Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 16 - National Tournament (3)

[Kuroo's room, 10 p.m.]

(Kuroo's pov)

It seems that everyone is calm pretty calm for now, I have seen no signs of this room becoming a battlefield

Oikawa is playing some games on his phone with Iwaizumi, Bokuto is playing some card games with Shou, Kazuto is silently texting someone in the corner of the room

This should be fine, huu haa huu haa I should be fine

[Kuroo's room, 00:00 a.m]

I know I said it's looking good, but I not really sure now

Bokuto just lost his 10th game against Shou now and it seems he's about to blow up

Kazuto stopped texting now and joined Shou and Bokuto and just started playing against Bokuto now

Oikawa and Iwaizumi stopped playing their games and started to take out 10 packs of snack and started eating

I should be fine, I should be fine, this can't possibly turn into a battlefield can it?

[Kuroo's room, 1:00 a.m]

Fuck fuċk fuċk half of my room is already trashed, that motherfucking owl lost his 17th game tonight and started going on a tantrum


"STOP FUCKING SCREAMING!!!" I shouted at that owl calmly



it was then another sound of a grenade expoding, sounded out from their phones







I then proceed to grab the two fake decoration granade that I bought on my vacation last year and threw it at the two while shouting calmly, "THAT'S HOW YOU FUCKING THROW IT NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

Now back to the point, Kazuto and Shou is acting pretty..... weird, they each got a blanket and wore it like a hood and walked downstair while laughing in a sinister way


Yeah this is give me bad vibe, I don't like this I'm going to go to sleep

[Kuroo's room, 3:00 a.m]

(General Pov)

Kuroo was sleeping peacefully, when the faint noise of music entered his ears, and the smell of burning candle entered his nose

" umhm.... Huh?... What's going on...." Kuroo muttered as he open his eyes

When he fully opened his eyes, he turned his head to look at the surrounding

And it was then that he saw 3 figures standing tall around his bed, each of them holding a candle while singing a demonic music in union

"Dori me~

interimo adapare dori me~

Ameno, ameno, latire, latire mo~

Dori me, ameno, oma nare imperavi ameno~

Dimere, dimere, mantiro, mantire mo~


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Kuroo screamed in horror as he backed away into the wall

This session continued for the next 10 minutes before Shou, Kazuto and Oikawa got tired and went to sleep

"Fuck....." Kuroo muttered as he laid his bed gasping for air

After he calmed down, he grabed his phone, unlocked it and went on instagram to watch something to make him forget what just happened

"Alright enough internet for the day..." Kuroo said as he put his phone away and closed his eyes


The next morning they woke up and had breakfast at Kuroo's house before leaving

Kuroo, Shou, Bokuto and Kazuto as usual biked to their school while Oikawa and Iwaizumi went back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium first

"Hey, hey, hey! what's with Kurooo today? " Bokuto asked as he looked at Kuroo who had an annoyed expression on his face

"I don't know, but I'm tired.." Shou yawned

"Yeah, I don't even remembered what happened yesterday, but I think we slept pretty early right?" Kazuto asked

"-ut the fuċk up.."

"Huh what was that?" the three of them asked in union

SHUT THE FUCK UP" Kuroo shouted in annoyance as he increased his speed

"Yeah, maybe he texted Atsoko till 3 yesterday and I dunno something happened between them or something" Shou shrugged as he try to catch up to Kuroo

"Ugh.. Kazuuto who do we go against today? " Bokuto asked

"Ummm maybe... Uhhh dunno but we'll definitely be going against Nekoma in the final" Kazuto answered

"Ooh if the school we're going against next ain't that good I'll try that sharp cross shot" Bokuto said excitedly

"Do whatever you want" Kazuto sighed


Kuroo and Shou arrived at Nekoma and waited for the team and coaches before going on the bus and headed back towards the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium

After arriving they got off the bus and walked into the main arena

"It's a lot more crowded today..." Kuroo said as he looked around the arena

"It's the semi-final and final today, no shit it's gonna be crowded.." Yaku said

"I think I can even see high-school volleyball players in the audience" Shou commented

"Alright guys" Katsuki caught the attention of the Nekoma team, "Today we are going to take revenge.... Today is the day we put our names in the history book, today is the day we become Champion! got it?"

"YES CAPTAIN!" the team shouted

"Good now let's go..." Katsuki instructed as he walked to the court 1

The captain of Nekoma and Shiratorizawa both met each other in front of the ref after the warm up to do a coin flip which ended with Shiratorizawa getting the serve

"This is the real battle, we're not gonna lose" Rei said as he held out his hand

"Make sure you go all out or you would lose pretty badly" Katsuki smiled as he took the handshake

"We'll you beat you for real this time, just you watch..." Rei smiled as he turn and walked back to his team

After the Nekoma got ready, they huddled up to do their usual routine

Katsuki looked at each players in the eyes and said his speech, "We're like the blood in our vein, we must flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and your mind working!"

"Alright!!" the team shouted before stepping onto the court

When Shou got into his position he was called by Ushijima, "Shou..."

"What is it?" Shou asked

"Tell me honestly, how much of your full potential would it take for you just to beat me?.." Ushijima asked with a serious face

"...." Shou stayed silence for a few seconds before answering, "40% maximum at your best condition, if you manage to get into the zone...maybe at most around 46-51%"

"As I thought... the gap is that big...." Ushijima muttered as he clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and fell into a deep thought

A few moments later Ushijima relaxed and said, "I swear... One day I'm going to make you use 100% of your potential .."

At this, Shou smiled and said, "Kazuto is the only player who is able to get me to use 100%, so it would be nice for another one to show up.."

"I'll do it, I'll earn the right to stand next to you guys myself ..." Ushijima said as a vicious smile appeared on his face

'Ushijima... It seems he is going be way stronger than himself in the canon from the looks of it' Shou thought as the corner of his lip slowly curled up

"And when you finally stand next to us, let's show the world what volleyball truly is..." Shou said with a vicious smile of his own

"Yeah!..." Ushijima said as he got into his position

'Man.....these kids are scary.... Should I retire a little bit later?.... I can't retire without seeing these young talents in their prime... And if I decided to do that I should get that weak ȧss motherfucker Keishin to help out with the coaching..... ' Ukai thought as he looked at the two players who's looking at each other with a vicious smile

"fufufu very interesting indeed..." Nekomata watched the scene with a smile on his face

Rei got the ball and threw it up, he approached it slowly, jumped up and performed a jump floater

The ball flew and dropped as soon as it crossed the net in front of Shou

"Oh so this was your plan, targeting our lil first year Ace huh?..." Katsuki muttered as a smile slowly formed on his face

Shou reacted and ran up to recieve the ball perfectly and quickly back off

"But.... That's kind of stupid if you think about it..."

Hisoka jumped up and absorb the ball, before he extend his hand towards the direction of Kaneki

The middle blocker of Shiratorizawa immediately move to try and block him but to his surprise he saw Kaneki in the air, but there was no ball

The ball flew through the air and towards the direction of Shou, who did his approach, kicked off the ground before flying high up..

"... remember he is a monster among monster.... He is a monarch... nobody can defy him... " Katsuki smiled as he look at his white haired junior in the air

Shou got up into the air and flew completely past two man block in front of him as he twist and pulled his body back

When the ball was in the perfect position, he twisted his body and smashed the ball down with all his might and snap his wrist as it was about to leave his hand

The ball flew at a steep angle and landed just behind the blocker before bouncing high back into the air again earning the first point for Nekoma

"Jezus that was real disgusting" Rei said as he looked at the place where the ball landed

"..." Shou landed back down and stared at Rei for a moment before smirking and opening his mouth, "I know right.."

"....this motherfuc-.."

Kaneki got the ball next and served right into the corner, the libero immediately moved and recieved the ball to Hajime

Hajime jumped up and absorbed the ball before setting it to Ushijima

Ushijima did his approach, kicked the grpind and flew up and met with a two man block consisted of Katsuki and Shou

'..... I can't break through, I have to go for a cross here' Ushijima thought as he brings his hand up to smash the ball

"....32%..." Shou said in a volume that was loud enough for Ushijima to hear as he slide his hand above the net

"..... !!!Shit!!!" Ushijima muttered as he saw Shou's arm move to the the position he was going to spike to, but it was too late

Ushijima smashed the ball with his full strength, the ball flew for a millisecond before hitting a pair of arms and flying back down to the ground at high speed

"tch.. damn it.." Ushijima muttered as he looked at where the ball landed

On the other hand Shou was just smirking as he thought, 'Yes that right, feel despair and failure and turn that into hope and success'

The match continued with Shou completely dominating and shutting down the Shiratorizawa team, causing them to feel despair, the score was now 20-11 in favors of the Nekoma team

"Fuck... I guess I underestimated him..." Rei sighed

"30%....32%...31...35...32..34.....38...39...32%.." the number that came out of Shou mouth for the entire game rung in Ushijima's mind

Ushijima closed his eyes as he inhaled and exhaled to calm himself down, as a smile suddenly crawled its way onto his face, 'I know its impossible to beat him, he's not even using 40% of his potential... But why do I not feel despair? and Instead why do I feel alive?!?.... "

"Oh?" Shou muttered in surprised as he noticed a change in Ushijima

"I'll make it to 40....then I'll make it to 50..." Ushijima said as he stepped near the court and stopped in front of Shou

"Shou... I'll make you use 50% right here right now.. " Ushijima said with a vicious smile as the noise of electricity crackling fill the gym, the pressure that he was releasing got more suffocating, and dark green electricity began leaking out of his eyes

"Then make me show 50% of my potential yourself" Shou smiled

"Man, I'm jealous, he must be feeling real good right now.." Kuroo commented as he remember how it felt when getting into the zone

Rei the ball next and performed a jump serve right into the corner

Yaku immediately dived and managed to save it, "Sorry it's a bit long", he shouted

'tch damn it...that Kazuto would've been able to save it beautifully to the setter' Yaku thought as he stood up

Hisoka tossed the ball to Shou, who went, did his approach, jumped up and met with Ushijima

".... 43%..." Shou said as he twisted his back to the right and back and smashed the ball right through Ushijima's arm before landing behind him

'Tch... Damn that hurt..... But I can't stop.... ' Ushijima thought as he landed back down

"Wakatoshi, don't push yourself!!" Hajime said with concern

"Senpai... If I don't push myself I wouldn't be able to catch up to him and the gap would continue to widen..." Ushijima said with determination in his eyes


"Hajime just let the kid do his thing, and he's right we can't face a monster if we don't become a monster ourselves" Rei interupted

"But-.... Ahh do what ever you want!!" Hajime shouted as he got back into his position

The match continued on with the numerous exchange of Ushijima and Shou, with Ushijima on the losing end of course

However, although not many noticed, Ushijima is actually slowly to surely getting faster, his reflex is continuing to get faster and even his technique is much more smoother

And at last when the score was 24-13 in the second set with Nekoma winning, Ushijima finally heard it

"... 52%...." Shou said with a smile as he jump and raised his hands up and shuted down Ushijima with a monster block

"haaahaha god fuċkɨnġ damn it...." Ushijima said with a wry laugh as he landed back down and collapsed

"He fell asleep.." Rei said as he siged

"Wakatoshi you idiot I told you not to push yourself!!" Hajime shouted as he picked up Ushijima with the help of Rei

"But... Maybe it was for the better.

.. Maybe now Shiratorizawa will have a new and reliable Ace" Rei smiled as he thought about the future of Shiratorizawa

"Huuu that kid... Although he's not as strong as you, I've gotta admit he is pretty talented..." Katsuki said as he walked with Shou back to the bench

"Yeh he'll be much stronger in the future..."

And with that Nekoma advance to the final, Fukurodani also finished their match and the two team who was going to fight for the throne in the final was now decided

'Let's show the world what volleyball truly looks like...' Shou and Kazuto thought as their suffocating pressure leaked out..

As of today... A new legend shall be born...


[A/n: huuuu yoo author here, you're prolly is used to this but sorry for the slow update, but I'm tryna keep with school rn and it seems I am doing well so far, so thats a good thing :/, I'm still NOT dropping this, so just keep that in mind. And btw I dunno if it's just me but, why does this chapter really feel like an anime? Anyways,

Thank you for your patience

And Goodnight ❤️]

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