Before Fu Jinyan spoke, Ling Xue continued to speak boldly: "my cousin graduated from university this year, just to find a job internship, if our company has spare positions, I think, can you please give me a special approval, let me also take my cousin to Shengshi group for internship?"

At last, Ling Xue looked carefully at Fu Jinyan and saw that there was no impatience on her face. Then she boldly continued: "President Fu, don't worry, my cousin has always been excellent in both learning and character in school. I believe he will work hard and make more contributions to the company!"

"Finished?" Soon, Fu Jin opened his mouth.

Ling Xue was shocked when she heard the words. Then she heard the man's voice in the office: "finish Get out of here! "

"By the way, I'll take all your junk!"

"Fu, President Fu?"

Ling Xue didn't expect Fu Jin's words would be this reaction at all. For a while, her voice was so stagnant.


It's not supposed to be?

Fu Jinyan shouldn't be glad that she cooks for him. Why do you let her roll? Does the food not fit?

"President Fu, if the food is not to your taste, I can make it again..." Ling Xue thought about it, and finally she spoke in a tone of grievance.

Even Fu Jinyan used a cold face to her, and even Fu Jinyan yelled at her to let her go

But she still doesn't believe it!

I don't believe that the man who gave her special treatment yesterday will really turn his face against her today.

"Do it again?"

Seeing Ling Xue standing in place, there was no intention of leaving. Fu Jin Yan raised his eyes quickly, without concealing his impatience and anger at the moment.

The reason why he always seems to treat Ling Xue favorably is that he is using this woman as a shield to let Tang Jinshe, who is watching around, have a look. Fu Jinyan once could pet Tang Jinshe, but now he can also praise other women!

He wants Tang Jinshe to understand that he doesn't care about her now!

Not at all.

But I didn't think about it. Ling Xue's heart fell on his actions. Do you really think that Fu Jin Yan could not take a fancy to her?

"Lingxue, have you forgotten your identity?"

Fu Jinyan looks at Ling Xue, but there is no temperature at the bottom of his eyes.

"When I was at work, I didn't work hard. Instead, I came to my office and asked me to have breakfast made by you. I also asked me to help your cousin to practice in the company Ling Xue, who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to call me? "

Fu Jin said, then "pa" to the hands of the documents to force thrown on the table, the atmosphere in the house is more and more tense.

"President Fu, I don't mean that..."

Ling Xue subconsciously wants to explain, but before she has finished her words, Fu Jin Yan's voice, which is cold to the extreme, reaches her ear again: "if you really don't want to get out of my sight now, you can! Then you will go to the personnel department to go through the resignation formalities and get out of the company directly? After all, Shengshi group doesn't need an employee who doesn't know his position at all. "

Fu Jin's words, like a sharp arrow, pierce the ground and Ling Xue's heart.

"Fu President Fu, I'm wrong, I I'll go back to work, and I'll be right back. "

Lingxue did not dare to stay. She almost ran away from the president's office which almost choked her!

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