The new situation is not good.

"Yes, many fraud gangs in Mianbei have gone to Dubai." Netizen 'Bu Fu Shi Guang' said.

"Bu Fu Shi Guang, are you convenient to connect and chat?" Su Yang asked.

"Sure." Bu Fu Shi Guang agreed to connect.

In the small window, a handsome man with glasses appeared. He was in his early thirties, wearing a suit and tie, and the background seemed to be in an office.

"Welcome 'Bu Fu Shi Guang', what's your name?" Su Yang asked.

"My last name is Li."

"Are you doing business in Dubai?" Su Yang guessed.

"Yes, I run a hotel in Dubai."

"Then I have to call you Mr. Li." Su Yang said with a smile.

"I don't deserve it. Just call me Xiao Li." Mr. Li said modestly.

"Mr. Li, you are really young and promising. Your business has even reached Dubai." Su Yang praised, "You just said that many fraud gangs in northern Myanmar have gone to Dubai. Is that true?"

Mr. Li nodded and said:

"Yes, I understand that in the past two or three years, Dubai has become a new fraud center. Unlike the fraud gangs in northern Myanmar, the fraud gangs in Dubai mainly target high-end people, especially women."

"Are you talking about the pig-killing scheme?" Su Yang asked.

"Yes." Mr. Li nodded.

Su Yang wanted to ask about the specific situation of the "pig-killing scheme" again. At this time, the crawler software responded and collected new information.

Click on the information searched by the crawler software.

Oh, I found it.

Found the information about Gao Ming appearing in Dubai.

It was a photo that the crawler software "crawled" from the official website of the local transportation department in Dubai.

"Xiao Gao, your brother is indeed in Dubai." Su Yang said as he sent the photo to the live broadcast room.

Information Three months ago, Gao Ming was photographed and fined by the local traffic police in Dubai for traffic violations. Therefore, his personal information was published on the official website of the Dubai Traffic Department.

Looking carefully, Su Yang noticed the name column on the website: "Chen Zhongshuo".

Gao Ming changed his name.

"It's my brother, it's really my brother, why did he change his name?" Xiao Gao recognized the person in the photo at a glance, it was his brother.

Sure enough, he ran to Dubai.

Now, the mystery is finally solved. Gao Ming did go to Dubai and changed his name to Chen Zhongshuo.

"There is a mobile phone number for your brother on the website, you can try it." Su Yang said.

Xiao Gao couldn't wait any longer, he quickly dialed the mobile phone number registered on the website.

"Beep beep..." The call was connected, but no one answered.

After more than ten seconds, the call was automatically hung up.

Xiao Gao didn't give up and called again.

"Beep...beep..." This time, the phone only rang twice before the other party hung up.

"That's not right. If it's your brother, he should recognize your mobile number. Why wouldn't he answer your call?" Su Yang asked in confusion.

"Oh, I changed my phone." Xiao Gao explained.

"Oh, then try calling again."


The call was connected.

"Hello, are you my brother Gao Ming? I'm Gao Bin!" Xiao Gao spoke quickly.

"You dialed the wrong number..." A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother, it's me! I'm Gao Bin!... Hello? Hello? Brother... Brother..." Xiao Gao shouted excitedly.

The other party had hung up the phone.

"Is it your brother?" Mr. Li asked.

"It's my brother, it's him, why did he hang up on me?" Xiao Gao said, and called again, but the phone was ringing with a prompt tone that "the number you dialed is powered off."

"How could this happen? Why didn't my brother answer my call?" Xiao Gao was a little excited.

I haven't heard from my brother for more than a year. I finally found his contact information, but he didn't answer the phone and turned off his phone.

In Xiao Gao's heart, he had already guessed a possibility that his brother was really engaged in telecommunications fraud.

Otherwise, why wouldn't he answer his phone?

"Don't worry, your brother may just be inconvenient to answer the phone, he..." Su Yang hesitated for a moment, then said, "If he is really engaged in telecommunications fraud, then he should be in the fraud den now, and it's normal that he is inconvenient to answer your call."

While Su Yang was talking, he was looking for a software on the computer that could locate Gao Ming's mobile phone.

"Should I call the police now?" Xiao Gao asked.

"It's useless to call the police." Mr. Li interrupted, "Your brother is now in Dubai, the country

The uncle in the hat can't do anything about it. Unless the Dubai police are willing to help, but since your brother doesn't answer your call, it's obvious that he intends to avoid you, so even if you call the police, it's useless. "

Xiao Gao cast his eyes on Su Yang.

Su Yang took over, "Let's find your brother's specific location first, and see if we can locate the location of his phone."

"Can we locate it even if the phone is turned off?" Mr. Li asked curiously.

"Yes, the phone can be located even if it is turned off." Su Yang nodded.

"Really? Anchor, can you really locate the location of my brother's phone?" Xiao Gao's eyes were full of hope.

Su Yang nodded again and explained:

"In fact, technically, it is not difficult. Even if the phone is out of power or turned off, it can be located. Unless the phone is completely out of power or the SIM card is removed, it cannot be located. "

Su Yang said, and found a software called 'Mobile Probe V3.0' on the computer.

"I need to use a special tool called 'Probe'." Su Yang said.

"What is a probe?" Mr. Li asked curiously.

"It is a software for locating mobile phones." Su Yang explained, "Next, we need to know the operating system of Gao Ming's mobile phone. This is very simple. His mobile phone is registered with the local operator."

Su Yang said, using the crawler software to search for "Dubai mobile phone operators."

Soon, he found more than a dozen mobile phone operators in Dubai.

"Mr. Li, do you know which is the largest mobile phone operator in Dubai?" Su Yang asked.

"It's Du and Etisalat, these two." Mr. Li replied.

Su Yang nodded and started looking from the big operators first.

He opened Du's official website, then called out an intrusion tool and began to intrude Du's backend system.

"Can ordinary people find the registration information of mobile phones on the operator's official website? "Mr. Li is like a curious baby.

"Of course ordinary people can't do it. You need to enter the operator's backend system to find it." Su Yang explained with a smile.

While speaking, he had successfully hacked into Du's backend system.

He entered Gao Ming's mobile phone number and clicked "Search".

"No relevant information was found."

This means that Gao Ming's mobile phone is not registered with Du, the operator.

Change to another operator Etisalat and repeat the same operation.

A few minutes later——

Name: Gao Ming

ID: *****

Mobile number: *****

Mobile phone model: iPhone 14


Found it.

Su Yang smiled, "I found it. Gao Ming uses an iPhone 14 mobile phone."

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