The old man was very angry.

"Boss, how did you do it? Can you tell me?" Brother Yuan couldn't help but be curious and continued to send messages.

Su Yang didn't reply to Brother Yuan's message, not because he didn't want to reply, but because he couldn't reply in time.

"Boss, it's awesome! I admire you!"

"Boss, how did you do it?"

"@Clown, boss, you are my idol! Please accept me as your disciple!"


In a short period of time, Su Yang received dozens or hundreds of private messages.

In the group, Su Yang simply shared the whole process of invading the "Murasame".

It turned out that in order to create public opinion, Xiao Rizi specially invited an international journalist delegation to broadcast live.

Live broadcasting on a warship requires network support, and the Murasame provides reporters with a live broadcast interface.

Su Yang took advantage of this and first hacked into the mobile phone of BBC female reporter Kelly, and then successfully entered the internal network of the destroyer Murasame through her mobile phone.

Unfortunately, the destroyer Murasame, where the press group was located, was not the command ship of this exercise.

The communication data link between the Murasame and the command ship Kirisame was encrypted multiple times and had a firewall, so it was very difficult to break through.

Of course, it was not impossible to break through. There were corresponding intrusion tools in the system mall, but it took tens of millions of points to redeem the tools, and the points were not enough.

It doesn't matter, there is still a second dish.

The chaos on the Murasame lasted for five or six minutes before it returned to normal.

The Japanese finally discovered the loophole in the live broadcast network and disconnected the network connection as soon as possible, cutting off the hacker's intrusion channel.

"Baga! Baga Yalu! Bastards, a bunch of rubbish!"

On the exercise command ship "Kirisame", Vice Admiral Hirata Yasushi was furious and yelled at a group of subordinates.

Several officers lowered their heads, silent as a cicada, not daring to breathe.

No wonder the commander was so angry.

The exercise was about to begin, but it was hacked by hackers, making such a big joke, and in front of so many international media.

It's really embarrassing!

"What's going on? Why was it hacked by a hacker?" Vice Admiral Hirata Yasushi asked angrily with a livid face.

"General, we have found out the reason." A colonel stood up and said, "The hacker first hacked into the mobile phone of a female BBC reporter, and then used her mobile phone as a springboard to hack into the satellite network of the "Murasame". "

"How could our satellite network be hacked so easily?" The speaker was a major general, the captain of the "Kirisame".

"General, it's like this. Because of this exercise, we invited the international press corps to broadcast the entire exercise live. In order to facilitate the reporters to broadcast live, the satellite network of the Murasame opened an interface to provide them with live broadcast signals. The hackers took advantage of this and invaded our network." The colonel explained.

The reason was found. It was their own negligence.

Lieutenant General Hirata Yasushi's face still did not improve. He was silent for a moment, and then issued an order:

"I order that the exercise be postponed for one hour. All ships should immediately conduct a comprehensive inspection of the network system to ensure that there is no room for error!"

"Yes!" Several commanders responded in unison.

The Japanese began to check the network systems of all ships.

Before all security risks were eliminated, they did not dare to start the exercise.

Otherwise, if they were hacked again, they would really have to commit suicide collectively.

"Are they hackers from Dragon Country?"

"How did they break in?"

"Not sure."

"The network security of the Neon Navy is too fragile!"

"You don't know yet? I just received news that all the major networks and websites in Neon have been paralyzed. It is said that hackers from Dragon Country launched a large-scale network attack!"


On the destroyer "Murasame", reporters gathered in groups and talked about it.

"Huh? The time has come, why hasn't the exercise started yet?" The CNN reporter looked at his watch and found that it was already nine o'clock. The scheduled start time of the exercise had arrived, but there was no movement on the warship.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Is it because of the hacker attack just now?"

"I guess the exercise was postponed."


The reporters speculated.

Soon, they got the exact news that the exercise would start.

It was indeed delayed for an hour.

This delay was more than an hour, and the clock came to 10:20.


On the sea, the whistle of a warship broke the silence.

The exercise finally began.

A Japanese fishing boat, acting as a "fishing boat in distress", deliberately ran aground and sent out a distress signal.

After receiving the distress signal, the Neon Coast Guard immediately forwarded the message to the exercise command ship "Kirisame".

On the helicopter deck of the "Kirisame" destroyer, a UH-1Y "Venom" helicopter was ready to take off, and ten fully armed marines were ready to go.

Lieutenant General Yasushi Hirata also changed into a camouflage uniform, ready to board the helicopter in person and lead the team to "land on the island".


With a sharp whistle, Lieutenant General Yasushi Hirata loudly ordered:

"Board the plane!"

The marines filed in and boarded the helicopter.

Vice Admiral Hirata Yasushi was the last to board the helicopter.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The helicopter propeller began to rotate at high speed, making a huge roar, and the fuselage slowly rose and left the deck.


At the same time, a prompt message popped up on Su Yang's computer.

Su Yang was refreshed, and he knew that the real show had begun.

This was the program he had implanted in the Bell database center in advance, which detected the data signal sent by the "Venom" helicopter.

This means that Neon's exercise has begun.

Su Yang tapped the keyboard a few times, and a simulation animation appeared on the computer screen.

In the animation, a UH-1Y "Venom" helicopter took off from the deck of the "Kisame" destroyer and slowly rose into the air.

This simulation animation almost completely restored the real scene of the exercise site.

The ALIS system of the "Venom" helicopter will send flight data to the Bell database center in real time.

After receiving the data, Bell's simulation system generated a simulated flight animation.

In the animation, the UH-1Y helicopter flew to an altitude of 380 meters above the sea surface, and then flew towards an island reef exposed to the sea surface one kilometer away.

Ten seconds later, the helicopter was about 300 meters away from the island reef.

At this time, the animation showed that the wind speed was 18 meters per second.

The helicopter started to bump.


Su Yang pressed the Enter key and sent a command to start the attack program lurking in the database center of Bell.

This program, using the "ALIS vulnerability" exchanged from the system mall, can directly access the auxiliary driving system of the "Venom" helicopter remotely.

Modern weapons and equipment are increasingly tending to be electronic and automated, and the technological content is getting higher and higher. Take helicopters as an example. With the automatic auxiliary driving system, the pilot's operation has become much simpler and the complexity has been greatly reduced.

However, doing so also brings a huge hidden danger, that is, once the auxiliary driving program has problems, the consequences will be disastrous.

380 meters above the sea, inside the "Venom" helicopter

Lieutenant General Hirata Yasushi held a telescope and observed the situation on the sea in the distance.

He saw China's 815 electronic reconnaissance ship and the larger 055 million-ton destroyer.

These two Chinese warships have been hovering around the periphery of the exercise area, monitoring the Japanese people's every move.

"General, prepare to land on the island." The voice of the pilot came from the headset.

Lieutenant General Hirata Yasushi put down the telescope.

At this time, the helicopter suddenly encountered a strong airflow, and the fuselage was shaking.

Hirata Yasushi hurriedly grabbed the sling and stabilized his body.

It is common to encounter strong airflow when flying over the sea.

The turbulence lasted for dozens of seconds and gradually subsided.

Hirata Yasushi was about to let go, and something strange happened suddenly-

"Beep beep!"

The harsh alarm sounded wildly in the helicopter cabin.

Hirata Yasushi was also an experienced helicopter pilot. When he heard the alarm, he knew that something was wrong and hurriedly grabbed the sling tightly.

The next second, the helicopter began to shake violently, and the fuselage tilted downward, like a wild animal out of control.

People in the cabin were staggering.

Hirata Yasushi held the sling tightly with both hands, and suddenly, a soldier, caught off guard, hit him hard.

The huge impact force caused Lieutenant General Hirata Yasushi's hands to break free from the sling, and his body hit another soldier.

The soldier fell directly out of the cabin.

Fortunately, he was tied with a safety rope and did not fall into the sea, but hung outside the helicopter, shaking violently in the air.


Another soldier also lost his life due to the violent shaking.

Balance, fell out of the cabin, hanging in the air, terrified.

The whole helicopter rolled wildly in the air, like a headless fly, losing its direction.

The pilot tried his best to stabilize the helicopter... The next second, he was also thrown out of the cabin.

The helicopter completely lost control, rolled several times in the air, and plunged into the sea.


With a loud bang, the helicopter hit the sea heavily from a height of more than 300 meters, stirring up waves.

From the helicopter losing control to falling into the sea, the whole process took only a dozen seconds.

Everything happened too fast.

So fast that no one else in the exercise area reacted.

In the distance, on the deck of the "Murasame" destroyer, BBC reporter Kelly stared at the scene in amazement. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was dazzled.

The next second, she suddenly reacted and shouted to the photographer:

"Quick! Shoot! Shoot!"

The photographer quickly picked up the camera and pointed the lens at the helicopter that crashed into the sea.

"Oh my God! What happened?!"

"The helicopter crashed!"

"Oh my God! This is too terrible!"


The reporters exclaimed, their faces full of shock and fear.

This is explosive news.

The exercise just started, and a helicopter crashed.

This is a major accident.

The exercise director reacted a few seconds late, and a speedboat immediately rushed to the sea where the helicopter crashed.

The speedboat was very fast, and it quickly arrived at the sea where the helicopter crashed in less than 40 seconds.

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