Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 637: : I will be besieged for the rest of my life?

In the mountains of the Luanglin base.

The impact of the continuous explosions was difficult to contain, and all the way through the entire mountain base, almost every opening burst into flames.

The shock wave generated by the explosion spread far and wide, opening the originally fierce battlefield.



The Minerva, which had just rubbed the ground and re-launched, found the Destiny Gundam that was swept away by the shock wave.

Looking at the trial-made Destiny Gundam that was stalling, Aslan hurriedly drove the Savior Gundam to the trial-made Destiny Gundam for escort.

After a while.

In a loud explosion, Noel gradually stabilized the body and shook his somewhat foggy head.

In fact, at the last moment, the Roan Green Fortress had already fired the Yang electron to break the city.

Fortunately, the muzzle was destroyed, and the energy that lost the energy pouring path exploded in the mountains. With the buffer of the mountain base, Destiny Gundam did not suffer.

"Hey, hey, is this gone?"

Orr couldn't help but groaned as he looked at the base that was constantly lit up.

Their mission is to help the Luanglin base, and now the Luanglin base is gone.

Stella and Sting are also driving the body to merge together.

"Tsk, what a useless guy."

In the cockpit of the Azure Duel Gundam, Maudie said with a disdainful expression.

I thought I could have a good time here, but the base disappeared a few minutes after I arrived.

"There's no need to say that, after all, it doesn't seem like we came here to help much."

Inside the Emerald Storm Gundam, Sams couldn't help but say a fair word for the base commanders who had died.

The crew of the Minerva battleship also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

The Luoanglin base has fallen, so there is no need for the opponent to continue fighting.

This level is over.

【Drip drip-】

But just when the crew of the Minerva thought it was over.

Radar sirens blared harshly.


Thalia looked forward subconsciously, and saw that the gun muzzle of the Gadi Lu-class battleship, which had just stabilized, turned again and locked on the Minerva.

bang bang-

The next second, the main gun shot out rays of light, hitting the canyon directly.

The MSs in midair were all stunned.

"Everyone, our mission has never been to defend the Luanglin base."

Preia's voice sounded in the MS cockpit in the direction of Earth United: "The next thing is dinner."

"The MS signal was found ahead - signal recognition - God's Will Gundam!"

The sound of the Minerva radar detecting soldiers just sounded.

I saw the gates of the Jiadi Lu-class battleship slowly open.

Minerva's radar also identified two MS heat source signals at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, two white-painted Divine Will Gundams flew out from inside the Gadi Lu-class battleship.


out of the moment.

The two Fukiyuki God Gundams flip the dragoon muzzle at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, countless beams of light poured down towards the Radoer troops that were retreating to the rear.


Baku and Gaziut of Radoer's force could not avoid the beam in this narrow canyon.

All of a sudden the fire blazed.

"You think we don't exist!"

Shin Asuka looked at the two MSs that fired directly after they appeared.

Driving Pulse Gundam rushed straight up.

Drop drop-

However, it didn't wait for the Pulse Gundam to approach.

Accompanied by a piercing alarm, the four-legged Gaia Gundam jumped high on the mountain and flew towards Impulse Gundam.

The Abyss Gundam also unfolded the flipped muzzle at this moment and aimed at Aslan who was ready to support.



The Emerald Storm duel paired the two cannons, aiming at the Minerva, which was gradually leaving the canyon below, and shot out, the target was the red Zaku warrior driven by Luna Maria.

Looking at Abyss Gundam, which was suppressed in an instant, the jet-black assault immediately opened fire to support it, and at the same time chased after waving the anti-ship sword.

Nia Matisse's Fubuki Spirit Gundam finds Ray Za Barrell's Zagu Phantom.

As for the trial-type fate——

"What's the matter, I've been besieged for the rest of my life?"

Warrior Gundam, Fubuki Spirituality, Azure Duel...

Looking at the three mobile suits that surrounded him, Noel felt that his head was big.

Three, three more—

Co-authoring yourself will not be able to live with the three in this life?

Drop drop-

The harsh alarm accompanied by the beams of light coming from the direction of God's Will interrupted Noel's thoughts.


While raising his hand to block the beam, the prototype Destiny Gundam's back beam cannon flipped and fired.

Push back the duel of Azure who is about to approach from the left.

Then the body flipped and fell.

Two high-energy beams shot from the shoulder gun of the Warrior Gundam, rubbing the trial-style Destiny Gundam into the air.

"You two, don't be distracted, that guy is an old rival."

While Preya was speaking, the muzzle of Fuyuki Shenyi flipped over and attacked again.

In the blink of an eye, several beams shot back the prototype Destiny Gundam, which was about to escape from the encirclement.


As the beam particles scattered, the Warrior Gundam raised his gun and fired again with the two beam cannons on his shoulders.

As old opponents, whether it is Preya or Canard, they all know what the most dangerous place for Noel is.

Warrior Gundam ETA

A modified version of the Warrior Gundam.

The body's NJC and nuclear power furnace still exist.

However, since Canard does not have air recognition, the dragoon component cannot be used, so the X-shaped dragoon component on the back and the shark-type induction cannon on the waist were removed, and carried out with the help of Acteon Company. Reinforcement.

Body number: YMF-X000A / Warrior Gundam.

Equipped Energy: Nuclear Engine, Anti-Neutron Jammer.


(Close Defense Cannon) x4;

MA-MV04 beam saber built-in composite shield system.

MA-M22Y beam rifle x1;

99 beam cannon, backpack compound armed system;

The two parts on the back can be transformed into two forms for shelling and fighting, and the attack mode can be changed by the rotation of the ring part in the center of the backpack.

In the epee mode for fighting, the parts held in both hands will form a huge beam saber with a total length of 20 meters, and the rear of the parts will form equipment such as porcupine array 2 and howitzers; in the artillery mode for artillery, the parts are bombarded by the energy provided by nuclear energy.

"Do you have to try it to find out!"

In the Azure Duel Gundam, Maudie manipulated the Azure Duel Gundam while speaking and swung a knife to the side of the trial-made Destiny Gundam.

The beam saber swung the target straight at the cockpit.

She still had some doubts as to whether the pilot of the pilot Destiny Gundam was Noel Cassia.


The next second, the arm with the MX2351 solid-phase light beam shield generator suddenly fell.


Seeing the beam saber that couldn't get closer, Miudi couldn't help being stunned.

This is the first time she has encountered a device like a beam shield, or the first time she has encountered a situation where a beam shield can be cast without using anything.


The familiar roar sounded from the cockpit.

The trial-style Destiny Gundam turned around and raised its legs against the beam saber.

When Maudie lowered his head, he saw a thigh with a beam dagger sweeping from the lower left.

Weilan Duel hurriedly raised his shield to block it, and the next second, accompanied by a burst of force, Weilan Duel's test-type destiny lifted his legs and swept out.

Drop drop-

Before Azure Duel could adjust its flight posture, the radar-locked alarm sounded suddenly.


The flipped muzzle of the prototype Destiny Gundam lit up, and a high-energy beam shot out from the muzzle.

Miu Di Tong Kong suddenly shrank, and the blue duel engine roared half a circle to the left in mid-air.

boom -

The beam cannon rubbed the azure duel into the desert, hitting bursts of smoke.

Drop drop-

However, before Maudie could recover from the, the harsh alarm sounded again.

As he looked up, the prototype Destiny Gundam, with both hands clenching the ship-cutting sword, dragged the phantoms in a staggered turn in the beam, and quickly approached him.


Nuoer roared loudly, and while turning to avoid the high-energy beam, he swept the ship-cutting knife in his hand.


The ship-cutting knife swept angrily against the blue duel with gusts of wind.


The ship-cutting knife was blocked by the opponent's shield again.

In the screams of Maudie, the blue duel was directly knocked into the air, and the shield was also released at this moment.

A cold light flashed in Nuoer's eyes, and the trial-type Destiny Gundam dragged the afterimage and moved quickly.


Hearing the screams from the cockpit, Sams turned his head and couldn't help shrinking.

The Minerva, which was directly abandoned, flipped the caliber of the gun directly to the prototype Destiny Gundam.

Listening to the alarm sounding in the cockpit, Nuoer swept the corners of his eyes and his eyes filled with bright red eyes flashed with anger.

The prototype Destiny Gundam forcibly stopped its offensive and turned around in the direction of the emerald storm.

The high-energy beam self-testing Destiny Gundam and the Azure Duel swept across the battlefield.

Drop drop-

However, just when Sams was happy to save the blue duel, the piercing alarm sounded suddenly.

Turning his head, in his gradually shrinking Tong Kong, a high-energy beam flew from the direction of the trial-made Destiny Gundam that was flipping in the air.

boom -

The Emerald Storm Gundam, which had no means of defense, was accurately hit by the beam.

Can the beam be shot at this angle?

With such doubts, the emerald green storm turned into gorgeous fireworks in mid-air.

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