No matter how capable and eloquent she is, her words can't bring any legal benefits to the cooperation between the two companies.

Luo YUNZHUO has always paid attention to efficiency. What Liang Qiurong said is just like nonsense and has no value at all.

"If today's representative speaker of the Korean group is Miss Liang, I don't think our meeting needs to go on. When you are still sincere, we are considering the issue of cooperation."

Luo YUNZHUO said that, got up and left the conference room, leaving no face for the people of Han group.

People who have contacted YUNZHUO know that he has such a temper. Today, it is really because they are not fully prepared and something happened to the chairman that made this meeting come to an end.

And Tan suling: "

No, Han Fan wants to sue her. Should she delete the manuscript and apologize to Han Fan in advance?

If Han Fan knew that she wrote the manuscript, would he want to strangle her?

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