The next morning, at eight o'clock, Su Yang got up. The server cracking program had stopped running, and a few big words were displayed on the screen: Cracking failed. Su Yang sat in front of the computer. Conventional decryption methods seemed to be ineffective. Thinking about it, Su Yang called up a professional analysis tool to analyze the encrypted file. After more than ten minutes, the analysis results came out, and the file used the AES encryption algorithm. The AES algorithm is a very advanced encryption algorithm, which is widely used in banks, financial institutions, government departments and other fields with extremely high data security requirements. Ordinary computers and servers cannot crack it unless a supercomputer is used. Su Yang certainly does not have a supercomputer. Is there no other way? Of course there is. Su Yang firmly believed that any encryption algorithm could be cracked, it was just a matter of time.

He opened the system mall and searched for "AES algorithm cracking".

Soon, he found a tool called "AES decryptor" that was sold for 1 million points.

"One million points?" Su Yang looked at his total points: 2.7 million.

If the points are enough, then buy it.

"Host redeems 'AES decryptor' and deducts 1 million points."

The total points instantly became 1.7 million.

One million points, just spent like this, is it worth it?

Of course it is worth it.

This AES decryptor can not only be used to crack Ma Meng's financial files, it can also be used to crack other files encrypted using the AES algorithm, and its application range is very wide.

Next, Su Yang used the AES decryptor and successfully cracked the file in less than half an hour.

However, this is just an ordinary company's daily expense report, and there is no valuable information.

The same is true for more than a dozen similar files, which are some unimportant daily expenses.


At this time, a message popped up in the lower right corner of the computer: "You have a new email (Zhou Jimin)"

Su Yang logged into a botnet and opened the mailbox.

The email was sent by Zhou Jimin, and the content was very simple: "Big brother, I am on my way to Ma Meng's company, and I am going to ask her for my money in person."

"You can go and try.

Don't be impulsive. When you get to her company, stay calm and don't do anything extreme." Su Yang replied to an email, "It would be best if you can get the money. If you can't... don't be too discouraged. I'm still checking her information here."

After replying to the email, Su Yang was about to exit the mailbox, and suddenly, several emails with the same title caught his attention.

"Big brother, can school bullies ask you for help?"

"Big brother, can school bullies ask you for help?"

"Big brother, can school bullies ask you for help?"

The same person sent three identical emails.

Su Yang clicked on one of the emails, "Hello, big brother. My name is Sun Yuewu. I am a student in Class 302, Grade 2 of Jinyang No. 3 Middle School. There is a classmate named Wang Bin in our class who often bullies other students in our class, including my deskmate Chen Wei. Last week, Wang Bin blocked Chen Wei in the toilet, forced him to take off his clothes, and took a few photos..."

The content of the email surprised Su Yang

He had only seen school bullying in movies and TV dramas before, but he didn't expect it to happen in real life.

After reading the entire email, Su Yang sent a message to Sun Yuewu according to the contact information reserved in the email: "Hello, I am LittleBoy."


In the classroom of Class 302, Grade 2 of Jinyang No. 3 Middle School, the bell for class just rang, and the students returned to their seats, and the classroom gradually became quiet.

Sun Yuewu, who was sitting in the middle row of the classroom, seemed to be listening carefully, but in fact he secretly hid his mobile phone under the textbook.


The phone suddenly vibrated, and a new message popped up.

Sun Yuewu clicked on the message, and the next second, his eyes suddenly widened.

LittleBoy replied to him.

Sun Yuewu first glanced at the teacher on the podium, and then touched his deskmate.

His deskmate, Chen Wei, was a boy wearing glasses, well-mannered and clean-looking.

"Huh?" Chen Wei was puzzled.

Sun Yuewu secretly showed him a look on his phone.

This is...

Chen Wei also showed a surprised expression, and just wanted to speak, "Shh!" Sun Yuewu signaled him not to speak, and then quickly replied to the message: "Boss,

Hello, I didn't expect you to reply. "

A few seconds later, Su Yang replied: "Is the bullying mentioned in the email true?"

"It's true." Sun Yuewu replied.

"Can you tell me in detail what happened?"

Sun Yuewu looked up at the teacher on the podium again. The teacher was sitting on the podium and looking at the laptop, so he secretly hid his phone in the desk and typed quickly with both hands: "This is what happened, last week..."

He recounted in detail how his deskmate Chen Wei was bullied by Wang Bin.

"Let me ask, is Wang Bin a boy? Is your deskmate Chen Wei also a boy?" Su Yang asked in confusion after seeing Sun Yuewu's reply.


"No way, is Wang Bin a homosexual? "Su Yang was puzzled.

A boy takes off another boy's clothes and takes pictures. He is either a homosexual or a pervert.

Is Wang Bin a homosexual? Uh...

Sun Yuewu handed the phone to his deskmate. Chen Wei nodded first, then shook his head. He was not sure. Sun Yuewu looked back at a tall, mighty and muscular boy sitting in the last row.

He is Wang Bin.

This guy was looking at his phone with his head down. I don't know what he was looking at, and he showed a lewd smile.

"I don't know either. This guy looks weird and his behavior is a bit perverted." Sun Yuewu retracted his gaze and replied to the boss.

"Okay, I understand. You want me to hack into Wang Bin's phone and delete Chen Wei's photos, right?"

"Yes, boss, can you really do it?" Sun Yuewu asked.

"Of course."

"Really? "Chen Wei on the side said in a low voice. He was watching and couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. This guy is a great god. You also watched his live broadcast." Sun Yuewu said excitedly.

At this time, the phone vibrated again. Su Yang sent a new message: "What is Wang Bin's mobile number?"

"138****" Sun Yuewu replied.

"Send me a photo of your deskmate."

Sun Yuewu glanced at Chen Wei.

Chen Wei showed a hesitant expression, or was a little worried that the matter would be exposed and discovered by Wang Bin.

"Why are you afraid? Do you want Wang Bin to keep threatening you with photos?" Sun Yuewu said with some regret.

Chen Wei was persuaded and took out a photo of himself from his mobile phone and sent it to Sun Yuewu, who then forwarded it to Su Yang.

"Also, send me a photo of the Wang Bin you mentioned. "Su Yang sent another message.

Sun Yuewu looked back and saw Wang Bin still looking down at his phone.

He opened the class group, found Wang Bin's photo in the group album, and sent it to Su Yang.

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