Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 17 - National Tournament (4)

"Katsuki-san!! The girls just finish their final game, Niiyama just defeated Fukurodani" Kai said as he returns back to the team

"Alright, I guess it's time for us to get up there and fight for the throne, I don't give a shit if you're tired or if our spikes kept on being recieve by that little first year libero, this is the final we will go all out and keep the momentum going!!" Katsuki smiled

"YES SIR!!" The team shouted as a smile slowly crawled up on to their faces

"We'll receive, attack and block those motherfuckers, got it?!?"


"Good... let's go..." Katsuki said as he lead the team into the main arena

The Nekoma walked into the main arena and met with Fukurodani who was already there

"Kazuu" Shou called out

"What is it?" Kazuto asked with a smile as he already know what Shou is going to say

"This is the real game... If you lose-.."

"It's game over..." Kazuto finished the sentence

"So you better not hold back.."

"I should be sayin that to you."

Both team each shakes each others hand and went to their respective benches

"Uwahh there's even commentators and TV crews!" Yaku said as he looked around

"Isn't this a middle school tournament why is there commentators?" Kuroo asked

"Well it seems the game between you guys and Fukurodani in the qualifier got a lot of attention, but let's worry about that" Ikeda said which earned a nod from each player

"I'm not going to say much, It's Fukurodani, just don't lower your guard and just go all out.." Ikeda said


After that, Katsuki went to do the coin flip which ended up with Fukurodani recieving the serve. both of the teams did their warm up before heading back to their bench

"Guys come on you know our ritual.." Katsuki said with a smile

"Yes captain..." the team sighed as they huddle up

"Man what's with the attitude?" Katsuki asked confusingly

"Oh no it's nothing captain continue with the ritual" Kuroo answered with a smile

Katsuki then proceed to looked at each players in the eyes and said his speech, "We're like the blood in our vein, we must flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working!"

"Alright!!" the team shouted as they line up to be deployed into the battlefield

It was then that a round of applause sounded out as the commentator finish his speech

[Now I would like to introduce the starting players of Nekoma...]

The commentator introduced each players from Nekoma before moving on to Fukurodani to do the same thing

Now both team have deployed their players, it's time to go to war

"Man... It's been a while since I'm this nervous..." Kazuto said as he stretched his arms

"Yeah.... It's been a while.... since that practice match with Bruno Rezende and Lucas Saatkamp....they were a strong duo... " Shou cracked his neck with a smile as he remember his past life

"Let's go out with a bang from the start, shall we?" Kazuto said with smile as jet black electricity leaked out of his eyes accompanied by the sound of lightning crackling

"Was gonna say the same thing..." Shou said as silver with a mix of gold colored began to oozed out of his eyes and lightning crackling noises covered the entire gym

It was then that the aura and pressure of both the Monarch and the Guardian rushed out and began to clashed with each other, hence, the war has begun

"You know the deal..." Shou said as the aura and pressure he was releasing got denser

"Who ever collapse first... Loses..." Kazuto said as his smile got wider and eventually formed a bloodthirsty smile

Atsushi got the ball and threw it up, he did his approach before jumping up and performing a powerful serve towards the path where Hisoka was running in.

"Shit!" Hisoka cursed as he bring the ball up with difficulty

"SHOU!" Katsuki shouted as he ran and did his approach

"Leave it to me!" Shou said as he took a step to adjust himself to the ball before setting a quick perfectly to Katsuki

Katsuki adjust and smashed the ball over the blockers arm, as the ball was about to land just behind the attack line, a hand slid under it and saved it

"Nice save Kazuto!" Izumi shouted as he moved to the ball and set it towards Bokuto

Bokuto moved, did his approach and took flight. At the same time Shou and Katsuki both jumped up to block him

"Oi oi this is just bullying!!" Atsushi shouted as he looked at the wall, no it's more like an umbrella looming over Bokuto

'Fuck there's no where to hit!' Bokuto cursed in his mind as he tip the ball over

Kaneki immediately moved and and recieve the tip perfectly

The whole Nekoma team immediately back off to reset and waited as they watch the ball the ball slowly falls into Hisoka hand and it was then that they all ran and jumped up

'Synchronize attack?' Atsushi thought in surprise

"EVERYONE FALL BACK!!" Atsushi shouted, which caused the team to fall back

Hisoka set the ball over Katsuki's hand and towards Shou

Shou adjust himself mid-air and smashed the ball perfectly towards the corner

"Grrr demon first year!... " Atsushi gritted his teeth as he dived and try and save the ball, which cause the ball to end up flying away from the court

Kazuto predictted this and ran at high speed towards the direction of the ball, when the ball got near to the ground, Kazuto dived for it and hitting it back to the court right in front of Atsushi before standing up again and running back

"DON'T GIVE THEM A CHANCE BALL!!" Izumi shouted as he looked at the ball flying back to the court

Atsushi analyzed and decided to go for the left corner, but Shou saw his intention and back off

Atsushi spiked the ball with all his might, but Shou moved and recieve his spike with ease as he shouted, "Chance ball!" which caused tick marks to appear on Izumi's face

Hisoka jump and set the ball towards Shou, but it was too close to the net

"Shit!!" Hisoka cursed

Shou did his approach and reach out hand to tip the ball over and Bokuto did the same thing and reached both of his hand out, they both touch the ball at the same time, a joust, but Shou still managed to overpower Bokuto and won the joust

'How the fuċk did he overpowered me with one arm, I call that hack!!' Bokuto complained in his mind

The ball was about to fall on the ground behind Bokuto when a figure suddenly appeared and slid his hand under it, saving it.

It was Kazuto who just got back.

"KAZUUTTOOOOOO!!" Bokuto shouted with tears in his eyes

"FUCKING HELL, DON'T KAZUUTOOO ME!! HIT IT OVER DAMN IT!!" Kazuto shouted as he looked at Bokuto from the ground

"Okay...." Bokuto said in a sad tone as he hit the ball over

"Chance ball...." Kaneki said as he recieve the ball perfectly to Hisoka

"Alright alright my bad let's do it again" Hisoka said as he set the ball to Shou one more time

Shou did his approach and with his full power he kicked off the ground, flew up and met with a 3 man

'I'm gonna block it this time!!' Bokuto swore in his mind with determination

It was then that a huge and suffocating wave of pressure spread and cover them that screams: "Defy me and you'll see the consequences..."

It was Shou.

"What the fuċk is this pressure.... It's fuċkɨnġ suffocating... " Bokuto muttered under his breath as he gritted his teeth

"Brace yourself!!!" Izumi shouted

"Huuuu..." Shou exhaled as he adjusted himself perfectly to the ball and with all his might, he smashed the ball right through Bokuto's hand..

As the hand of the Absolute Monarch collided with the ball, the Divine Guardian immediately moved and dive for it

The ball broke the wall and when it was about to touch the ground, it hit Kazuto's arm before bounce back to the Nekoma team

"Fuck!!!" Kazuto cursed as he watch the ball flying back to the opponent's court while holding his arm due to the pain that was cause by the ball

"How did he save that?...that's gotta hurt... " Yaku muttered in disbelief as adrenaline started pumping inside of him

[Nekoma's Bench]

"What is this.... " Ukai muttered as he stood up due to the intensity

"Amazing....." Nekomata muttered

[The Audience Area]

"Man this is crazy... How are they playing like that?" Iwaizumi commented as he is unable to keep his eyes off the court

"Fuck... I already wanna throw up just looking at the first point's rally..." Oikawa said as he covers his mouth, resisting the urge to vomit

"Ugh that looks painful" Osamu muttered

"This looks soo fuċkɨnġ cool!! Were they going easy on us last time?!?!? " Atsumu said with stars in his eyes as he got his phone out to record the match

In another part of the audience area the Shiratorizawa team was resting as they watch the game in silence

"Good luck to you first years and second years in the future, this is too fuċkɨnġ crazy...." Rei sighed

"Damn... don't they always have these kind of rally when they play against each other?" Hajime asked

"Nah this is way more intense, this is on National Stage so the pressure is on, and also the two demons of the two teams are more active than usual" Rei said

"This hurts.... Captain I'll go to the bathroom for a bit" Hajime said as he held his stomach in pain as he struggled to walk to the bathroom

But out of all of the player of Shiratorizawa only one of them was looking at the game with a vicious smile on his face

It was Ushijima Wakatoshi.

"That looks fun... Really... Fucking fun.." Ushijima muttered with the same smile, "I have to get stronger... Much.. Much stronger.."

In another area, Sakusa was watching closely when he suddenly muttered, "How much do they train to pkay like that? I have to train harder, I need to get stronger...."

It was at that moment that something inside Sakusa Kiyoomi changed that cause his passion for volleyball to burn brighter..

In another area a girl with with long purple hair was watching the watch from a far

"So I can only see the ball and the other players, but not my Shou and Kazuto...that's just annoying, they seems like they're having an intense match as well..." She muttered as her eyes twitch

'Ahh ahh I haven't embrace him in a while, I got to recharge my Shou Energy, ahh I wanna k- .... No!! What am I saying?!? Stop it Kyoko!! .... Ughh this is driving me insane...' Kyoko threw a tantrum in her mind as her face slowly turns bright red

"Kyoko-chan are you okay?" Niiyama team's setter, Aoi, asked as she noticed that Kyoko's face was turning red, surprising Kyoko in the process

"UWAHH!!.... Ah.... Yeah it's just a bit hot in here and also the match is pretty intense..." Kyoko answered as she covered her face

"Alright then here!" Aoi said as she took out an hand held fan and gave it to Kyoko

"Ahh thanks Aoi.." Kyoko said as she hesitantly took the fan

'This is the first time I've seen her lose her calmness like this... Interesting.' Aoi thought as she looked at her team's Ace with a curious smile

[Back to the Game]

"Chance ball!" Yaku shouted as he recieve the ball to Hisoka

Hisoka jumped up and set the ball perfectly to Tatsuo for a back attack

Tatsuo did his approach and jumped before the attack line and met with a two man block, he looked and decided to hit a cross

The ball flew and avoided the blockers arm and head toward the the corner, but Kazuto was there to recieve it to Izumi who tossed the ball to Bokuto

Bokuto did his approach and jump up and met with Katsuki trying to block him

'Let's go for a narrow straight...' Bokuto thought as he was about to hit the ball

"Nice try first year, but that an gonna work..." However Katsuki saw his intention and moved his hand right in the path of the ball

Bokuto smashed the ball and it flew for about millisecond before hitting Katsuki's hand and bounce back down into the Fukurodani's court

"Urghhhh" Bokuto unconsciously said as he watched the ball fall back down in front of him

And when it was about to hit the ground, a figure slid his hand perfectly under the ball and save it

It was Kazuto.

"Grrr so annoying, even after my perfect block..." Katsuki growled in annoyance as he stared at the first year libero

[A/n: Idk why I made Kazuto such a stubborn libero, but I love it :)) ]

"Nice save Kazuto!" Izumi said as he moved and set the ball over to Shoji

"Hisoka-san...." Shou suddenly called out

"What is it?..." Hisoka said as he was following at the ball on the other side

"High, close....." Shou answered as he got ready to jump up to block along with Hisoka

Shoji flew up and hit the ball towards Hisoka's hand aiming for a block out, but Hisoka saw his intention and change his block into a plate immediately

The ball hit his hand and bounce high up into the Nekoma's court

"Chance ball!" Yaku shouted as he recieve the ball

Hisoka moved and adjust himself to the ball to get under it, 'High... Close....' Hisoka thought as he set a high ball close to the net to Shou

Shou ran and did his approach, with every step accompanied by the noise of lightning crackling, when he arrived at his last step a thunderous lightning roar sounded out as he kick the ground and took flight

"...., Shit!!!" Kazuto cursed as he suddenly realized Shou's intention, but it was too late

Shou flew right above the blockers and arrived at the ball, and swung his arm and it was at the moment the time seems to freeze for Kazuto as the scene he witness took him back to his highschool days in his past life

"God damn it.... I still remember that untouchable spike vividly even after 60 years..." Kazuto muttered with a smile as he watched Shou's hand collide with the ball

"But..... The word 'untouchable' AIN'T GONNA STOP ME AIN'T IT SHOU?!?" Kazuto shouted as he dived for it with determination in his eyes

With all his might Shou smashed the ball right on top, causing it to fly directly 90 degrees down

When it was about to come it contact with the ground, a hand narrowly slip it's way under it

The ball collided with Kazuto's hand before flying 'UNDER' the net and bounce away and dropped behind the Nekoma's court, earning the first point for Nekoma

A/n: just gonna capitalize that word so people don't misunderstand]

The rally was finally over.

"Ughhhh this is going to be long day..." Katsuki sighed as he try to regain his calmness from the intensity

"I want to eat some ramen...." Atsushi said

"But still...." Katsuki muttered as a smile slowly formed on his face

[But still even though we're hella fuċkɨnġ tired..... We're playing volleyball, and that's all that matters] even though their expression might not contradict, but they were all thinking of this

"Let's go again, you stubborn owls!!!" Katsuki shouted as he jumped back up

"Same could be said to you dumbass cats.." Atsushi said with a grin

And so the intentse rallies had began again, as time passes the battle slowly but sure became harsher, but they are still fighting with a smile on their face

"What is this..." Ukai muttered

"You saw it too right ta old fart? " Nekomata asked with a smile on his face

"Yeah.... They're getting even faster..." Ukai answered

After a long time, Nekoma took the first set with a score of 25-22, then comes the second set which was way more intense than the first, but Fukurodani managed to narrowly took it with a score of 32-30

And then the last and final set came, the winning point is 15, the Monarch, the Guardian and the warriors are all tired, but the intensity still remains as they continued to fight

It was in the middle of the fight that the guardian's defense began to crack and after a while his defense finally broke..

The score was 28-27, match point for Nekoma, Hisoka used the last ounce of his energy and tossed a perfect set for Shou

Shou did his approach and with his remaining evergy, he flew up and met with a three man block

Shou held his breath and with all his remain strength he whip his arm and smashed the ball and when it was about to leave his hand he snapped his wrist to the right

The ball flew right to tired Kazuto who lowered himself to recieve it, but when it was about to hit his arm, it suddenly moved to the right

"Shit!!" Kazuto immediately reacted and moved his arm, but it was too late...

The ball hit the side of his arm before flying away from the court..

Atsushi tried dive for it, but he couldn't reach it in time

Everyone silent as they watch the ball fall and hit the ground

*Beep beep*

As the noise of the whistle sounded out across the gym, the round cheers and clap from the audience exploded around the gym.

Nekoma has taken the throne as the new king.

However the Nekoma team couldn't celebrate at all due to all of the fatigue, but instead, along with Fukurodani team..

They all collapse on the court in exhaustion.

[Audience Area]

"Ahh it's finally over..." Iwaizumi said as he stood up

"I gonna go to train now" Oikawa and Atsumu said in union as they both head for the exit

"Volleyball addicts.." Osamu said as he looked at the two

"I know right..."

[Center Court]

"Haahhh that was fun.... I guess...." Hisoka said as he stared at the ceiling

"Uwahh I'm hungry!!" Katsuki shouted as he stretched his limbs

"..... Ughh playing against Bruno and Lucas wasn't as tiring as this" Kazuto said as he looked at Shou from across the court

"Yeah it wouldn't have been this tiring if you just accept your fate when I spiked the damn ball!" Shou shouted

"Noo it's you who kept on attacking you dumbass"

"No you"

"No you!"

"Guys calm down already, you're gonna give me headache!" Atsushi shouted as he massage his head


"Haha but still, I can't lie that battle would definitely make history..." Izumi said with a smile

"Yeah nah, you know what, let's just admit it, we both wanted this battle to be this intense" Kazuto said with smirk

"Yeah sure I guess.." Shou said as he stood up and walked into the Fukurodani's court with struggle

He walked and stopped next to Kazuto and held out his hand, "Good game Kazu you little shit...." Shou said with a smile

"Yeah... Good game" Kazuto said as he took the hand and pulled himself up

"You motherfuckers didn't forget about me did ya??" Kuroo and Bokuto said in union as they arrived next to the two

"Ahh shut up! My head is about to burst" Kazuto sighed

"Let's goo eat some ramen!! Shu, Kazuuto, Kurooo"

"Yeh I'm really fuċkɨnġ hungry

The two team walked to their respective bench and drop down in exhaution again

"I know you're tired, so I just wanted to say, you guys are the proudest team I've coached" Ikeda said with smile as he handed all of them each an apple

"Thank coach!" the team said in union

"Now let's feast with our opponent for the great game!" Ikeda shouted

"Feast?" Katsuki asked in confusion

"Yeah I've arrange a dinner for us and I also invited the Fukurodani team"

"ALRIGHT LET'S GOO!!!" Kuroo shouted in happiness

In the award ceremony, Shou got the MVP award and Kazuto also got the best Libero award

After the ceremony ended, the two team went together to a restaurant that Ikeda took them to, and ate a satifying meal after a long battle

After that day the match between Nekoma middle school and Fukurodani middle was broadcast everywhere and got a lot of attention even from some professional players and coaches

[In Oikawa's House]

Oikawa is currently matching the match between Fukurodani and Nekoma over and over again unable to keep his eyes off of it

"I'm not a genius, I know that, but...." Oikawa muttered as he turned off his phone and stood up, "But that's not an excuse to stop training... I have to get stronger and become a perfect setter....."

[On a street Sendai]

"A boy with olive hair is going on a jog, this was Ushijima Wakatoshi

"I have to increase my stamina, I wouldn't be able to last a set and a half in that game like this. I have to improve my technique or I won't be able to out up I fight. I hav-.... I have to get stronger....." Ushijima muttered with determination in his eyes

[In a house in Hyogo]

A boy with dark yellow hair was practicing his sets as he was lying down on his bed, it was Atsumu

But then Atsumu suddenly jumped from his bed and ran out of his house to practice

"Tsumu! It's late!" Osamu shouted as he looked at Atsumu practicing

But Atsumu didn't listen and continued to practice, 'I have to improve, I have to improve...', Atsumu repeated in his mind

"Haizz...whatever...." Osamu sighed as he walked out of the house and joined his brother his practice

[In a public court in Tokyo]

"Ahh Kurooo, Omi-kun you're finally here!" Bokuto shouted as he spot Kuroo

"Why did you call us out here?" Kuroo asked

"Well... After the match today, I felt useless alright, the gap between me and Shou is too large..... And I wanted to but couldn't make the audience scream!!" Bokuto said as he stomped his feet

"Your honesty, it's amazing..." Sakusa commented

"I know right" Kuroo said as he tried to hold in his laughter

"Soo, please.... Train with me, I have to get stronger..." Bokuto said with a more serious tone

Looking at the scene Kuroo was surprised at Bokuto seriousness, but suddenlt his expression morphed into a smile as he said, "Alright let's do it..." which earned a nod from Sakusa

"Really?? ALRIGHT!!" Bokuto shouted in excitement

From far away two figure was looking at the trio with a smile

"It seems they're going to be way stronger than the original..." Kazuto said

"Yeh, it's gonna be way more interesting from now on..." Shou agreed

"Yeah but we should also train or we'll be left behind.." Kazuto said with a smile


After the intense battle between Fukurodani and Nekoma, the monster generation have began to train harder than ever before

Now let's see what kind of a monster they would become..


[A/n: Yooo wassup we about to hit the timeskip after this chapter I hope you guys are excited. This chapter was the longest chapter, with 4k word I believe, so the grinding was hard, but anyways what did you think of this chapter?

If you got any suggestions for scene that I could write don't hesitate to comment down and also give me some tip on how to write timeskip and romance

But yeah, that's it

Goodnight ❤️]

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