After Tang Jinshe's taxi started to drive away, Fu Jinyan started to drive towards another short road to the city hospital


It's the sound of mobile phone shaking.

Fu Jin Yan stepped on the accelerator to speed up and connected the phone at the same time.

"President, I've arranged for Miss Tang in the hospital. As soon as she enters, there will be a special nurse in the hall to receive her. As for the doctor who visits Miss Tang, the hospital will send the most authoritative orthopaedic doctor to treat Miss Tang later!"

At the other end of the phone, Chen Dongna sounded very calm and powerful.

But in fact

He's exhausted now!

"Well, I see."

Fu Jin said in a light voice, then cut off the phone and went straight to the city hospital.

Chen Dong: "..."

One does not raise wages, two does not add bonus, three still does not get a "good" that President admits personally?

Then what is his plan and when is he going to be the one who worries about his lung every day

He helps the president deal with business affairs, even dealing with the mess left behind!

Why is he now acting as the president's personal affairs?

Even the president and Miss Tang's complex emotional life of love are involved

If he wants to devote all his time and energy so selflessly, when will he be able to completely break away from the millions of single compatriots in his motherland!


Twenty minutes later, the city hospital.

As soon as Tang Jinshe entered the hospital hall, a nurse in a white robe came straight to her.

"It's Miss Tang. I'll help you take a picture upstairs first..."

The nurse said, and helped Tang Jinshe to the elevator.

But when Tang Jinshe heard the words, he was stunned, and then turned to look at the angel in white beside him: "wait a moment, I didn't seem to introduce myself to you just now. How do you know my surname Tang? Do you know to take me to the movies first? "

"Ah That ah, that is before I met you in the hospital, right! That's it. I have registered your case data on the computer, so I can recognize you at the first time! As for filming, when you walked in just now, you were limping. I think what kind of injury did you have to do to your feet? It must be shooting first. "

In the face of Tang Jinshe's sudden question, the female nurse was only frightened for a moment, then she turned her mind and found a reason to fool the past.

I have been told by the superior not to reveal anything that should not be disclosed!

Fortunately, she had registered the information of Miss Tang before, otherwise she would have to help just now.

"Well, that's how it turned out..."

Hearing the explanation from the female nurse, Tang Jinshe's doubts could only fade away.

It's true that when she was not comfortable last time, she came to this hospital. She remembers that Fu Jinyan sent her back at that time


Tang Jinshe looked at the nurse by her side who helped her carefully. She always felt strange in her heart!

Now the hospital's service attitude towards patients has become so positive and friendly, or even a certain point of service?


The third floor of the hospital.

Under the guidance of the nurse, Tang Jinse soon finished filming and got the results of filming.

"Right ankle soft tissue injury, surrounding soft tissue swelling..."

"Well, I'm glad I didn't hurt the bone!"

"I'll ice you later, and then I'll give you some medicine and spray for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Don't forget that it will take 24 hours for you to warm up, OK?"

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