The key is to open the door and close the door.


Su Yang's ten fingers flew on the keyboard, so fast that they were almost invisible.

In front of him, the daily life was like a mob, vulnerable.

The attack target set by the Red Hacker Base has been completed by 70%, and victory is in sight.

The next target is the official website of the Okinawa Army Base.


Okinawa Army Base.

There are hundreds of computers and dozens of technicians in the command hall, and the keyboard tapping sounds are one after another.

"Report! A large amount of garbage data has been found to attack our server!" A technician reported loudly to the commander, Lieutenant Colonel Naoki.

"Enable the backup server." Lieutenant Colonel Naoki ordered loudly.

In a few seconds.

"Lieutenant Colonel, the backup server can't hold on!"

The 100,000 brute chickens controlled by Su Yang, like a raging flood, broke through the firewall of the Okinawa Army Base server in an instant.

"Ding ding ding!"

In the hall, the alarms of all the computers sounded at the same time, the harsh sound made people upset.

The next second, the screens of all the computers turned blue at the same time, and then they were completely black and crashed. .


Lieutenant Colonel Naoki's face turned pale and he was shaking with anger.

The Army Base network was actually hacked by a group of hackers.

If this was still during the war, what it meant was self-evident.


The dispatch center of Tokyo Haneda Airport was also in chaos.

All the computer screens turned into a bright five-star red flag.

The airport staff were helpless in the face of this sudden change.

The same scene was staged in the airport hall, and all the display screens were replaced by red flags.

"What happened?"

"The airport was hacked?"

"Can our flight still take off?"

"What the hell is going on?"


At this time, a voice came from the airport broadcast:

"Dear passengers, due to a system failure, all flights have been suspended. Please wait patiently. We will repair the failure as soon as possible..."

Tokyo Ginza Plaza, a crowd of people surged.

In the center of the square, a huge LED display screen was playing advertisements.

A boy wearing a baseball cap looked up at the LED display screen.

The next second, the picture on the display screen suddenly turned into a five-star red flag.

"Look! What is that?"

People in the square looked up at the LED display screen, their faces full of surprise and confusion.

"Haha, another victory!" Su Yang laughed.

The display screen of Ginza Plaza is his masterpiece.

In less than half an hour, all the attack targets set by the hacker base were conquered.

Life is in ruins.

"We won!"

"All targets, all taken!"

"Brothers, great job!"

"The little devils are rubbish!"

"So exciting!"

"The Red Hacker Base is so majestic!"

"This battle has shown our power. Let Xiaori see that we are not easy to mess with!"

"Brothers, stand up!"


The chat group was full of joy.

Su Yang also sent a message in the group:


Although it was just two simple words, it was enough to express his excitement at the moment.

Doing Xiaori is so cool!

This is just an appetizer.

Su Yang also carefully prepared two main dishes for Xiaori.

The time came to 8:35, and it was time to serve the first dish.


Su Yang's fingers flew on the keyboard, and lines of code, like jumping notes, played a song of victory.

In the fishing island exercise area, the destroyer "Murasame"

Kelly, a beautiful BBC reporter, is interviewing the spokesman for the exercise, Major Tomoya.

"Major Tomoya, what is the main content of this exercise?" Kelly asked.

"This exercise mainly includes subjects such as maritime search and rescue and humanitarian rescue." Major Tomoya answered seriously.

"The Dragon Country has repeatedly expressed strong protests against the exercise. What is Major Tomoya's response?"

"The Dragon Country people are too sensitive. Our exercise is not aimed at any third party." Major Tomoya said calmly.

At this moment, an accident happened.


A video player behind Kelly suddenly played a cartoon automatically.

"Damn Pleasant Goat, I will definitely catch you!"

"Big Gray Wolf, you always say this, but you fail every time


“Humph! I won’t fail again this time. I’m going to catch you with my new invention!”

Can you believe it? It’s “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf”.

It’s not over yet.


On the deck, a CNN reporter’s cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that a cartoon was playing.

He was immediately confused.

Not only him, but all the cell phones and players of the reporters and photographers on the deck automatically played “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf” at the same time.

The funnier things are yet to come.

Inside the warship, computers and monitors were controlled one by one, and the screens were all switched to “Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf”.

“I will definitely come back!” Big Big Wolf’s comedic voice echoed in every cabin of the warship.

Whether it was the reporters or the soldiers on the warship, they were stunned by this sudden change, and for a moment, they even forgot to react.

“Pop! "

A soldier accidentally knocked over a coffee cup, which fell on the deck with a crisp sound, breaking the eerie silence.

"Baga! What's going on?!" Major Tomoya finally reacted and shouted to the soldiers around him.

For a moment, the warship was in chaos.


Thousands of miles away in Longguo, Su Yang looked at the chaotic scene on the destroyer "Murasame" on the computer screen and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Laughing so hard that tears came out.

Please watch "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" on your day.

This scene is really funny.

Such a wonderful scene cannot be enjoyed by one person alone.

Su Yang intercepted the video and sent it to the chat group of the Red Hacker Base.


In the male dormitory building of the Computer Department of Mizuki University.

A boy wearing glasses and a mole at the corner of his eye was the first to see the video shared by Su Yang.

Curious and clicked on the video.

"Damn Pleasant Goat, I will definitely catch you. ”

What, Xiyangyang?

The boy was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he suddenly widened his eyes, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

This... this is too awesome, right?

"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is played on the Xiaorizi warship?!


"Haha, I burst into laughter!"

"Fuck! "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is played on the Xiaorizi warship, this is too awesome!"

"@Clown boss, how did you do it? It's amazing!"

"Worship the boss!"

"Laugh and cry! Laugh and cry! Laugh and cry!"


The group was like a pot of boiling water.

In the CEO's office of Green Alliance Network Security Technology Company in Shanghai, Shanghai.

Yuan Jie sat in front of the computer, looking at the chat group of the Red Hacker Base. He was the group owner "Brother Yuan".

"Oh my god! Awesome! "He couldn't help but exclaimed.

Playing "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" on the Xiaori warship is so creative.


He quickly sent a private message to Su Yang:

"@Clown, boss! That's awesome! I admire you so much!"

The operation of the Red Hacker Base has been a complete success. Originally, Yuan Jie thought the operation was over here, but unexpectedly, Clown even prepared such a surprise for them.

Invading the Japanese Navy warship and inviting the Japanese to watch "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is simply a stroke of genius.

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