Now think of it, maybe at that time, she had a different feeling for him.

If she knew her heart at that time, maybe she would not walk so many wrong roads with Fu Jinyan. But this wrong road, still walking, did not know whether she could finally reach the end Where they end together.

Thinking of these, Tang Jinse's body couldn't help shivering.

Fu Jinyan didn't know what Tang Jinshe thought. He thought that she was really scared and her arms were tightened.

Tang Jinshe closed his eyes, bent his two small hands on his side, and clenched them into fists. Finally, he could not stand the palpitation in his heart. He raised his hand and slowly circled Fu Jin Yan's thin waist.

Time seems to stop at this moment, so tightly holding each other, they are infinitely satisfied.

But happy time is always short.

The elevator door is still open.

"President!" Chen Dong rushed over at the first time, but when he saw two people embracing each other, his feet stopped abruptly.


This is embarrassing.

Hearing Chen Dong's voice, Tang Jin se reflexively wants to leave Fu Jin Yan's arms.

She just forgot herself so much that she didn't want to come out in Fu Jinyan's arms.

Fortunately, Chen Dong only saw it. If other people saw it, they would think

Just thinking about it, Tang Jinshe's thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and his whole body was held up.

Fu Jinyan knew that Tang Jinshe was pregnant and could not curl up, so the distance between the two arms was lengthened a little, but the strong arms still bear the weight of Tang Jinshe and the two children steadily.

The sudden embrace of the princess made Tang Jinse's face instantly red. She just thought she would not be seen, but Fu Jinyan picked her up directly.

Embarrassed to see other people's reaction, Tang buried his face in Fu's chest.

Fu Jinyan looks at the floor shown on the elevator, and sees that there are two more floors to the top floor. He directly holds Tang Jinshe out of the elevator, goes up the stairs, and returns to the office.

"Wow, how tough the president is!"

"That's great strength, too."

"How handsome!"

"The president is in love. Do we have a good life in the future?"

"At this moment, we are all Miss Tang!"


Although the staff's voices were small, they rustled to Tang Jinshe's ears. She heard some of them.

This meeting, Tang Jinse is not only blushing, ears and neck are also dyed with a charming pink.

She can't help but think, don't Fu Jin Yan worry about being misunderstood like this?

Seems to have been misunderstood.

But he still didn't let go of himself.

Tang chin se raised his head gently, and his eyes fell on Fu Jin Yan's resolute chin, and something came out of his heart.

Fu Jin Yan walked steadily, holding Tang Jin se all the way to the lounge of the office, and put her directly on the bed.

He sat down at the bedside, leaning forward slightly, looking at Tang Jinshe with worried eyes. His voice asked in a hurry: "is it OK? I asked the doctor to come... "

"I'm fine." Tang Jin SE's voice interrupts Fu Jin's words, his eyes twinkle for a moment, and he falls to one side.

After Fu Jin Yan's meal, he found that Tang Jinshe's porcelain white face was now tinged with a lovely pink color, even the same color of his ears and neck.

She is


Fu Jin Yan's body suddenly froze, and the dark and deep vision could not be separated from Tang Jinshe. He could not help swallowing his mouth, and almost could not help the urge to kiss her in his body.

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