At the same time, in Bangkok, Gen Game Company's server room.

"Beep, beep..."

A shrill alarm sounded suddenly.

An engineer's face changed drastically, "No, we've been hacked!"


In the command hall of the "301st Electronic Warfare Squadron" on Kyushu Island, countless data streams were scrolling rapidly on the big screen.

A few seconds later, an encrypted file appeared in the center of the screen.

Click on the file, and a password input box pops up.

"Report to the general, this file uses the 3DES encryption algorithm." A soldier reported.

"Call 'Mount Fuji' to crack the password!" Yasuda ordered without hesitation.

"Mount Fuji" is a supercomputer in the base, and it is also the most powerful supercomputer in Japan.

The advantage of the national team lies in this, they can call on national computing resources.

Half an hour later, with the help of the supercomputer, the password was successfully cracked.

"So fast?"

In the rental house, Su Yang was also a little surprised when he saw this scene, "Xiao Rizi, it's good!"

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up and gave Xiao Rizi a thumbs up.

However, Su Yang's face always had a faint smile, and he didn't seem to worry about the file being cracked at all.

In fact, this file was a gift he deliberately gave to Xiao Rizi.

He carefully prepared two gifts, this is the first one.

Xiao Rizi thought he had found an important clue, and excitedly entered the password and opened the folder.

There are hundreds of video files in the folder.

Click on one of the video files.

"In the year 3010 of the Sheep Calendar, the ancestor of the sheep tribe, the first generation leader, the village chief Ruan Mian Mian, came to the Green Grassland to escape the pursuit of the wolves..."

It's "Pleasant Goat" again.

Are you happy?

Is it a surprise?

Yasuda's face was ashen, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.


Su Yang laughed so hard that tears came out.

"I guess you watched a clip before and must have thought it was very good. You haven't watched enough, right? So, I specially prepared the complete series of Pleasant Goat for you. How about it?

Is it thoughtful enough? You're welcome!"

"Baga! Bastard!"


"Damn it!"

In the command hall, Xiao Ri was so angry that his teeth itched.

The Japanese soldiers of the 301 Electronic Warfare Team shouted one by one and continued to track, vowing to catch the bastard Joker.

This time, even Yasuda personally went into battle.

He is also a technical expert, otherwise, he would not be the commander of the 301 Electronic Warfare Team.

"Come on, come on, little day! Come and catch your grandfather!" Su Yang looked provocative.

He was like a hunter, playing with his prey.

After breaking through one broiler after another, no valuable clues were found.

Half an hour later, there was a discovery, an IP in Kuala Lumpur.

After breaking through the target's defense, an encrypted folder was found again.

Exactly the same routine.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Commander Yasuda.

Yasuda's face was uncertain, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he ordered: "Call Mount Fuji."

Restarted the supercomputer "Mount Fuji"

Time passed by...

After more than ten minutes, the password was successfully cracked.

There was a video file in the folder.

Wouldn't it be Xiyangyang again?

A soldier moved the mouse with trembling hands and clicked on the video.

The video screen is the interior of a car.

The shooting location seems to be an underground garage.

"Da, da, da..."

A sound of footsteps came from far away.

A man, holding a voluptuous woman, appeared in the picture.

Due to the angle of the camera, only their lower bodies can be seen.

The car door opened and the man sat in the driver's seat.

At this time, the man's face appeared in the picture. He was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes... Wait!

All the soldiers turned their heads in unison and looked at Major General Yasuda.

The man in the video, who else could it be but Major General Yasuda.

Yasuda's face suddenly became extremely ugly, as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on him.

"Little **, give me a kiss!"

"I hate you!"

In the video, Yasuda and the woman hugged each other.

The woman's face also appeared in the picture... It looked familiar.

"It's Miss Nakamori!" A soldier couldn't help but exclaimed.

The woman in the video was a clerk in the base named Nakamori.

"Quick! Turn it off!" Yasuda shouted angrily.

He had calculated everything, but he didn't expect that he would eat his own melon.

The soldiers hadn't reacted yet.

At this time, the video screen changed.

The location was still in the car, and the protagonist was still Major General Yasuda.

The heroine was replaced by a woman with long wavy hair and heavy makeup.

The two were in love in the car, and the scene was hot.

After more than ten seconds, the screen switched again.

The location and environment remained unchanged, and the heroine was replaced by a pure girl with a ponytail.

Major General Yasuda liked to be in the car so much.

"Quick! Turn it off! Bastard!" Yasuda shouted hysterically again.

A soldier quickly turned off the video.

The video was turned off.

Why is the atmosphere in the hall so weird...

Yasuda's face was blue and white, as colorful as a palette. At this moment, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into, and he wanted to die.


Su Yang laughed loudly, laughing so hard that his belly was laughing.

It was so funny.

"Major General Yasuda, do you like this gift?" Su Yang laughed.

This was the second gift he gave to Major General Yasuda.

Su Yang didn't expect that he just tried to use crawler software to collect information about Yasuda and find a breakthrough, but he didn't expect to capture such "wonderful" videos.

Who would have thought that Major General Yasuda was quite playful in private.

After laughing for a long time, Su Yang stopped until his stomach hurt.

He looked up at the window. It was late at night, and the stars in the sky became sparse.

It was already two o'clock in the morning.

I was a little hungry, so I went to get some midnight snacks.

Su Yang got up and walked out of the room, and went to the kitchen to get some food.

After eating, he took a shower and went to bed.


The next morning, the sun was scorching.

The library was full of students, reading and studying while enjoying the coolness brought by the air conditioner.

In the corner, Su Yang sat at a table with a laptop in front of him, a glass of milk, and a piece of bread next to him.

Time always passes quickly when studying.

Unconsciously, the sun has set, and the golden sunset has plated a layer of gold edges on the windows of the library.

"Ah..." Su Yang yawned and felt a little sleepy.

He lay on the table and squinted for a while.

When he woke up, it was already dark.

Su Yang packed up his things and left the library.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Su Yang returned to his rental house and sat in front of his computer.

He put on a red mask, which was a new one. It was more breathable and comfortable to wear than the previous one.

Everything was ready, and Su Yang opened the live broadcast room.

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