It's just that every step she takes now, for her, is like stepping on the sharp raised gravel. She can't even control her scalp because of the pain!

Outside the building, there are passers-by passing by.

Tang Jinshe limped at the speed of tortoise, intending to walk to the intersection not far from the Construction Bureau, where there is a large traffic flow, and then take a car to the hospital

The goose yellow wild flowers on the road swayed with the wind. But for a while, Tang Jinshe felt that her right foot was too painful to walk forward. So she simply took off the high heels on her two feet and carried them in her hand. Then she used her left foot, which was not injured, to jump forward to the intersection.

Behind her, a black Maybach, which she was very familiar with, was moving slowly along with her.

There is no air conditioning in the car, but the atmosphere is still cold and frightful!

Fu Jinyan is sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with one hand, but his vision is tightly stuck to a woman who is struggling to move forward.

Every time Tang Jinshe jumps, she will stop and rest for a while. After her left foot recovers some strength, she will jump to the direction of the intersection again.

Some passers-by will cast their eyes on her unusual behavior, but no one really dare to talk to her. Most of them look at her for a second and then leave

The human feelings in this world are always a kind of chance that people can't figure out.

But when Tang Jinshe finally jumped to the intersection, he found that all the taxis passing by were full. Even if one or two idle cars passed by, they didn't take her because they took the opposite route.

Fu Jinyan, who was sitting in the car, saw this and stopped the car steadily behind an old tree not far from the intersection. Then he took out his cell phone and dialed the phone: "how long can I get to the car I just asked you to call?"

"Tell the other party that he must be there in five minutes!"

"Otherwise, he won't need the job. Prepare for his last day at work."

When the words fell, Fu Jin Yan hung up the phone mercilessly, and regardless of the mood of the person at the other end of the phone, he looked at the one not far away again It looks like the back of a helpless woman.

This woman is really stubborn and stubborn!

There are so many employees under the Tang group who can be used and dispatched. How can she use her as the general manager to run materials in the Construction Bureau?

I don't mind running tired. I can make myself look miserable

What a fire!

Fu Jin Yan frowned, and said something angrily in his heart, but the two lines of vision fell on the woman, but they were full of hidden worries.


Before long, a taxi stopped in front of Tang Jinshe.

"Miss, the direction of the city hospital, are you going?" The driver said with a smile, but God knows what he's been through five minutes of life and death!

His whole back is still covered with a layer of cold sweat.

"Go, of course! I happened to go to the city hospital. "

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe was stunned. Then he jumped on the bus with a smile on his face. He only felt that today is more lucky than when he took a taxi last time. He also happened to meet a driver on the same road.

"Well, then you can sit still. Let's start now!"

As soon as the task of taking over was completed, a driver was relieved at last.

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