"I see, aunt." Tansuling nodded cleverly.

If she did, my aunt became more worried. What happened?

Forget it. Living in the Luo family these days, she can also feel Luo YUNZHUO's intentions towards their Su Ling family. She can see that the boy really loves their Su Ling family.

In addition, she knew that they were not flash marriages. They had known each other ten years ago and secretly loved each other for many years. Her aunt was about to die.

She knew how her beautiful niece could be neglected. It turned out that there was a person in her heart who had never spoken to anyone.

Lucky enough, she finally got what she wanted to marry a man she had loved for so long and loved her for so long.

With tears in her eyes, my aunt patted her shoulder: "in the future, my aunt can no longer take care of you. You should learn to master your own happiness."


Tansuling threw herself into her aunt's arms. It turned out that before she got married, an elder said something to herself. It was really easy to make people cry.

"Well, good boy, let's go. My aunt will take you to the wedding hall." The aunt patted her on the back and took her arm around her.

What her brother can't do for Su Ling, she has to do it for her.

"Yes." Tansuling smiled and took her aunt's arm and walked out.

In the auditorium, the hotel attendants solemnly carry trays with fruit juice and candy on them, and distribute them all the way

A red carpet is paved in the middle of the auditorium until it reaches the stage of the auditorium. At the entrance of the auditorium, there are large gold words printed on it - congratulations to Mr. luoyunzhuo and miss tansuling on their happy wedding.

Tansuling took her aunt's hand and walked on the red carpet. The front door of the auditorium was suddenly opened. All the guests turned their heads and looked over.

Tansuling looked over and saw the figure waiting at the corner - her most familiar figure, her husband, luoyunzhuo.

Tansuling's nervous heart settled down in an instant, and she took her aunt's arm and walked in step by step.

The gorgeous auditorium, all kinds of beautiful lights, and the music of "Wedding March" sounded on the scene, romantic and unforgettable.

She saw that Luo YUNZHUO was wearing a black suit with perfect tailoring, which set off his handsome personality.

He just stood there and could not find a flaw in his perfect face. With clean short hair and a gentle and affectionate smile on the corners of the lips, just standing there simply, you have a full atmosphere.

Luoyunzhuo looks at tansuling, who is walking towards him. His eyes meet, and luoyunzhuo's heart misses a beat.

He always thought she was beautiful, but he never thought that she could be so beautiful that he felt like he was dreaming.

My aunt handed tansuling's hand to him. The man's hand was too hot, burning her to the bottom of her heart.

She even felt the sweat in his palm and could not help looking up at him. Would he also be nervous?

"Luoyunzhuo, I will give Su Ling to you today. I hope you can't let her down after you marry her. Otherwise, as an aunt, I will never let you go!" Aunt said solemnly.

Luo YUNZHUO smiled, nodded to her and solemnly promised, "aunt, I will never let her down."

The aunt sat back in the guest box with satisfaction.

In the auditorium, the master of ceremonies' voice said solemnly, "Mr. luoyunzhuo, are you willing to accept miss tansuling as your lawful wife, and promise to love her, respect her, and remain loyal to her until death?"

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