Fu Jin Yan's eyes were caught by Tang Jinshe, and he felt guilty for a moment. He quickly looked away from him, and did not let Tang Jinshe see the suspicious red on his face.

"Well." He answered lightly, then lifted the quilt to get out of bed and went directly to the bathroom.

Tang Jinshe clearly felt Fu Jinyan's indifference, which was somewhat inexplicable.

In the morning, is it hard for him to get up?

Why didn't you find out before?

Tang Jinshe watched Fu Jinyan enter the bathroom, curled his mouth, took his cell phone and looked at the time.

It's almost seven o'clock.

She also got out of bed. After Fu Jinyan finished washing and coming out, she immediately got into the bathroom.

When he came out again, Fu Jinyan had already ordered breakfast.

Two people sit side by side on the computer table by the window to eat breakfast, very quiet.

Tang Jinshe couldn't help it. He stopped his chopsticks and asked, "what's wrong with you? I didn't mess with you. Why didn't you talk to me? "

"I didn't." Fu Jinyan explains in a hurry.

Tang Jinshe's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he complained and asked, "then why don't you talk to me? Don't look at me? "

Fu Jin said: "what do you mean?"

Can he say he's guilty?

Last night he came with her in his arms.

Fu Jin Yan touched his nose, coughed a little under cover and said, "I I didn't sleep well last night. I was a little tired. "

Actually, I didn't sleep at all.

"Don't go out that morning. You can have a good rest." Tang Jinse's voice softened.

He must not have slept well last night.

Fu Jin smiled and shook his head. "No, just have a cup of coffee. Let's eat it. We'll start after we finish."

Tang Jinshe looked at Fu Jinyan for a while and said "Hmm".

After breakfast, the two set off.

Outside, the rising sun.

In this season, even in the morning, the surface temperature is also very high. Just after Tang Jinshe went out, his white forehead was clear of sweat.

After Fu Jin Yan got on the bus, he immediately turned on the air conditioner: "is it still hot?"

"OK, let's go." Tang Jinshe touched his stomach.

From pregnancy to now, she has gained a lot of weight. In addition, there are two little guys in her stomach, which is heavier than the average pregnant woman. In this hot day, she will sweat as long as she moves.

"If only I were pregnant in autumn But that's not good. It's a hot day when I'm on the moon. It's not good either. " Tang Jinshe murmured to himself and shook his head.

When Fu Jin Yan heard this, he blamed Du Hengsheng in his heart.

It's just that bad boy who makes his Jinse so hard.

Fu Jinyan tightly grasped the mobile phone, Yu Guang looked at Tang Jinshe, then turned on the navigation, first went to the mall to buy some gifts, and then went to the community where President Gao lived.

The town is not big. It's only ten minutes from the shopping mall to President Gao's neighborhood.

Fu Jinyan drove the car into the basement of the community, then helped Tang Jinshe all the way into the elevator and directly came to the unit where President Gao was.

On the ninth floor, Tang Jinshe finds the house number, points to it, and goes with Fu Jinyan.

"I don't know if President Gao is here."

Fu Jin Yan didn't speak. He raised his hand and knocked on the door three times.

After a while, there came a female voice: "who are you looking for, please?"

"Hello, Dean Gao. I'm Yu Zhenni's son." Fu Jinyan said.

In response, there was a silence.

Tang Jin se frowned, and more and more he felt that this senior Dean was a little out of place.

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