Just when Tang Jinshe wanted to knock again, the door in front of him suddenly opened.

A kind face came into her eyes.

The chief of the high court glanced at the two people in front of him and looked at Tang Jinshe's stomach. He thought they were husband and wife, so he opened the door again.

"Come in."

Fu Jinyan helps Tang Jinshe in.

"Sit down." President Gao's voice was not cold or hot. Then he poured three glasses of water and put them on the tea table.

She sat down opposite Tang Jinshe and Fu Jinyan and asked lightly, "what can I do for you?"

Tang Jinshe and Fu Jinyan looked at each other, and took the lead in saying, "Hello, Dean Gao. I'm Lin Wan's daughter. Do you remember Lin Wan?"

Hearing Lin Wan's name, President Gao's expression obviously flashed a little guilty.

She looked at Tang Jinshe in surprise, and then calmed down again the next second.

"What's the matter with you looking for me?"

When Tang Jinshe saw that the chief of the high court was very indifferent, he simply came to the point.

"Dean Gao, do you remember some details when my mother came to the orphanage?"

As soon as her voice fell, the chief of the high court replied, "I don't remember."

Tang Jinshe is sure that there must be something wrong with the President Gao.

"Do you know when my mother was born?"

"I don't remember." President Gao is still saying this.

Tang Jinshe picked up the eyebrows and suddenly smiled: "Dean Gao, do you remember that? Do you remember why you changed my mother's blood type?"

Hearing this, the head of the high court looked sluggish, and a flash of panic followed.

"What do you mean by that?"

Tang Jinshe took back the sneer on her lips and looked at Dean Gao coldly with her eyes: "I went to the orphanage with my mother to see the files and found many wrong places. Besides, I heard that you didn't allow my mother to check her files before, did you?"

"Those files don't have anything to hide. Why don't you let my mother check them?"

The chief of the High Court felt empty and his face was tight: "what do you want to say? The files of every child in the orphanage are not confidential, but Well, I admit, it's my fault. "

"I accidentally destroyed some children's data. At that time, computers were not widely used and there was no backup in the orphanage. I was afraid that this matter would be known by the outside world. If I was asked to take responsibility, I would forge some files by myself. But in this way, there would be a lot of clues for those children to find their families."

Tang chin se nodded, "well, it's a good excuse."

"I apologize to you, if you want to sue me, whatever."

President Gao said in a cold voice and stood up: "if there is nothing else, please leave."

"President Gao..." Fu Jinyan, who had not spoken, called President Gao to look at Fu Jinyan. Although he was not sure whether he was Zhenni's son or not, he wondered why Zhenni's son came with Lin Wan's daughter.

Is it

Just thinking about it, Fu Jin's voice rang out again.

"You remember Jeanie."

Gao wanted to say that he didn't know each other. Fu continued, "otherwise you won't let us in, will you?"

"Yes, I remember," he said

Fu Jinyan's hands were intertwined, and his voice was deep: "what is Yu Zhenni's original name, do you remember?"

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