Fu Jinyan turns around and picks up the microphone. Before he can speak a word, there is a slightly restrained and embarrassed female voice on the phone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, I prepared millet porridge and some light snacks according to your requirements and sent them to the room, but when I got to the room, I found that the young lady had already left..."

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"


Didn't eat all night, so left hungry?

Thinking of this, Fu Jinyan frowned, and then hung up the phone, not interested in listening to the other side.

This woman, how old, and as a child, regardless of three meals, do their body!

Don't she know that now her body is not her own, but his own?

Fu Jin Yan thought angrily, but he couldn't help but feel a few worries.

"Dong Dong!"

"Mr. Fu, this is Ling Xue. Is it convenient for you to come in?" Outside, there was Lingxue's voice.

"Come in!"

Fu Jin said, and he sat back at his desk. But when Ling Xue came to him, the look on his face was the same as before.

"What is it?" Fu Jin looked down at the documents in his hand and was a little stingy.

"Mr. Fu, I think you usually don't eat breakfast and only drink coffee, which is not good for your stomach."

Ling Xue looks at the handsome man with few words. Her heart beats faster. Then she brings the heat preservation box to Fu Jinyan's desk.

"This is the breakfast I made early today. There are fried dumplings, vegetable and chicken cakes by the way! There is also a small rice porridge that has been cooked for a long time. Would you like to try it, Fu, to see if it suits your taste? "

If you want to catch a man's heart, you have to catch his stomach.

It has to be said that yesterday Fu Jin Yan gave her face, and Ling Xue was more brave and more attentive.

Without waiting for Fu Jinyan to speak, Ling Xue opened the heat preservation box on her own initiative, and the smell of vegetable and rice wrapped in a greasy curl suddenly occupied every corner of the office.

But when Fu Jin Yan's eyes were full of enthusiasm and hope for Shangling snow, there was not a hint of flattery on the bottom of his eyes, but a cold feeling gradually filled his eyes

"You came to me just to bring me breakfast?"

Fu Jin Yan asked in a deep voice, neither touching the breakfast that was placed in front of his eyes, nor refusing it immediately, which made people completely unable to understand his intention.

"Yes, Mr. Fu, this is what I specially do for you!"

Lingxue hears the words and immediately replies, afraid of missing a chance to please the man in front of her.

She thought that Fu Jinyan was asking her about whether to accept her idea After all, yesterday, Fu Jinyan treated her so differently!

As soon as she began to plead for Zhou Ji's father and daughter, Fu Jin Yan immediately agreed!

What does this mean?

It shows that Ling Xue has a place in Fu Jinyan's heart.

So today, she is ready to put her position in Fu Jinyan's heart and consolidate the dungeon! It's better to let Tang Jinse have no chance.

Ling Xue thought so, so she straightened her chest, and a smile on her delicate face appeared, which she thought was moving enough: "President Fu, in fact, in addition to bringing you breakfast, I have another thing to ask you to do from China..."

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