Tang Jinshe followed Fu Jinyan, smiled and nodded to everyone. Without saying anything, he went directly into the president's exclusive elevator.

She doesn't care about those people's eyes. It's not a shame to be pregnant.

But they should not think that this child is Fu Jin's.

Even Fu Jinyan himself has no doubt.

Tang can't help but look at Fu Jin Yan.

Fu Jin Yan just looked at it. With a deep smile on the bottom of her eyes, she asked, "so, shall we just sign the contract directly?"

Tang Jinshe was thinking about something else. Hearing Fu Jin's question, he reacted for a while and then said slowly, "don't you need to look at Xiaomi's design?"

Fu Jinyan is actually going to take Tang Jinshe out for a walk today. He checked on the Internet. Proper exercise for pregnant women is good for the fetus.

It's not good for her to sit in the office every day.

But I didn't expect that Tang Jinse was so interested in this cooperation, and it was quite formal. So fu Jinyan brought her to the company temporarily, even the designer forgot to bring her.

He didn't act too casually either. He replied, "OK, then call the designer."

Tang Jinshe smiled, took out his mobile phone, just found Milu's phone number, but the elevator suddenly rang, "didi" voice was particularly harsh in this cramped space.

After her pregnancy, her mood fluctuated a lot more than before. The voice suddenly sounded. Tang Jinshe's heart thumped and screamed loudly.

"Jin se!"

Fu Jin Yan blurted out her name, grabbed Tang Jin se into her arms for the first time, patted her on the back gently, and comforted her with a soft voice.

"It's OK. I'm here."

His voice was soft and mellow, with the power of pacification and patience.

Tang Jinshe lies on Fu Jinyan's chest, with his strong heartbeat in his ear, "Bang Bang Bang Bang...... "

Tang Jin SE's fear was just a little calmed down, and his body could not help drilling into Fu Jin Yan's arms.

It's the first time that I've encountered an elevator failure.

Fu Jin Yan held Tang Jin se tightly in one hand, and caressed her back with the other hand to comfort her.

"Didi" sound then falls, and then there is a prompt sound. Next second, Chen Dong's voice rings in the elevator.

"President, the company's system has been hacked. Now I have contacted the manager. He needs three minutes. President, you can wait."

"I see." After Fu Jin said that, he cut off the call directly.

Fu Jin Yan's eyes fell on Tang Jin SE's head, and he endured the impulse of kissing down. He said softly, "it's OK. You can go out in less than three minutes."

Wen Yan, Tang Jinshe's eyes are bright and dark, less than three minutes

I suddenly think it's a short time.

If you could stay a little longer, even if you were trapped for a day, Tang would like to.

She had not been comforted in his arms for a long time.

When she was a child, she only had to suffer a little grievance. Even if she was frightened by a small insect, Fu Jinyan was the first one to rush out, saying that she was a coward, but at the same time, she reached into her arms and gently patted her back

When she was a child, her parents and her brother never gave her any sense of security. She was also a child without a sense of security

But every time Fu Jin Yan held her tightly in her arms, she felt that her whole world had calmed down, which was a kind of yearning peace of mind.

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