Of course, such a topic involving the differences between men and women can never be debated to the end.

More than two hours passed, and the debate ended in vain.

Su Yang didn't care, he was for popularity and points.

The highest number of online users in this live broadcast exceeded 150,000, setting a new high since his live broadcast.

The total points have also accumulated to 2.6 million.

Su Yang was in a good mood.

Emotional anchor Ma Meng was also in a good mood.

She was also a winner in this live broadcast, which brought her a lot of traffic and attention.

"Brothers, that's all for today. I'm going to end the live stream. If you have anything to say, you can send an email to my email address. Bye!" Su Yang waved at the camera and turned off the live stream.

The long debate made him dry-mouthed. He got up and poured himself a glass of water, then returned to the computer and opened the email address set up abroad.

There were already tens of thousands of emails in the email address.

Su Yang browsed through them. Most of them were insulting emails from black fans, and only a few were seeking help.

The content of these help emails was varied. Some people said that they had no money to eat and hoped that Su Yang could give them some rewards; some people wanted to find Su Yang to advertise; and some people... In short, there were all kinds of weird requests.

This made Su Yang sigh that the online world was really full of surprises.

Suddenly, the title of an email caught Su Yang's attention.

"Ma Meng is a liar, help the anchor!"

"Ma Meng?" Su Yang was puzzled. The name was very familiar. Then he realized that this was the emotional anchor who had just connected with him.

With a hint of curiosity, Su Yang opened the email.

"Hello, anchor, my name is Zhou Jimin. I watched the live broadcast where you helped Xiao Li, so I want to ask you for help.

Ma Meng is a very famous emotional anchor on Douyin, with more than six million fans. Half a year ago, I spent 18,888 yuan to buy her emotional course. The contract said that Ma Meng would guide me one-on-one, but when I actually took the class, it was a female lecturer who came, and this female lecturer did not teach me at all, but just asked me to watch videos. These videos were pieced together from other emotional anchors on the Internet, which was completely fooling people... I just want her to return the money..."

After reading the entire email, Su Yang understood what was going on.

Now there are many anchors on the Internet who sell various courses in the name of emotional consultation, investment and financial management, and entrepreneurship guidance to defraud fans of their money.

Teacher Ma Meng is one of them.

"Teacher Ma, how can you be a course seller? I thought you were very noble. What the hell!" Su Yang said.

If he had known, Su Yang would not have debated with Ma Meng for so long, wasting his words and directly scolding her to death.

After complaining, Su Yang clicked on Ma Meng's Douyin homepage.

With six million fans, she can be considered a big anchor in the field of emotional anchors.

Look at her window again:

"The Art of Pickup" - priced at 988 yuan (45,899 items have been sold)

"It's so easy to get out of being single" - priced at 2,000 yuan (8,099 items have been sold)

"Mr. Ma's emotional class, one-on-one" - priced at 18,888 yuan (669 items have been sold)


18,888, is this the one-on-one course Zhou Jimin mentioned?

669 items have been sold, which means that 669 people spent 18,888 to buy the course.

Damn, selling courses is so profitable.

Su Yang was a little surprised.

Then, Su Yang saw the mobile phone number reserved by Ma Meng on the Douyin account, and then skillfully opened the intrusion tool and hacked into Ma Meng's mobile phone.

"Intrusion successful."

With the previous experience of Sweetheart Nini, Su Yang directly searched for files such as financial statements in Ma Meng's mobile phone.

Soon, more than a dozen financial report files were found.

"Please enter the password."

Click on a file at random and set a password.

Decrypt first.

Su Yang opened a brute force cracking tool.

Half an hour later, the cracking failed.

Teacher Ma set a more complex password, and simple brute force cracking did not work.

Su Yang pondered for a while, got up and walked to the side, and plugged an Internet cable into a server.

This server was assembled by Su Yang at a high price, and it was his most important "combat tool".

Su Yang started a password cracking program on the server and then cracked the financial file.

According to the program's estimate, the cracking time is about

Seven hours.

"Hello, I'm LittleBoy." Su Yang sent a message to Zhou Jimin.

Ten seconds later, Zhou Jimin replied, "Big brother, I didn't expect you to reply to me, thank you so much!"

"I read the email you sent and want to learn more about the situation from you. The email is not very clear."

"Okay, okay, can I tell you by voice?"


Soon, Zhou Jimin sent a voice message, detailing how he was deceived by Ma Meng.

It turned out that Zhou Jimin was already 30 years old this year and had been single. Seeing that his friends around him had started families and careers, he began to worry, so he thought about finding an emotional teacher online to learn some love skills.

"I'm curious, Ma Meng's course is so expensive, 18888 is not a small amount, you are a rich second generation, you have money?" Su Yang asked.

"No, I'm just an ordinary office worker." Zhou Jimin explained, "I hesitated for a long time at that time, but Ma Meng promised that as long as I bought her 'one-on-one' course, I would be guaranteed to be single within three months, and if I didn't, I would get a full refund."

"Refund? You believe this?" Su Yang was speechless.

"Ah!" Zhou Jimin sighed, his tone full of regret, "I was also bewildered at the time and actually believed her lies."

"So, you ask her for a refund now, but she refuses to refund, right?" Su Yang asked.

"She just refuses to refund now." Zhou Jimin said indignantly.

"Did you sign the contract?"

"I signed it, but later I consulted a lawyer and found that there was no refund clause in the contract at all." Zhou Jimin paused and continued.

"Did the lawyer say that I could get a refund?" Su Yang asked.

"It's very difficult." Zhou Jimin said in a low voice, "The lawyer said that I have little hope of winning this case because there is no refund clause in the contract, so it is difficult to win."

So that's it.

After listening to Zhou Jimin's story, Su Yang understood.

It's not easy to help.

Or, download all the information on Ma Meng's phone first, and see if you can find some evidence of Ma Meng's illegal crimes. If you can find it, it will be easy to do.

Thinking so in his mind, Su Yang downloaded the information on Ma Meng's phone.

After more than ten minutes, the data download was completed.

Su Yang took a quick look. There was a lot of information and it would take a while to read it all.

Let's talk about it tomorrow.

Go to bed first.

Yawning, Su Yang got up and went to take a shower and sleep.

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