Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 636: : The Battle of Loang Green (8)

bang bang bang —

The artillery fired in unison, and the anti-aircraft missile flew away from the Minerva with its tail smoke.

In front of the Minerva, the Gadi Lu-class battleship returned fire.

The shock wave of the stray bomb spread across the desert.

Dust was flying for a while.

Below, the MS unit of Radoer's unit began pouring artillery fire in the direction of Roan Green.

With the advantage of numbers, the Radoer troops finally came to the open space below the cliff of the Luanglin base.

bang bang bang —

For a time, beam grenades were shot in all directions, and countless rubble tumbled down from the tremors of the cliff.

Even the two MAs in front of the Roanglin fort were affected.

However, just when Zaft's direction thought that everything could be resolved before the opponent's energy was fully charged.

A screeching siren suddenly sounded inside the Minerva bridge.

[Wow—the phantom particle fluctuations were detected, it's a mirage system! 】

The voice of the radar inspector surprised the occupants who had just regained their confidence.

"and also?"

"Isn't it where?"

Arthur couldn't help but ask.

"Did someone tell you that the Earth Federation has only one battleship with mirage particles!"

Thalia was angry at Arthur's stupidity, and then ignored Arthur, turned to the radar detector and asked, "Can you detect the approximate direction and distance!"

With the size of the Earth Union, there are definitely more than one battleship with mirage particles.



Before the radar detector finished speaking, the sound of being locked by the radar sounded abruptly.

I saw that on the left side of the Minerva, another Gadi Lu-class battleship slowly revealed its shape.


Looking at the muzzle of the opponent's gradually lit muzzle, Thalia gave an order loudly.

Almost at the same time Thalia ordered it.

The battleship Minerva suddenly leaned towards the cliff on the left side of the canyon.


In the next second, two high-energy beams pierced through the mountains on the edge of the canyon and fell into the canyon.

Fragmented stones and dirt hit the cleat above the Minerva, knocking the Zaku Warrior off the cleat.

Fortunately, because of the cover of the canyon terrain, the cannon did not cause much impact on the Minerva.

It's just that Baku around the beam's landing spot was directly lifted by the shock wave, causing some damage.

[Di Di Di - MS heat source signal detected, signal recognition - duel, storm, strong attack... Warriors! ? 】

The radar inspector spoke with a sense of absurdity in his tone.

How did the Warrior Gundam appear here?


In the cockpit of the Savior Gundam, Aslan subconsciously exclaimed when he looked at the mothership that was almost buried in dust.

"It's me!"

However, it was also this moment of slackening that allowed Chaos Gundam, which had been suppressed by the Savior Gundam, to find an opportunity to turn around.

The two armed barrels of Chaos Gundam are separated from left to right in the volley of the body.

MA morphological transformation to MS.

The beam rifle in his hand locked the Savior Gundam one after another.


Several beams, together with the high-energy beams of the armed barrel, poured out towards the Savior Gundam.

Listen to the siren going off in the cockpit.

Aslan's eyes filled with blue eyes flashed a hint of coldness, and he gradually made a decision in his heart.

MA Savior Gundam Flip Climb.

While evading the beam, he changed into MS form, raised his shield with his left hand, and charged in the direction of Chaos Gundam.

"court death!"

In the face of the actions of the Savior, Sting raised his beam rifle again during the scolding, and controlled two armed barrels to encircle and suppress the Savior Gundam.


bang bang bang —

Beams, beam cannons, guided missiles—

Three different attacks flew towards the Savior Gundam from three directions.

Facing the flying beams and missiles, Aslan's eyes were unwavering and his hands twisted.

The Savior Gundam turned upside down, the right hand holding the beam saber slid across his waist again, and a weapon with both ends filled with the beam saber appeared in the hands of the Savior Gundam.

"Beam saber? Are you looking down on me! Asshole!"

Facing the successive provocations of the Savior Gundam, Sting's eyes turned cold, his right hand reached towards his waist, he held a shield in his right hand and a knife in the left, and charged straight towards the Savior Gundam with two armed barrels.

"The Female President's Almighty King"


bang bang bang —

The beam assault guns fired one after another while the armed barrel floated up and down, and the guided missile took off.


In the face of the flying beam, the Savior Gundam couldn't help but did not change the route, but instead pulled the engine output to the highest.

Holding the shield against the beam cannon, the attack accelerated and rushed.

Drop drop —

The sound of missile locking reverberated in the cockpit of the Savior Gundam.

next moment-


The missile hit the Savior Gundam directly, and the front of the screen was filled with fire.

Drop drop —

Radar alert came.

At the moment when the Savior Gundam rushed out of the missile smoke, the Chaos Gundam figure holding a beam saber almost filled the screen.


Sting indulged in filial piety, and the beam saber in his hand suddenly fell against the savior Gundam.

Aslan listened to the roar of filial piety coming from the cockpit, a moment of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but then he was replaced by firmness.

Hu Hu—

stab -

One red and one green flashed across the sky.


After a short pause, the front and rear thrusters of the Chaos Gundam body exploded at the same time.

Chaos Gundam, which had lost its propulsion, fell straight down with thick smoke.

Aslan glanced at the Chaos Gundam rolling down on the screen, and disassembled the double-blade and put it into his waist.

Immediately, it changed into the MA form and accelerated towards the direction of the Minerva. ,

At this time, the Minerva was already under siege.

Even with the support of Radoer's troops, it still seemed imminent and dangerous.

With the addition of one battleship and four elite MSs, the tough battle that had just improved once again returned to despair.

The Azure Duel Gundam jumped into the canyon with a beam saber in both hands, and swung the knife around in Baku.

The jet-black Assault Gundam rushed directly into the Minerva's automatic attack range and raised its guns to attack.

Even with Luna Maria's timely support, it still couldn't cause much disruption to the jet-black attack.

The Emerald Storm Gundam stood beside the Gadi Lu-class battleship for remote support, and the light of the beam cannon mercilessly harvested the life in the canyon.

Warrior Gundam went straight to Ray Za Barrel, who was dragged by Abyss Gundam.

Drop drop —


A siren suddenly sounded from the jet-black storm cockpit that had just shot the main gun on the Minerva's side door.

bang bang —

The next moment, two high-energy beams flew from mid-air.


High-energy beams blasted into the canyon, causing dust.



Before Swen could check the situation, the beam saber arrived in an instant.

As the beam particles spread, Dark Assault and the Savior Gundam tangled together.

"This guy-"

However, after several fights, Shi Wen felt a pressure.


Without any hesitation, Swain called out to Maudie directly below.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and swung the anti-ship knife to force the Savior Gundam back, and while flipping back, he threw a beam boomerang at the Savior Gundam.

Hu Hu—


The light of the beam saber swung staggeredly, and the two beam boomerangs exploded at the same time one second before they approached the Savior Gundam.

The flames filled the air, and the Savior Gundam rushed out of the flames, and swung the knife to attack the pitch black again.


However, it was also at this moment that six missiles with tail smoke suddenly appeared below.

In the face of the missiles flying below, the Savior Gundam stopped the pace of attack, and turned his shoulder muzzle to shoot a beam.


The six missiles were pierced simultaneously by two high-energy beams.

"This guy-"

Seeing the other party's actions, Shi Wen couldn't help but his eyes narrowed slightly, which was a bit too silky. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After a slight pause.

The Savior Gundam accelerated again and charged towards the jet-black Assault Gundam.

Facing the attack of the Savior Gundam, Shi Wen restrained his expression, grabbed a physical anti-ship sword in each of his hands, and rushed forward to meet the Savior Gundam.

【Wu-! 】

Inside the Minerva, a harsh siren sounded suddenly.

That was the alarm sound of the Roanglin electromagnetic gun being fully charged.

"The bow is down 20 - avoid!"

Captain Thalia gave the order loudly without any hesitation.

Inside the Luanglin Base—

Drop drop —

[The MS heat source was found to be approaching in the sky—the speed is very fast, and it will be here soon! 】

The soldier in charge of radar detection suddenly found a rapidly approaching heat source signal.

"Don't worry about it, fire! Hit me down with that **** warship!"

The base commander, who was almost in a state of madness, gave a loud order at the same time as the energy was charged.

The Luanglin Fort gradually lit up with dazzling light.

And in front of the muzzle of Loanglin, Minerva also began to tilt her bow toward the bottom of the canyon.




However, it was almost the moment before the turret was about to emit a beam.

A dark red with countless afterimages plunged straight into the fort.

After a short pause, the ship-cutting knife completely shredded the protective cover along the cracks in the protective cover.

Driven by a huge force, the ship-cutting knife that broke through the protective cover directly submerged into the turret with only one handle exposed.

In the spark of electric privateer, the dark red body jumped up.


In the next second, violent fire erupted from the mouth of the gun mount.

The fire burst into the sky, and the shock wave of the explosion blew away the Gadi Lu-class battleship located in the upper left of the Roanglin Fort.

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