The new computer system is still in operation.

Su Yang entered the super administrator account and password he had just redeemed and logged into the Global Satellite Database Center of Galaxy Satellite Company.

"Login successful."

A complex management interface appeared in front of him.

But... Su Yang couldn't understand it.

He realized that it was not easy to control a satellite. He needed to learn some satellite-related knowledge first. Otherwise, even if you were given a satellite, you wouldn't be able to play with it.

You'll learn more slowly when you have time.

Exit the database center first.

There are still 1 million points left to continue redeeming.

Just redeem a crawler software.

"System, redeem a crawler software."

"Host redeems crawler software, deduct 1 million points, and the remaining points are 50 million."

Su Yang himself has also written crawler software, but compared with the system's, it is simply a child's toy.

The crawler software produced by the system is extremely powerful. It uses a series of "hacking technologies" such as encryption and decryption, vulnerabilities, etc., and can crawl any website and the internal data of mobile APP.

In addition, this crawler software also integrates the latest artificial intelligence multimodal technology, which can crawl various information such as text, pictures, videos, and sounds.

Su Yang happened to be studying artificial intelligence recently, so he is naturally familiar with the concept of "multimodality". The so-called "multimodality" refers to multiple forms of information such as text, pictures, sounds, and videos.

All currently known crawler software can only capture text information, and do not support multimodal information such as pictures, sounds, and videos. It can be said that the system's crawler software is the first in the world to support multimodal information.

Such a powerful crawler software is definitely a must-have artifact for home travel and murder and robbery.

Su Yang spent 1 million points to redeem the crawler software, which was mainly used to collect intelligence information.

After the "4.18" operation, Su Yang deeply realized the importance of intelligence information.

If he didn't have enough intelligence information support, he would have to go through a lot of trouble to invade Bell's database center, and he might even fail.

With the help of intelligence information, he could get twice the result with half the effort.

Next, Su Yang simply tested the various functions of the crawler software. It was worthy of being a system product. The evaluation in two words is: Awesome!

OK, we have all the tools, and it's time to do business.

What business?

Of course, it's to make a living.

"Name: Junpei Yasuda

Age: 42

Position: Major General Commander of the 301st Electronic Warfare Squadron of Kyushu Island Base


Su Yang entered all the information about Junpei Yasuda, including the collected photos, videos, etc., into the crawler software.

That's right, he planned to use this crawler software to collect information about Junpei Yasuda, trying to find a breakthrough from him.

The strategy that Su Yang thought of to deal with the "301 Electronic Warfare Squadron" was to start with "people".

The easiest way to break a fortress is from the inside, and often the biggest loophole inside the fortress is people.

The crawler software has started working and is frantically collecting all information about Junpei Yasuda on the Internet.

Su Yang got up and poured himself a glass of milk first. All he had to do was wait patiently.


As night fell, the base of the "301st Electronic Warfare Squadron" on Kyushu Island was brightly lit.


The sound of keyboard tapping came one after another.

On the huge screen, various data and charts kept flashing.

In an office next to the command hall, Junpei Yasuda frowned and looked at a pile of documents in his hand.

These documents are all intelligence information about the "Joker".

What made Yasuda dissatisfied was that the information was of almost no value.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The adjutant pushed the door open and walked in.

"General, the clown is not online yet." The adjutant reported.

Since yesterday, they have been monitoring the movements of the clown and reporting to Yasuda every hour.

Yasuda was about to speak when suddenly, a shrill alarm sounded throughout the base.

"Beep, beep..."

Yasuda stood up suddenly, walked out of the office quickly, and came to the command hall.

"General, the clown is online!" A soldier reported loudly.

Yasuda was immediately refreshed.

After waiting for a day, the clown finally appeared again.


In the command hall, the keyboard tapping sounded again.

When the first call sounded, the soldiers were full of fighting spirit and were ready to avenge their previous humiliation.

They were fooled by the clowns, and everyone was holding back a fire in their hearts, wanting revenge.

On the huge screen, red dots appeared one after another, and each red dot represented a broiler.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour had passed, and they had tracked dozens of broilers.

In the rental house thousands of miles away, Su Yang was not panicked at all.

He was analyzing the attack methods of the "301 Electronic Warfare Squadron" and learning their techniques.

As the "national team" of Japan, the "301 Electronic Warfare Squadron" has mastered many unknown loopholes and bugs. Su Yang can learn a lot of useful things from their attack methods.

These days, they don't know that they have become Su Yang's "training objects".

If they knew that Su Yang was so "arrogant" and used them as tools to hone his skills, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.

After another half an hour, the 301 Electronic Warfare Team had tracked hundreds of broilers, but still did not find any valuable clues.

Yasuda was not in a hurry.

He was very patient.

"IP: (Bangkok). "

At this time, an IP address information suddenly popped up on the big screen.

Yasuda's eyes condensed and stared at the IP address closely.

"Suspicious target found!" A soldier said loudly.

"Is it another trap?" Yasuda pondered in his heart.

"Ding! "

Just then, the alarm sounded again.

"Tracking failed!"

"Tracking failed!"

"Tracking failed!"


A series of failure messages jumped on the big screen.

"What's going on?" Yasuda frowned and asked.

"The other party has turned on the firewall." The adjutant next to him answered.

Yasuda became more excited after hearing this.

The target has turned on the firewall? This means that this chicken is likely to be the hiding place of the "clown".

Even if it is not the hiding place of the clown, it must be an important node. Perhaps, the trace of the clown can be found from it.

"Concentrate your strength and break through the firewall! "Yasuda ordered loudly.

The soldiers immediately took action, mobilized more computing resources, and launched a fierce attack on the IP in Bangkok.

The massive data flow, like a flood, madly hit the firewall.

A few minutes later, the target firewall was finally breached.

The target server information was displayed on the big screen:

HP (Hewlett-Packard) Z400 workstation.

Intel Pentium III Xeon processor, ‌main frequency 700MHz, ‌equipped with PC-133 MHz ECC SDRAM memory.


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