Haikyuu: The Monarch

Chapter 15 - National Tournament (2)

The two team got into their position and was ready to face off against each other

Shou was looking at the Inarizaki team until he make eye contact with Ojiro Aran one of the top 5 ace Haikyuu

Aran looked at the white haired player for a few second before asking, "Hey, do you happen to know Atsumu and Osamu?"

"Yeah, I do" Shou answered

"Ohh so it was you, I saw you in the training camp but didn't know who you were until Atsumu told me" Aran suddenly said which cause Shou to give him a confused face

"What do you mean?" Shou asked

"After telling him that we were most likely going to play with Nekoma in the second round, Atsumu kept on telling me that there is hella good player with white hair named Asata Shou in Nekoma" Aran said

"Oh, that's why, anyways whats your name?"

"Ojiro Aran, lets have a good game" Aran said as he held out his hand under the net

"Alright" Shou said as he took the handshake

Makoto got the ball, threw it up and performed a jump floater, Yaku immediately shuffled his leg, moved to the position of the ball and recieved it

Hisoka immediately jumped and set the ball to Kaneki

Kaneki did his approach, jumped up and met with a two-man block, he calmly analyze the situation and hit the ball to the side of the blocker's hand

The ball hit the blocker's hand and bounce away to the side and hit the ground earning the first point for Nekoma

"Nice block out Kaneki!" Katsuki said with a smile as he smacked Kaneki's back

Hisoka got the ball and walked his position and it was then that it started

*Dun... Dun... Dun... Dun Dun Dun Dun*


The Inarizaki began their drumming and their boo-ing. as the rythm got faster, the expression of the Nekoma team got grim, especially Hisoka who was serving

Hisoka threw it up and did his approach and jumped up



"Tch" Hisoka clicked his tongue as he smashed the ball awkwardly, in which caused the ball fly right into the net

"Sorry I let their cheer squad got to me" Hisoka apologize as he walked back to his position

"Tch, this is what I was worried about, these fuċkers who intervene with the game" Shou cursed as he stepped up and looked at the Inarizaki Team

"Hey.." Shou said which caught the attention of the Inarizaki team, and with a fake ȧss smile he said, "I'm really sorry, but your cheer squad is fuċkɨnġ pissing me off so I had no choice"

"Wha-" *crackle crackle*

It was then that the lightning crackling sounded out across the gym, and Shou's suffocating pressure began to ooze out and covered the entire gym

And silver with a mix of gold electricity began to leak out of Shou's eyes

"Fuck me...." Makoto muttered as he felt the chills going down his spine, he turned to the direction of his team cheer captain and flashed a middle finger and shouted, "AND FUCK YOU!" which he only got a confused expression of the cheer captain back in return

"T-this...." Aran muttered as he looked at the white haired player with his eyes widen to the limit

[Nekoma's bench]

"Such pressure.... Is this really a first year?!?" Nekomata questioned

"That's it! That's the state that my Ace was in!" Ukai said as he pointed at Shou

With vicious smile, Ikeda said, "Don't get so surprise yet coaches, the real show is about to begin kekekek"

[In the audience area]

Shiratorizawa team was sitting and watching the match between Inarizaki and Nekoma

"What can't they not understand about not pissing off the little first year Ace of Nekoma?!? It's a fuċkɨnġ unwritten rule at this point!! " Rei cursed in annoyance

"..." Ushijima was looking at Shou as he was lost in thought, 'If I coud enter the Zone , will I be able to go against him equally?', then suddenly the match in the training camp where Kuroo and Bokuto who managed to enter the zone appeared in his mind

'No... Thats an impossible feat for me... Even when those 2 entered the Zone they still couldn't defeat Kazuto and Shou in their normal state...'

Ushijima lip suddenly curled up as his heartbeat got faster, 'but... I'll do it even if it take me years and years, I'll train and train until I can't continue anymore'

"If it means I can stand equally next to those monsters, I'll do it...." Ushijima muttered,

it was at that moment that something in Ushijima changed for the first time that would help him surpass his future self in the original

In another area Oikawa, Iwaizumi and the Miya twins was watching the game

"Aran-san and his team is so fuċkėd..." Atsumu said which earned a nod from everyone

"Tsum-chan" Oikawa said which caught the attention of Atsumu

"What is it?"

"What do you think it means to be perfect setter?" Oikawa asked

"Um.... Well... There's nothing better than a set that is easy to hit, so in my opinion, if a spiker can not hit my set when it's good, they just sucks, so it really depends on the spiker for the most part" Atsumu answered

'His mentality as a setter is completely different from mine' Oikawa thought

"Why did you asked that?" Atsumu suddenly questioned

"Well just curious" Oikawa respond with a smile

And also in another area a boy around 13 - 14 years old with wavy black hair and two moles on the right side of his forehead was watching the game between Inarizaki and Nekoma, this was of course one of the top 3 aces in the original Sakusa Kiyoomi who was invited by Kazuto to come and watch

"Here I could already spot some monsters, but those two..." it was then that the figures of Shou and Kazuto flashed in Sakusa's mind, "They are monsters among monsters.."

Sakusa closed his eyes a thought for a while before making up his mind, 'I can't just continue like this, I'll get left behind, I have to train harder... "

Sakusa clenched his fist as he muttered, "and I'll get to the top and stand next to those true monsters..."

In another area a purple haired girl wearing the jacket of Niiyama Middle School Volleyball Team was watching the boys' volleyball games

When she felt Shou's suffocating pressure, she smiled as he muttered, "Ara Ara it seems my cute little Shou is causing trouble again~"

She turned on her phone and opened a message which wrote:

[From, God

Hey, Yeah I'm really sorry I miscalculated my probability so that's the reason why you can't see them or touch them, I'm still charging my probability, I predict that it would be done in ???, soo you gotta wait until that time, anyways good luck my child

Sincerely, your beloved God]

It was then that tick marks began to appear on her face as she swore in her mind, 'That motherfucking Pedo guy, when I die again he's so fuċkɨnġ dead.... Huu okay calm down, let's see, so till ??? Huh? It's not really that late sooo.... I'll go there.... Do that,.... That....that and..... Alright let's do that..'

"it'll be a little surprise" Kyoko said with an smile

[Court 4: Fukurodani Middle School vs Kiyoshi Middle School]

"Damn.... already?...." Kazuto muttered as he looked at Shou, after a while he smiled and shrugged, "I mean I don't blame you, I would've done the same thing"

(A/n: If you were wondering why I'm making this volleyball anime/manga looking like some dragon ball naruto type shit, well it's just that I don't know if it's just me, but everytime I play a volleyball game it just feels like an actual battle so yeah :/.)

[Court 2: Nekoma vs Inarizaki]

The match continued with Aran serve, Yaku recieved it to Hisoka who moved, jumped as set the ball to Shou

Shou analyze the set

, then he did his approach, kicked off the ground and flew up and met with a three-man block who was determined to block him

"Your resolves are weak..." Shou muttered as he smashed the ball through one of the blockers arm

The ball broke through the blockers arm and landed in front of Aran earning a point for Nekoma

Kaneki got the ball next and served it over, the ball was recieved by the libero to the setter, who setted the ball Inarizaki's Ace, Ikuji

"Kuro.." Shou called out


"Watch and learn..." Shou said as he shuffled his feet and jumped up with perfect timing

Ikuji analyzed the situation and it was then when he was about to smash the ball he heard the noise of lightning crackling and then a pair of arms came into view

'Wha- no I can't spike there, my instinct are telling me not to.... But it's too late tch god damn it!' Ikuji cursed in his mind as he smashed the ball with all his might

The ball flew for about a millisecond before hitting a pair of arms which didn't even budge, before flying straight down back to the Inarizaki's court

Shou landed back down and went back to his position


"Jeez that was brutal" Kuroo said with a wry smile

Shou continued his onslaught as he kept on shutting down Inarizaki's offense and bombarding them with deadly serves and spikes which won them the first set

The cheer squad also started to give up as they saw that they couldn't affect Shou in anyway

The score was now 24-15 in favour of

Tatsuo served the ball over, Aran recieved it Inarizaki's setter who set the ball to Ikuji

"Huuu, timing....." Kuroo shuffled his feet towards the direction of Ikuji

'And... Jump!' Kuroo said in mind as he jumped up for a commit block

When Ikuji was in the air, he decided to go for a straight, but it was then that a figure and an arm appeared and loomed over him

Ikuji who saw this was surprise for a bit before deciding to change his straight to a cross court

When Ikuji was about to smash the ball, Kuroo immediately moved his arms to the left and stopped and harden fingers

'huh?!? " Ikuji unconsciously muttered in surprise as he smash the ball

The ball left his hand for a millisecond before hitting Kuroo's hand and flying straight back down

*beep beep*

The ref blew his whistle and signal that Nekoma got the point and also won the game

"NICE BLOCK KURO-CHAN" Katsuki shouted as he ran into the court with the rest of the team

"Man that felt good" Kuroo said as he looked at his hand in amazement

"Finally you understood you damn rooster head, your Atsoko would be proud" Shou said with a smile as he exit the zone and put his hand on Kuroo's shoulder for support

"Call the gang I'll treat you guys some ramen today" Kuroo said as he supported Shou out of the court

Sarukawa managed to defeat Itachiyama in the 2nd round and was about to play against Nekoma

In this game Shou was subbed out, but that didn't stop Nekoma from completely dominating in that match

Kuroo in the match was getting better and better as he was continuously blocking the spikers of Sarukawa

although, Sarukawa was a team that focus on sheer defense and determination, they still couldn't go against Nekoma

And in the end Nekoma won with a set point 2-0 and the first day of the National Tournament had ended

Shou turned on his phone and texted the gang to meet up in front of the entrance of the gymnasium


They all gathered together and followed Kuroo who led them to Ramen Ichiraku

"Teuchi-san we made it into the semi-final!" Kuroo said with a smile as he entered the shop

"Ah congratulations!...ehh... what's with Oikawa? he seems a little down today" Teuchi asked as he pointed at Oikawa

"Oh don't mind him he's just salty cause he didn't make it in the qualifier tournament" Kuroo said as he sat down

"Who said I was salty huh?!?" Oikawa said in annoyance as he sat down next to Kuroo

"Ay get yer ȧss outta here! that seat is for Atsoko to sit next Kuro! " Shou said as he picked Oikawa up and threw him at Iwaizumi

"whaa Sho-chan you don't have sympathy for your friend here who didn't make it into the National?" Oikawa said while fake-crying

"Teuchi-san 10 bowls please! Kuroo and I are paying!" Shou called out before looking at Oikawa and saying, "The Ramen is my sympathy for you"

"Really?!? YAHOOO!" Oikawa cheered as he sat down on his seat properly

Teuchi smiled at the scene as he opened his mouth, "Coming right up!"

"Ughhh.." Bokuto ġrȯȧnėd as he sat down and put his head on the table

"What with him? he's been like that since this afternoon" Atsoko said as she sat next to Kuroo

"AHHHHH I don't....know.....anymore in the training camp when I was in the zone or whatever, I remember I hit a hella sharp line shot, but I don't know how I did that anymore haizzz" Bokuto sighed in frustration

"just leave him, huuuu I swear we need a first year next that has the ability to control him, I'm tired as shit" Kazuto said as he sat next to Shou put his head on the table as well

"Oi Kuro, didn't you say you had a friend that you think can be a good setter? is he joining Nekoma next year?" Shou asked

"Ahh Kenma, well I don't know to be honest, he got sharp observational skill but he's not really that interested in volleyball and I'm not sure if he would join Nekoma next year" Kuroo answered

After hearing the two Oikawa and Atsumu immediately stood up as they said in union , "So, he's a setter.... What's his name? How good is he? Where does he live? Does he know that bungee gum possess the property of rubber and gum?"

"Tsumu just sit down and wait for the food" Osamu said with a tired tone

"You guys sound stupid" Iwaizumi commented

"Very stupid..." Ushijima added with the still stoic expression

It was then that Kuroo stood up and said, "And your next line is: What did you say?!? Who's the stupid one here ya lil shit"

"What did you say?!? Who's the stupid one here ya lil shi- *Gasp* NANI?!? " Atsumu and Oikawa both looked at Kuroo with their eyes widen

"Alright I'm tired now" Kuroo sighed as he drop back down on his seat

"I told you stop doing that Tetsu, you sound stupid " Atsoko said as she smacked Kuroo's head

"I'm sorry, Atso-neesan" Kuroo apologized while making a cat face

'Man this is cringee' Shou thought as he looked around to find something to distract himself and it was then that he found Kazuto smiling to himself while looking at his phone

"Oya oya?" Shou muttered to himself as he moved his head to get a better view

When he does, he saw that Kazuto was texting someone named "Yukiiiie"

"Oya oya oya? Kazu-san are you making some money move right now?!?" Shou whispered to Kazuto with a smirk, which caused him to turn off his phone and hide it with a red face

"Jeez that scared the shit out of me" Kazuto whispered back after a while Kazuto continued, "Yoo she's teasing me what should I do?"

"Ummm... Tease her back" Shou answered

Kazuto decided to take the advice and sent a message, after while he got a message back

"..." after a moment of silence, Kazuto opened his mouth, "Well shit.... That worked.."

"Man I'm pissed, I gonna throw some hands when I meet that pedo god guy again, haven't seen my Kyo-chan for 14 motherfucking years" Shou said in an annoyed tone

"I mean at least you don't have to put any effort into asking her out when you meet her again right?" Kazuto shrugged

"Yeah I guess, I don't know maybe she would be angry because I didn't tell her how I feel before dying..."

" yeah anyways, I met little Kageyama a few days ago when I was in Miyagi" Kazuto changed the topic


"Yeah I gave him some motivational speech before leaving"

"Oh shit I did the same to Hinata a few weeks back, now let's just hope they become just a little stronger now" Shou said


After a while the ramens came out and the group began to eat vigorously

"Kyahh I can't get enough of this" Oikawa said with a smile which earned a nod from everyone

After they finished their ramens they parted way and went back to their home

Atsumu and Osamu went back to Hyogo, Ushijima went back to Miyagi and Bokuto, Kazuto, Shou, Oikawa and Iwaizumi decided to crash at Kuroo's place

"Fuck...." Kuroo cursed when he think about how much of a bettlefield his room is going to look like after the sleepover


[Huuu another chapter, I know I said I got through the first term works and now it's holiday but I really need sleep man, but I promise I won't drop this ff

Anyways thats all

Good night ❤️]

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