In the orthopaedic office, Tang Jinshe listened attentively to the doctor's advice and nodded one by one.

When Tang Jinshe came out of the hospital after receiving the medicine, the sky outside was already dark, just in the rush hour of every industry.

"Master, go to Tang's group in Fenglin Road."

There was a good taxi at the gate of the hospital. After getting on the bus, Tang Jinshe reported the address of Tang Group, but didn't drive home directly.

Shortly after she left, she kept watching in the dark and went straight to the hospital.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fu! Miss Tang just sprained the soft tissue around her ankle. She didn't hurt her muscles and bones. In addition, she went to see a doctor in time, so it's OK. She usually took some medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis for two days. "

In the orthopaedic office, the orthopaedic director who had just visited Tang Jinshe is now bending, with a respectful face and a man standing in front of him reporting Tang Jinshe's sprain.

I don't know where the lady came from just now, but Mr. Fu, one of the most famous businessmen in K City, came to understand the injury in person!

"For sprains, is there anything that needs special attention?"

Fu Jin Yan asked again with a cold face.

"In fact, there is nothing to pay special attention to..."

The orthopaedic director habitually opened his mouth to receive the words, but when she was blocking the man's cold eyes, it was hard to turn a corner, and then returned to the furnace to make a "more suitable for this situation" answer.

"But! At ordinary times, we should pay more attention to rest, try to avoid weight-bearing and landing, so as to avoid repeated swelling and pain, and delay the best recovery period! "


Fu Jin's words answered lightly, but a pair of thick eyebrows were more and more wrinkled.

The woman didn't know how to take care of herself since she was a child. He accompanied her when she was ill. Now she goes back alone and doesn't know whether she will follow the doctor's advice and take good care of her foot injury

The more Fu Jin Yan thinks about it, the more he worries about it, the more he thinks about it, the more he can't let it go!


7 p.m., Tang Group.

Tang Jinshe called Lin Wan and said that he would go back later. After that, he started to look up all kinds of TKS materials and tried to find a breakthrough point that could break the current dilemma!

But to Tang's dismay, after two hours of searching, she still didn't find any useful information.

At this time, the sky outside has become very dark, the whole company, in addition to the security guard on duty, only Tang Jinshe stayed in the company.

Another day of fruitlessness

Tang Jinshe leaned on the soft chair behind her, her eyes were slightly empty, and her eyebrows were a little tired.

She didn't sleep well last night. Today, she sprained her feet outside the building Bureau. She didn't even have a good meal. How can she not be tired?

But she was more worried about the cooperation between Tang family and Xinghui real estate than she was physically tired.

TKS material

Tang Jinshe sighed low, eyes closed slightly, but thoughts were running at high speed.

What is the best way to get her out of the current adversity?

As she thought about it, Tang opened her eyes slowly, and when she glanced at the data page she had just read on the computer screen, she was shocked.

Originally filled with melancholy and gloom in the pupil, at this time also gradually gathered a touch of hope to light

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