Tansuling looked at luoyunzhuo, and the man looked at her. The magnetic and powerful voice sounded, and she said firmly, "I am willing."

"Miss tansuling, are you willing to accept Mr. luoyunzhuo as your lawful husband, and promise to love him, respect him, and remain loyal to him until death?"

Tansuling waited for the master of ceremonies to finish saying, "I'd like to."

Luoyunzhuo looked at her, his heart seemed to be knocked by something, and his eyes were a little wet.

For the first time, he thought the words "I will" were so beautiful.

Not hearing what the master of ceremonies standing beside them was saying, Luo YUNZHUO had only one idea in his mind at the moment, that was to kiss her.

He gazed into her eyes, and his face drew closer. Before everyone could react, he kissed her lips.

The audience seemed to be suddenly ignited. There were many noises, such as whistling, clapping and so on.

In full view of the public, tansuling tried to push him, but the man hugged him and kissed him deeper.

Tansuling finally accepted her fate and closed her eyes. She thought, this may be the craziest thing she has ever done in her life.

But she didn't regret it. She was lucky enough to meet him.

Even if their lives would eventually end, she would be willing to do so at their most magnificent time.

Tansuling, from today on, you are my legal wife Luo YUNZHUO!

Luoyunzhuo, from today on, you are my legal husband tansuling!


On the stage, Han Fan kissed warmly. Off the stage, Han Fan looked at the scene. In addition to jealousy, her reddish eyes were envious. Although she was unwilling, she would sincerely bless her heart.

Tansuling, I like you for so many years. I must be happy!


Locke's family, luohuasheng looked at the video his parents recorded when they got married, and couldn't help crying.

How long has it been since he cried like this? It seems that after his parents died in a car accident and he was driven out of the Luo family, no matter how hard life was, he never cried like this again.

Today, his parents' grievances over the years have finally been cleared. He should be happy, but why is he still so heartbroken?

If the third uncle hadn't been angry with his parents and had no impulse to attack them, he might not have been forced to wander away for so long.

He missed them so much!

Luohuasheng tightly holds the photo of his parents left by his third uncle, which luohuarui gave him. The couple in the photo is still so young.

His mother leaned on his father's shoulder, with a girl like innocence in her eyes.

At that moment, they must not know that what they are about to face is death, a farewell to his only son.

Late at night, the cold dew is heavier.

Zhaobingyue had just coaxed her two children to sleep, but luohuasheng didn't come back. Suddenly, she heard someone sobbing downstairs outside the window. She went to the window and looked down. Her heart became heavy.

Finally, she took a blanket downstairs, put it on the cold man, reached out and hugged him behind him.

She did not say anything, but gave him great warmth.

Luohuasheng turned around, took her in his arms and sobbed, "bingyue, I have no parents."

Zhaobingyue's eyes fell instantly. Why is she different?

They are all poor people, but now that they have each other, is it not a kind of luck?

"It's cold outside. Go home." Zhaobingyue helped him up, held his hand tightly and went home together.

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