Luchunxiao also wants to teach her a lesson, but Luo YUNZHUO's warning eyes are still in front of her. How can she create problems at this time.

I don't know what's good about tansuling. He just protects her.

"Forget it. Teach her a lesson about her sense of achievement. She's just a chicken. When she enters the Locke's house, she won't be crushed by me."

Her best friend immediately flattered and said, "that is, we have not suffered any losses since Chunxiao married into the Luo family for so long."

"But your father-in-law and mother-in-law are really biased. Otherwise, your husband would not have been a manager for so many years." Another friend said.

At the mention of this, luchunxiao's eyes narrowed and his mood became worse again.

"What to do with all this? When those two old immortals die, it's not certain who will have the the final say in the future!"

"Yes, yes, we Chunxiao definitely have this strength."

"You must be the leader of the Luo family in the future."

Listening to the praise of his girlfriends, luchunxiao was not happy at all.

Just then, the girl next to him bumped her with her elbow, looked down at the woman coming out of a women's clothing store in the mall and said, "look, isn't that Jiang Yuanyuan? I heard that she has been secretly in love with Luo YUNZHUO for a long time."

"What secret love? It's obviously overt love. OK."

"Regardless of whether she is secretly or openly in love, you said that if she knew that Luo YUNZHUO was going to marry a woman with no family background, no background, no contacts, what would she do?"

Luchunxiao glanced at them, and a tacit smile appeared in the eyes of several girlfriends.

The ancients have long summed up a sentence of bloodless - killing with a sword.

If you can use jiangyuanyuan to deal with tansuling, just like tansuling, you won't be killed by them?

However, luchunxiao poured a basin of cold water on them without expression: "don't make up your mind. She already knew Luo YUNZHUO was getting married."

Is there anyone in D city who doesn't know about luoyunzhuo's marriage?

At least in a circle like theirs, the story had already spread.

The reason why jiangyuanyuan didn't do anything is that first, she is now Mrs. Chen. Second, if she wants to do something, luoyunzhuo won't know. If luoyunzhuo knows, she won't say it's too much to be Luo. I'm afraid she can't even do it.

"She knows. Why hasn't she been moving?" My best friend still doesn't understand.

Another girl friend said, "you are stupid. If she has any news, she will wait until luoyunzhuo hears the news of her marriage? She started early, and her husband will be taken advantage of?"

"That's right." Several women laughed, wondering whether they were laughing at Jiang Yuanyuan or at themselves.


Tansuling and luoyunzhuo's wedding arrived as scheduled because they deliberately chose a day. The wedding day was sunny and breezy.

In the Luo family's International Hotel, the Luo family and his uncle have all arrived.

Tansuling sat in front of the makeup mirror and looked at herself in the mirror wearing a wedding dress. Her eyes gathered a clean smile.

It's like a dream.

The sunshine in the dream fell on her through the window. She stood there, and the pure white wedding dress showed holiness.

Tansuling has a slender, soft, concave and convex figure, just like a mermaid.

Tansuling stood quietly. She rolled up her long black hair and spread her skirt all over the floor. It was beautiful and noble.

My aunt took the crown and wore it in tansuling's hair. She said in a sincere and sincere way: "Xiao Ling, don't let yourself suffer any losses when you become someone else's wife in the future, you know?"

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