Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 19 - Crazy Crazy Week

As Shou moved through the school and on his way to the volleyball club, he have been feeling that something was off, but he shook it off

"Hmmm I wonder which first year is going to join our team" Kuroo suddenly said

"Meh I mean you're the captain so you should be the one worrying about that" Shou said as he looked around the school

"Haizz why didn't you be the captain? Aren't you like the top 1 Ace or something, you should be more reliable than me as a captain righht?" Kuroo sighed

Shous suddenly stopped and looked at Kuroo in the eyes as he said, "Yeah but well you see.... The reason why I refused to be the captain is... I'm too lazy for that shit..... ', and continued walking

"I figured"

The two after a while arrived at the gym of the boys volleyball team, and this is where Shou's weird but mystical feeling suddenly peaked

As they walked in a figure suddenly ran towards them and tackled Shou down to the ground

"who the in the f-" Shou suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence as he suddenly felt a warm sensation engulfing his lips

After a passionate kiss the figure just sat on top of Shou as she looked him right in the eyes and Kyoko said with a smile, "You haven't forgot about me have you?"

"Ah... Ah- ky-" was too surprised at the one sitting on him he was speechless, his breathing became ragged, his heartbeat began to go crazy

"Oi Shou is this your girlfriend?" Kuroo said as he pointed at the girl with purple hair sitting on top Shou

This caused Shou to snapped out of his daze and suddenly lunged up and embraced her as he looked at Kuroo and said, "Yeah now can you give us some alone time?"

"Beautiful manager-san!!!!!" Yamamoto shouted as he jumped out of the gym, just to see Shou on the ground embracing the beautiful manager-san

"And Tora!"

"Hai Shou senpai!" Yamamoto suddenly stood up straight

"She's mine, don't try anything funny" Shou ordered

"Oh... OHHHH OKAY I get it senpai, although I might like beautiful women, I do have a lot respect for them and their choice, so you don't need to worry senpai!!!" Yamamoto said in a respectful tone

"Yeah I can give you some alone time, but just do it in the gym, the ground is probably full of shit, let's go Yamamoto... " Kuroo said casually as he walked into the gym while dragging Yamamoto

"Ahhh I really did it!!." Kyko suddenly said as he covered her face which was now bright red, "Shou?? You're not gonna let me go? "

"Nope!" Shou answered as he pulled her closer to tried hide his red face from her, "I miss you..."

"I-I miss you too..."

"Let's have a date this sunday..."

"Ahhh I wanna go eat ramen!! A ramen date!!!!" Kyoko said excitedly

"Ichiraku ramen?"

"YESSS ICHIRAKU RAMEN!!" Kyoko shouted as she break out from the hug and started shaking Shou in excitement

"Let's go the team is waiting for their Ace" Kyoko cheerfully pulled Shou up by his hand and lead him into the gym


"Alright we got some new members this year, now just introduce yourselves.... " Kuroo instructed

"Yes! my name is So Inouka! I play middle blocker and wing spiker, please take care of me!" Inouka bowed

"My name is Tamahiko Teshiro, I play setter please to make your acquaintances!" Teshiro bowed

"My name is Yuki Shibayama, I play libero, I'm still inexperienced so please take care of me" Shibayama also bowed

"Alright good, now my name is Kuroo Tetsurou I'm the captain of Nekoma" Kuroo introduced himself and started introducing the other members

"This guy right here, most of you probably know him as the Top 1 Ace of the country, but this is Asata Shou.."

Then after he introduced the players he started to introduced the Kyoko who was glued stuck to Shou's arm , "This is Kurihara Kyoko, she us our new manager, she just transfered here, so don't make her uncomfortable"

"Heyy I'm Kyoko, I used to be the Ace of Niiyama, now I'm the new manager here, nice meet you all" Kyoko said cheerfully

"Alright let's do some warm up!" Kuroo instructed

"Yes captain!" the team shouted as they began their warm up

After the warm up they decided to do some spiking training while Kuroo and Shou blocked them, and in the middle of it Kyoko got Nekomata's permission and got a ball and joined in for a spike

"Hmm... Kuro block her alone, she might be a good match for you..." Shou suddenly said as he got off the court

"Wait what? Actually like actually block her?" Kuroo asked in confusion

"Yeah, but don't underestimate her you damn rooster head"

"Uhh okay... Got it.." Kuroo said as he got ready

"Setter-chan give one close to the net please" Kyoko said as she threw the ball up for Kenma

Kenma adjusted his hand and set a perfect ball close to the net

Kyoko did analyzed the ball as she did her approach and took flight

'Straight approach, shoulders facing straight, swinging straight with no sign of slowing down... Straight..let's try and do a commit block.' Kuroo used his mind block as he jumped up with perfect timing and put his arms over the predicted path

"You dumbass rooster!! you fell for it!" Shou shouted which confused Kuroo

As Kyoko's hand got close to the ball, her hand suddenly moved to the left and back to the right changing her straight into a cross

"Ah shit!!" Kuroo cursed as he looked at the ball flying right towards the corner while completly avoiding his hand

"Uhhh did our manager just spiked past Kuroo-san?" Yaku said with a hint of confusion on his face

"Eehhhh???" after a moment of silent the team went wild

"Kyoko-san that was so cool!!!" Inouka and Yamamoto shouted with stars in their eyes

"Hehh? Man you guys really fit perfectly as a couple.... With those crazy ȧss spikes" Kuroo said as he looked at Kyoko and Shou with interest

A smile slowly crawled up Shou's face as he said, "Yeah I know" before morphing into a smirk as he said, "Ahh now that I think about it you can have girlfriend that is a setter remember? Atso-"

Before Shou could finished his sentence Kuroo sent a ball flying towards his head in which he dodge and shrugged it off

"Oya? Shoo I just heard something spicy" Kyoko walked over with a curious smile

"Oh yeah, let me tell you about it.." Shou said as he got closer and whisper something into her ear and asked her for a favour, "You think you will be able do it by Saturday?"

Kyoko than proceed to grab Shou's face and played with his cheeks as she said with a scary tone, "Are you underestimating me Shoo?? You know I'm the best at that shit"

"Ahaha Nono calm down you know I didn't mean it like that Kyo-chan" Shou said with difficulty

"Ahh whatever" Kyoko then stopped and looked at Kuroo and smirked, "What was her name again? Arata Atsoko? Alright I got it"

"you better thank me later on.." Kyoko said as she pointed at Kuroo

"Oi oi whatever the hell you guys are thinking, don't do it..." Kuroo said as sweat rolled down his forehead

"It okay, you don't need to worry, Ku-roo-chan" Kyoko said with a smile as she walked back to the bench

The practice continued and ended and the day continued smoothly, although Shou was getting some death stares by some of the boys and Kyoko was getting some glares from the girls.

The day continued and ended and Kuroo, Atsoko, Shou, Kyoko and Kenma walked back home together

Atsoko and Kyoko immediately became best friend and was talking cheerfully the whole way back

And Kuroo couldn't stop sweating and looking at the two after Kyoko mentioned Atsoko into the conversation

Along the way they met with Bokuto and Kazuto who was surprised after seeing Kyoko

"Yooo Kyoko!! where were you for like the past 17- shit! I mean 11 years?!?" Kazuto asked

"Was in Miyagi I didn't move with you guys to Tokyo, because of some circumstances...." Kyoko said as remembered the old god which caused tick marks to appear on her face

"Oh yeah Kyo-chan, I forgot to tell you.." Shou said as he leaned in to whisper somethings into Kyoko's ear

After a while Kyoko stood up straight and looked at Kazuto with surprise expression, "Ehh? Kazu?? Yukie?? That's surprising...."

"What is that supposed to mean?!?"

"Umm whatever we'll talk about it later... Let's go to the cafe to catch up with each other tomorrow how about that?" Kyoko suggested

"Sure" Kazuto and Shou both agreed

After a while Kuroo went his separate way to take Kenma and Atsoko home, while Shou went to take Kyoko home

"Haizz.... What is wrong with my spikes today.." Bokuto sighed

"What you mean? You hit all of Akaashi's set perfectly today" Kazuto asked.

"Well it's not enough!! My spike can't get past you at all!" Bokuto stomped his foot on the ground

"I mean Shou can't get past me that easily, so why are you being so harsh on yourself" Kazuto asked with a hint of confusion on his face

"Yeah and I want to beat Shou!!" Bokuto shouted

"Ughh whatever... I don't even understand how Akaashi could understand you so well.." Kazuto sighed as he continued walking

In another street Shou and Kyoko was walking together

"What? You were actually depressed because you weren't able to see me in the first year of middle school?? I mean I was too but I'm surprised that you did as well" Kyoko asked in surprise

"Yeah I was, because I felt really wrong for not telling you how I felt before leaving you.." Shou chuckled as he scratch the back of his head

"Nahh I bet you were depressed because you miss me really badly right?? hehehe" Kyoko said with teasing tone as she started poking Shou's cheek


"Hehehe so I was right" Kyoko said cheerfully

After walking for while they arrived at Kyoko's house

"Alright I'll see you tomorr-" Kyoko said as she began to walked into her house, she stopped when she felt a pull on her arm

Shou suddenly grabbed Kyoko's arm, pull her closer, and lifted her up

"Ehh?" Kyoko was confused for a second before a warm sensation engulfed her lips thay caused her face to turn bright red

"Sorry couldn't help it, but yeah you're right I missed you a lot" Shou said with a teasing smile

"That surprised me!!" Kyoko said with a pout

"Haha I'm sorry Kyo~ko~chan" Shou chuckled as he put Kyoko down

"Umhmm yeah right" Kyoko said, still pouting

"Anyways it's late you should head to bed, I'll pick you up tomorrow " Shou said with the same smile

"Nope not until I get a Goodnight hug and kiss" Kyoko said with the same cheerful smile as she spread her arms

"That sounded weird coming from you, but alright Goodnight Kyo-chan~" Shou sighed as he pulled her close, gave her and hug and gave her a peck on her head

"Goodnight~" Kyoko said as she walked into her house in a bright mood

After Kyoko went inside her house, Shou turned the other way and started walking back to his house

"Ah!.." Shou suddenly stopped on his track as he just remembered something and took out his found and called someone named 'Shittykawa'

[Yooo Sho-chan you need something?] Oikawa's voice sounded out through the phone

"Alright I'm gonna just get to the point, your school is about to have a practice match with another school right?"

[Ehh? How did you know?]

"And is your junior Kageyama going to that school?"

[...] Oikawa was silent for a while before answering, [Yes...]

"I knew it"

[What is that supposed to mean? And how did you know that as well?? ]

"Ughh everybody in the group knows how much you hate that kid because of his talent, which school did he go to? "

[He went to Karasuno where Noya-chan is , but what do you want?]

"I just want you to go all out in front of him, to let him know the gap between you guys, so don't get injured before the match you fuċktard"

[Alright alright, but why do you want me to do that?] Oikawa asked in confusion

"That kid is talented I need him to work harder so that he could be stronger"

[And why do you want that?]

"So that he could be a good opponent for me and be a motivation for you guys to get stronger, especially you..."

[And why do you want that?]


[Alright, by the way I heard from Kuro-chan that you got a girlfriend, what's that all about] Oikawa suddenly changed the topic

"Yeah I did, and I also heard from Iwaizumi you just got dump by some girl after dating for a month, what's that all about?" Shou retorted back

[... Fuck....]

"Just go to sleep already you dumbass"

[No I won't you fat son o-] before Oikawa could finish his sentence Shou hung up as he muttered, "well that was new"

After that Shou went home, took a shower, eat some dinner and went to sleep



The week continued in the same manner, Bokuto would go around waking everyone up to go to school and then they would go around picking Atsoko, Kenma and Kyoko on their way

In school they would practice, practice, practice, yadee yadee yada, went home, meet up with Kazuto and Bokuto along the way, Kuroo split up along with Atsoko and Kenma and Shou split up to take Kyoko home

It continued like this until friday evening, the day before the monster gathering

And as usual everybody in the group recieved a message that simply said: [It's time]

Adrenaline started pumping through them as they got their mentality ready for the gathering


In a school in the Miyagi Prefecture, a boy with black hair could be seen to be training the recieving skill of another boy with orange haired, yes this was the two protagonist of Haikyuu, Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyou

After a while Kageyama stopped the training and asked, "Oi, do you want to see some realt volleyball?"

"What do you mean? Real volleyball? " Hinata questioned

"Tomorrow I'm going Tokyo after the match, and I want you to come with me" Kageyama said

"Tokyo? For what?"

"For you to realized how weak you are compared to the monsters of our generation"

"Ehh??" Hinata was still confused

"Haizz just be at this train station at 12, and don't eat too much you might lose your appetite just looking at the matches" Kageyama sighed as he handed Hinata a piece of paper with the train station's address

Although Hinata was confused, he nodded and took the paper, before they went back to training


The next morning all of the monsters got ready and headed out with vicious smile on their face

And at exactly 2 pm all of the monster finally met each other at the usual spoy and got ready to begin

"Eh? Where's Iwaizumi?" Shou asked as he put down his bag

"Oh Iwa-chan is busy with helping his dad, but anyways is that your girlfriend" Oikawa said as he pointed at Kyoko

"Yeah she is, her name is Kyoko, she was a childhood friend of mine, way before you" Shou said as he pat Kyoko's head

"Ehh? And you didn't tell me? How heartless.."

"Yeah whatchu gonna do about it?"

When Kyoko was introducing herself, Kazuto suddenly turned to Shou and whispered, "Hey...Shou why isn't Kyoko playing as well?"

"Oh you'll see later, something interesting will happen at the end of the gathering" Shou answered with a smirk

"Alright, I guess" Kazuto shrugged

After a long warm up...

"Sooo we gonna start the matches or not?? I'm about to die from not playing volleyball here!!" Atsumu shouted

"Shuuuu I want to spike through some blocks now!!!" Bokuto shouted while stomping his leg

"I want to recieve your spike and serves Shou-senpaii!!!!!" Nishinoya complained

"Mee too sensei" Hoshiumi complained

"SHO-CHAN!! C'MON!!" Oikawa started going apeshit

"Unfortunately I agree with them as well.." Ushijima said which earned a nod from Sakusa, Osamu and Kiryuu

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!?" Bokuto, Atsumu, Nishinoya, Oikawa and Hoshiumi retorted back

"Nyahaha it seems everyone are all excited" Kuroo said with a smile

"Alright let's start that damn gathering, if you fuċkers wanted it so badly" Shou said as he take out the volleyball from his bag with a vicious smile on his face


"Quickly you dumbass they're about to start!!" Kageyama shouted excitedly as he ran towards the court where the gathering was happening

'What's with this guy? His personality just flip 180 degrees..' Hinata thought as he trying to catch up with Kageyama

"Alright we're here..." Kageyama said as he sat down a bench near the the court with a clear view of the court

Hinata also sat down on to the bench and observe the court in which he sees the players getting ready to play, "is it a match?", he asked

"It's not just a match...."

"But it's clearly a ma-"

Before Hinata could finish his sentence, Kageyama interupted him as an excited smile formed on his face, "It's a full on war.."


"Alright...let the first war between the monster generation begin!" Shou shouted as he let out a monstrous amount of pressure and threw the ball up into the air

"Come at me!" Kazuto shouted


[A/n: YOOO WASSUP EVERYONE!! It's your author-sama here, how did you think of the chapter? I wrote it in one day and half or so!! I'm so proud of myself!! (for ignoring my health and well being to commit myself into writing this....) *cough* but anyways what do you think of the romance it's my first time writing something like this, so don't roast me too hard...

But anyways

Goodnight ❤️]

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