The problem is that the phone is not working.

"I know a loophole in Apple phones that can bypass Apple ID and access the phone's iCloud. Friends who use Apple phones should all know what iCloud is, right? iCloud can access users' photos, emails, memos, documents, etc. Even if the phone is turned off, it can still be accessed because iCloud data is stored on cloud servers."

Su Yang said, opened the "Mobile Probe V3.0", entered Gao Ming's mobile number, set the parameters, and then clicked "Connect".

It takes a while to connect to iCloud. Su Yang took this opportunity to share some security knowledge about Apple phones with netizens in the live broadcast room:

"Here, let me popularize it to everyone. Many friends think that Apple phones are very safe. In fact, Apple phones are very unsafe. I know that Apple phones have several relatively large loopholes that can directly access the private information of your phone. Moreover, these loopholes are not secrets. Experts in the hacker circle know them."

As soon as Su Yang finished speaking, "Mobile Probe V3.0" successfully connected.

Su Yang opened the iCloud data in Gao Ming's mobile phone cloud.


There is not much data in iCloud, not even a single photo.

Generally, Apple users' mobile phone iCloud will have user data, unless it is deliberately cleared.

Gao Ming is not an ordinary person. He knows how to clear iCloud data, and obviously knows a little bit of technology.

Su Yang pondered in his heart.

"Xiao Gao, what did your brother do before? His Apple mobile phone iCloud has been cleared, and there is not much data." Su Yang asked Xiao Gao.

Xiao Gao's answer also confirmed his guess: "My brother used to repair mobile phones and opened a mobile phone store."

"I thought, it is impossible that ordinary people's iCloud has nothing in it."

The method of reading iCloud data did not work, so Su Yang had to think of another way.

Next, Su Yang tried several methods, but all failed.

"Fuck! Brothers, am I going to fail?" Su Yang laughed at himself.

"I have used several methods commonly used by general hackers, but none of them work. The 'mobile phone probe' software doesn't work either. What should I do?" Su Yang said with a smile.

Everyone should pay attention that he said the methods commonly used by "general hackers".

"Boss, don't keep me in suspense." Mr. Li heard the self-mockery in Su Yang's tone and said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not that easy to make me fail. If the conventional methods don't work, then I can only use my best tricks!" Su Yang joked.

When all the conventional means failed, Su Yang only had one last way left, which was to use the GPS module of the mobile phone.

Every mobile phone has a GPS chip module. If it is a domestic mobile phone, it also has a Beidou chip module.

To obtain the information sent by the GPS chip of Gaoming mobile phone, it is necessary to hack into the satellite that provides GPS services.

And the Galaxy Satellite Super Administrator account that Su Yang exchanged happened to be Galaxy Satellite Company, which is one of the major GPS service providers in the world.

Dubai's GPS service is also provided by the company's satellite.

Su Yang quickly tapped the keyboard with ten fingers and logged into the Galaxy Satellite Super Administrator account.

A complex satellite control interface appeared on the screen of the laptop, showing more than 180 satellites covering every corner of the world.

He found the remote sensing satellite that provides GPS positioning services for Dubai, numbered X3125.

Next, it's easy.

First write an execution script.


The sound of keyboard tapping echoed in the room.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed.

At this time, there were already 200,000 netizens online in the live broadcast room, waiting patiently.

“OK, done!” Su Yang said excitedly.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also excited, they knew that the live broadcast was going to show off again.

The next second, a satellite map of Dubai city appeared in the live broadcast room.

In the western suburbs of the city, a red light spot kept flashing.

“Do you see the red dot on the map? This is the GPS location of Gao Ming’s mobile phone.” Su Yang said.

Gao Bin and Mr. Li both widened their eyes and looked at the red dot on the map, their faces full of surprise and


Su Yang reached out and clicked the red dot.

The map zoomed in quickly, and the location of the red dot became clearer and clearer.

"Hadid Building." Su Yang read out the name of the building.

He clicked the mouse again and switched the map to a three-dimensional satellite view.

A skyscraper over 100 meters high appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Xiao Gao, your brother is in this building." Su Yang said.

"Really?" Gao Bin's eyes widened.

Unbelievable, the anchor found it right away.

"Yes, the GPS positioning signal of your brother's mobile phone is in this building." Su Yang said affirmatively.

"Fuck! Isn't this too awesome?" In an Internet cafe, a boy in a basketball uniform couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Next to him, a boy in jeans was playing a game. Hearing his exclamation, he turned his head and glanced at his computer screen.

Just a glance, the boy in jeans continued to focus on the game.

"I am sure that Gao Ming is in this building, but I don't know which floor he is on. The accuracy of GPS positioning is not that high." Su Yang said.

The accuracy of civilian-level GPS positioning is generally between a few meters and tens of meters.

Unless a military-level GPS positioning system is used, the accuracy below the meter level can be achieved.

Galaxy Satellite Company naturally provides military-level accuracy, but improving the accuracy is likely to expose his super administrator account.

Therefore, it is not easy to use unless necessary.

"Brothers, the time to test you has come. Now, we already know that Gao Ming is in this building, so how can we find out which floor he is on? Does anyone have any good ideas?" Su Yang smiled and asked the camera.

"There must be surveillance cameras in the building." Mr. Li suggested.

"Yes, surveillance cameras are a good idea. Gao Ming will definitely be photographed by the camera when he enters and leaves the building." Su Yang nodded and said, "Let's check first, which property company owns this building."

Su Yang started the crawler software and started searching.

Ten seconds later, he found the property company of the building, Emaar Properties.

Su Yang quickly found the relevant information of the "Hadid Building" on the official website of Emaar Properties.

This building has a total of 42 floors.

The website also has floor plans for each floor and detailed information on the distribution of companies on each floor.

Su Yang needs to find the computer room of the "Hadid Building" and then hack into their monitoring system.

After a search, the target was found.

"Intrusion successful!"

Su Yang has entered the computer room of the "Hadid Building".

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