancee. What she said represents Han's group." Han Fan opened his mouth and didn't want Luo YUNZHUO not to give him face. Anyway, Liang Qiurong's relationship with him can't be cut off for the time being.

"Really?" Luo YUNZHUO looked indifferent. "Does she represent the group have legal benefits?"

On the conference table, someone chuckled, as if mocking their overestimation.

Just a fiancee, neither an executive of Han's group nor Han Fan's official wife.

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