Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 18 - Timeskip Timeskip!

"Shuuu!!! We're gonna be late for our first days!!!!" a guy who looks about 17 with spiky white-grey hair with black streaks can be seen standing in front of a house and shouting, yes this was our energetic owl, Bokuto Koutarou

"Let's see 3..... 2.... 1" guy with messy black hair that spikes upwards with a fringe on his right side that partially covers his eye did a countdown as he backed off, this was our favourite rooster, Kuroo Tetsurou

As Kuroo finished his countdown, an object suddenly zoomed past him and hit Bokuto right in the head knocking him out

"Haizz this dumbass, he never learns" another guy with lean build and curly black hair that covered his eyes a bit, sighed as he looked at the Bokuto on the ground, yes this was our stubborn and annoying libero who is still scared to make a move with Yukie because of his lack of experience, Kazuto Hiroshi

"Motherfucker!! whatchu say!?!?!!" Kazuto cursed at the great author-sama who simply ignored him a continued writing

After a whole minute, Bokuto finally woke up and continued his shouting

After a while, a tall, lean build guy with broad shoulders with silver white hair styled into a ponytail, silver sharp eyes and dashing look that makes him seems like a model, walked out, yes this was our protagonist, Shou Asata

"Shuu!! We can't be late and set a bad example for our Kouhais!!!" Bokuto shouted

"Jeez I get it, stop shouting.." Shou said

"Let's go, we gotta pick up Kenma and Atsoko along the way as well and head towards the subway before the rush hour peaks..." Kuroo said which earned a nod from everyone

They went and picked up Kenma who looked the same from the original and Atsoko who have evolved into a gorgeus and charming young woman.

They went together and made it in time for the train before the rush hour peaks

"Huuuaa.. I'm tired..." Shou yawned as leans his head onto the bars and closed his eyes

"Shoou it's been 5 years you idiot, and you're always this sleepy every morning.." Atsoko scolded

"And it's been 5 years since you've told me you liked Ku-" And before Shou could finish Atsoko quickly covered his mouth while her face became bright red

"Shut up" Atsoko said to Shou as she looked at the sleeping Kuroo who was 'unconsciously' leaning on to her

"But still..." Shou suddenly said as a smile formed on his face , "It really have been 5 years since we all met..."

[2nd middle school year]

There wasn't much going on in this year, after Katsuki and Hisoka graduated, Kenma joined the team as the new setter along with some other first years that wasn't in the original

Nekoma and Fukurodani began to build relationship with each other by having regular practice match and training camps

Nishinoya joined Chidoriyama and with some difficulty Kazuto was able to convince him into joining the group after the match between Kitagawa Daiichi with Chidoriyama in the qualifier

Sakusa joined Itachiyama middle school and was a regular immediately, same thing happened to the Miya twin in Inarizaki

Akaashi didn't joined Fukurodani middle school like predicted however there was another setter that made up for him

Oikawa this time wasn't blinded by the word genius and continued his path to being a perfect setter and although he didn't make it into National he manage to lead his team to win one set against Shiratorizawa, a feat that he wasn't able to achieve in the original

The gang met Kiryuu in the National an managed to convince him to join the group

Still no sign of Hoshiumi anywhere.

In the National stage the battle between Fukurodani and Nekoma was still as intense as ever even though the third years have graduated

This year Nekoma 'ALMOST' lost due to Masumi and Kenma not being able to adapt to the intensity and collaspe on the court before the third set happened, however Shou came in clutch and became the back up setter who can give beautiful sets and also can bombarded the enemy with deadly and accurate two-attack at random times

But Shou still didn't get the best setter award sadly, but he still got the MVP award

[Third Middle School Year]

A few event happened during this year

Kaneki, Masumi and Tatsuo graduated, but Nekoma is still as strong as ever with Shou still being the Ace, and Kuroo becoming captain after Shou turned down the offer

During the gathering, Nishinoya begged on the ground for a whole 10 minutes and managed to become Kazuto's disciple

Kageyama joined Kitagawa Daiichi and through Iwaizumi he got some knowledge about the Monsters Annual Gathering after overhearing Oikawa and Iwaizumi talked about it, and when he saw the matches after he went and follow Oikawa and Iwaizumi, he was mesmerized

Shou and Kazuto both had a break through which caused them to tremendously improved after having one of the most intense battle against each other in the qualifier

Oikawa is still developing his style, although it isn't completed yet, but he have been making improvements here and there

Ushijima who noticed this was interested of Oikawa as a setter and one day he walked up to Oikawa and said the line that we all know and love, "Oikawa you're an effective player, come to Shiratorizawa.... And don't let your talent be wasted..."

But Oikawa refused him with a simple line, " Don't you dare call my blood, sweat and tears 'Talent'....", before walking off

Hoshiumi was invited by Shou to join the gang after Shou met him in the third round of National

After another intense war in the National, Shou and Kazuto got many offer from different high schools, but they both rejected the offers and decided to continue to go to their respective school, Nekoma and Fukurodani

[First Year High School]

The Nekoma team of the golden age are finally back, with Shou, Kuroo, Kai, Yaku, Katsuki, Hisoka, Kaneki, and Tatsuo

Masumi wasn't in the team due to the fact that he decided stop playing volleyball and followed his newfound passion for Basketball after watching a group of talented individuals with different colour hair wrecking the middle school basketball National tournament

[A/n: Yeah... So that just happened... We will miss you Masumi 69 of Nekoma...]

After hearing the suggestion of Shou, Nekomata went and try and develop some good relationship with other school like Fukurodani, Shinzen, and Ubugawa by having some practice match and training camp with them regularly

Ushijima have started to improve by lot in this year, in fact he have been able to forced Shou to use 50% of his potential without the help of the zone

Hoshiumi, Kiryuu, Iwaizumi, and Sakusa although they are still clumsy, with the help of Shou they were able to improve their technical skill

Bokuto is still trying to find the syle that is best fit for him, and is aiming to break through Kazuto's defense

Kuroo is still learning the different style of blocking in hopes of integrating them into his style, and with the help of Shou, he succeeded... Kind of, he's still isn't used to it but he'll be fine

Nishinoya also went through some harsh training set by Kazuto and is improving his skills and physical capabilities by leaps and bounds

Oikawa would train with Atsumu regularly if they had the chance, although their style are different they helped each other improve as a setter

Interhigh came and Tokyo can only have one representative this year so the two kings of Tokyo, Fukurodani and Nekoma had another crazy battle, in fact the battle between the two was so intense that the local decided to give it a name, The Battle of the Raging Monarchs

But Nekoma managed to come out on top again just bȧrėly and got the ticket to National where they managed to win it all once again and continued to protect the throne

After National, Shou was crowned the one of the Top 3 Ace in Japan, and also was chosen as a U19 representative for Japan for the Youth World Championship, along with Kazuto

For the monsters in the original, they couldn't stand still watching the two becoming the representative, so they increased the intensity of their training

At the end of the year, Katsuki graduated and continued to play volleyball professionally

Hisoka went and became a bartender, and sometimes goes around and do magic for kids birthday party (cause that's just Hisoka for you)

[Second year High School]

The year started off with Kenma, Yamamoto, and Fukunaga joining the team

The young Yamamota, although he and Kenma had a fight at the start of the year, he slowly and start recognizing and respect the members, especially Shou, due to the fact that Yamamoto admired how powerful he is

Akaashi finally showed up and became the setter for Fukurodani, which also help control Bokuto a bit

The Annual Gathering is still as eventful as ever with more audience than before (Kageyama still stalking..)

Everyone in the group now could really be called 'Monster' now from.

Shou and Kazuto we don't have to say much.

Kuroo has fully integrated all of his blocking style that he learnt to create a new style named Mind Block that involves him using his big brain to analyze every single variable when blocking, this is for him to switch between the different style he have learned for different situation. He finally was able to block Shou's 70% spike but still have difficulty in doing so

Bokuto he have trained his physical capabilities, his cross and straight for so long and he have fully mastered the his 'super inner cross' and his 'super straight' which is now a deadly spike to recieve and became a reliable Ace, although he does have mood swing and become emo-Bokuto mode from time to time

Ushijima have been training his physical capabilities and technique like crazy and it have started taking effect, his vert got higher, his strength increase, his spike are beautifully executed, and overall he is definitely stronger than himself in the original

Nishinoya has been the one with the most promising improvements after 3 years of training with Kazuto his skill have increased my folds, his instinct and physical capabilities have also increased and is definitely stronger than the him in the original, although he still has a lot of trouble receiving Shou's spike, he was able to get a few of them up

Kiryuu on the other hand improved his techniques by a lot and now he can send a deadly spike from any type of set

Sakusa after going through a shit loads of training Shou set for him, his physical capabilities increased by a lot, his technique are sharper, and his wrist is even more flexible

Atsumu and Osamu have been training together for a few years now with the program Shou setted up for them and now they have became even more in sync and unpredictable, which cause the combos they possess are dangerous. Atsumu is improving at a rapid rate and Osamu is just trying to keep up

Oikawa also had one of the most outstanding improvement. He have been training with Shou to make his set perfect for any type of spikers by having Shou switch between the different preferences many other spikers might have to let Oikawa try and match with him, Now he could be said to be the perfect setter

Iwaizumi although he's also not a genius and it's hard for him to keep up with the monsters around him, he also have improved a quite a lot on his technical skill, technique, and even his physical capabilities

Hoshiumi, with his pride of being the little giant or the skilled short player being destroyed many times by Shou's overwhelming skills have started to respect the Ace and started training under him, he has learned many from the Ace, now his technical skill, intinct, technique of spikes, receiving, setting and serving is definitely better than him of the original

Finally when interhigh arrived, the pressure was on and the battle was intense as ever

Nekoma, Fukurodani, Itachiyama managed to get through the qualifier and got their ticket to national, along with Mujinazaka, Kamomedai, and Inarizaki

In the Miyagi prefecture, Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa was having their most intense battle yet, but in the end Shiratorizawa still managed to came out on top but just bȧrėly, and for the first time in years Ushijima have finally noticed and recognized Oikawa's effort and started respected him a little more

This year National was by far the craziest tournament of all time. It's not just all about Fukurodani and Nekoma this time but the monsters from the other school have started to put up a fight

But.... In the end Fukurodani and Nekoma still came out on top after defeating everyone

Atsmu and Osamu collaspe on the court as they thought with wry smile, 'They're just too strong'

Ushijima punching the ground in despair as he muttered, "I definitely got stronger.... But... It's still not enough.... "

Kiryuu sat on the bench with towel on his head as he did his self reflection, 'I can spike from anywhere, but it isn't enough!! I can't defeat them.. "

Hoshiumi laid on the court as he looked at the ceiling, gritted his teeth and thought, 'Sensei.... How large is the gap between us?... Am I still too weak?..'

Sakusa walked out of the court as he clenched fist and muttered,"Even after 5 years, I'm still unable to earn the right to stand next to them..."

Although all of the monster was overcame by the feel of despair, they still wouldn't give up, but instead went home with a thought lingering in their mind, 'I have to get stronger...'

And finally the last day of National, another Battle of the Raging Monarchs, a 5 set game

Shou and Kazuto immediately forced open the huge metallic gate and entered the Zone, the Absolute Monarch vs the Divine Guardian, first to win 3 sets wins it all

The fight was intense, nobody could keep their eyes off the game, the players showed no signs of waver because if they do, they know that they would become a burden

First won by Nekoma after a long crazy onslaught of attack was released, Kazuto's defense finally showed some of cracks and Shou didn't miss this chance and went for the kill

Second set Nekoma won again, but everyone was tired, especially Kenma who is just trying to hold on so that he wouldn't become a burden

Third set, Kenma couldn't take it anymore and collapse on the court, and Shou decided to become the team's setter

Fukurodani managed to defeat Nekoma after they showed their weakness as they got more tired

Fourth set was also won by Fukurodani, but something is off, Shou and Kazuto was smiling as they looked at Bokuto and Kuroo

*Crackle crackle*

A deep red electricity started to leak out of Kuroo's eyes, and a golden colour electricity started ooze out of Bokuto's eyes

"Oh? We haven't had this scenario yet have we?" Shou said with a smile

"Now this is fuċkɨnġ interesting as shit!!" Kazuto shouted

*Beep beep* it was then that the ref called for a substitution on Nekoma, it was Kenma who came back

The last and final set was one of the most intense set, Kuroo and Bokuto was going at it while Kazuto and Shou was slowly getting faster and deeper into the zone

And in the end Nekoma won due to the fact that Shou have been conserving his energy as he was playing as a setter and finally broke through the defense of the tired Kazuto

In the end, every single player on both of the team collapse in exhaustion as they laughed at each other state

after the ceremony the two team went together to eat their dinner together

After the National Shou was no longer the Top 3 Ace and was crowned the Top 1 Ace in the country

Ushijima and Bokuto was crowned the top 3 and Sakusa and Kiryuu was crowned the top 5

Kazuto and Shou was once again invited as U19 representative for Japan for the Youth World Championship, but this time Ushijima joined the party and they made some havoc in the tournament and defeated all of the other teams

After that eventful year, Tatsuo and Kaneki graduated

Tatsuo went and became a personal trainer in Tokyo

And Kaneki went to become an actor and got hired to play the protagonist of a live action remake of a specific anime...

[End of Timeskip]

And now we are back with Shou, Kazuto, Kuroo, Atsoko, and Kenma on the train

"Shoou you okay?" Atsoko said as she waved her hand in front of Shou's eyes

"UWAHH... ooh yeah... I was just zoning out for a second..." Shou said as he regain his composure after the flashbacks

"C'mon our stop is here!" Atsoko said as she woke everyone up

They all woke up, walked out of the subway, splited up and walked to their school


[A/n: Wassup guys :3 I managed to grind out a chapter in 3 days u guys proud?!? :3. ay but this is my first time writing a time skip so just don't roast me too hard, and give me some feedbacks

Anyways that's it

Goodnight ❤️]

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